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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Jillybiehn
    Horrors, Sue! Let's see what Jilly can do to remedy:

    There, that's a start.

    glad to see it! another busy weekend, niece spent night, still recovering from cold

    and its sunday one more day to recover before beginning back to work and we spring forward and door to door is on at 4:00 a.m. monday morning on tnt!


    Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


      Originally posted by Seshat
      I wonder if Daniel ever has days like this...
      ROFL! Now that could be...... inconvinient
      *happy sigh* ahhh, it's great to be home! Ya think the new poor wee server staggered a bit under the massive weight of nearly 7000 GW-ers flocking to their beloved homeland??

      Sue! (((((Sue)))) How awful! You know what THIS means don't you? You'll have to be extra diligent and go looking and searching and scrupulously inspecting ALL the delish Danny photos...... in the entire thread... *faints at prospect of the Dannyness of it all*


        Yessssssssss the forum is back up! Yee haw!

        Just in time too....just got back from a karate tournament in Ellensburg that I had been looking forward to for weeks. Got 10 seconds into my fight and my opponent socked me a good one in the jaw (illegal by the way, you can kick but not punch to the face). The left side of my face immediately swelled to golf ball sized proportions, the EMT's immediately were called over insisted I got to the hospital in the frackin ambulance to have x-rays taken. Luckily nothing broken just severe tissue damage.

        But I got VICODAN! So post away! Wheeee....before I fall asleep cause man does this stuff make me tired...

        So I am off to bed...wish me luck in my healing's gonna suck tomorrow and it's already starting to show off some brilliant colors. Cross my fingers that it's fade in time for the 2 weeks!

        "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

        The Universe is Mad


          Originally posted by Sue_Jackson
          Please, help me. Something terrible has happened. We just had power-outtage where I live, and I forgot to shut off the computer before power went out. I lost ALL my pics and images of Daniel/Michael Shanks.
          Please......I need Daniel Jackson and Michael Shanks thunk pics more than ever. This Shanksadelic Hussie needs a good Michael Shanks fix.
          Aww Sue...what a nightmare!...big hugs and hopefully these piccies will help..

          Dee Dee xx
          Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
          MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


            Quick rescue mission....Daniel nearly at bottom of page 1....

            Jack and Daniel save the day!....

            Dee Dee xx
            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


              hey ladies,

              I just realized the forum is back all I can say is thank god, boy thunk withdrawl is not a pretty thing.

              My girls are sure glad mum has finally had a fix.


                *shakily posts piccie while coming off withdrawal*

                Welcome back, everyone!
                Love the new siggies Seshat & Dee Dee
                (I'd rep ya both, but evidently I've been stingy and need to spread it around...)
                Hope the Jaw feels better soon, EA!


                  WB Ang....server seems less shaky today....I blame the badgers myself!...

                  Well kitchen is now an empty shell waiting to be painted, papered and filled with lovely new wood cupboards and shiny new appliances!....will be living off take out, cook chill and salad for the next couple of weeks and washing up god knows where!.....I will be in need of much thunking to help me through the chaos....

                  Ahhh...if only the workmen looked like this!

                  Dee Dee xx
                  Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                  MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                    Originally posted by Sue_Jackson
                    I lost ALL my pics and images of Daniel/Michael Shanks.
                    Oh Sue! (((Sue))) My computer recently ate a buncha my piccies but I had all the best ones uploaded to webspace, so I could get them back. This is so sad for you.

                    Lemme help...


                      Daniel's trying to figure out the "server too busy" crap... Where's Sam when you need her?


                        Originally posted by discodiva
                        WB Ang....server seems less shaky today....I blame the badgers myself!...
                        Don't be blaming my poor badgers!
                        Granted, they're a bit mischevious, and certainly deceptive,
                        but never as evil to shake the server...

                        Other things, maybe....but not the server.

                        Never the less, I've sent Daniel to look over your kitchen estimate...


                          Originally posted by wirthless

                          Never the less, I've sent Daniel to look over your kitchen estimate...
                          Well he can come round and measure up any time!...

                          Dee Dee xx
                          Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                          MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                            Originally posted by meimei
                            Daniel's trying to figure out the "server too busy" crap... Where's Sam when you need her?
                            Daniel doesn't like all these "server too busy" messages.
                            And you know what happens when Daniel becomes unhappy...



                                Ses!!! I have learned never to take your piccies at face value. Always look at the details! Of course, I do get distracted by the man in the middle but I love it!

