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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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      No Headgear


      Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


        Originally posted by sg-daniel

        aaah thanks! sooo nice!
        One more quick thunk and I'm out of here again....
        (running all day )

        crosseyed Daniel LOL



          mmmm hairy arms!

          got to go!


            Originally posted by cindyz
            at the crack of dawn, my phone was work of course...wanting me to come in! didn't return the call and have turned the ringer off! not working today...working at home!
            Damn...that was my mistake then...I answered the phone and now I have to go to work tomorrow and it was meant to be my day off!! Hi cindy...long time no's the family?
            Anyway...I believe it's headgear's my contribution for the night....Night all - can't stay on late tonight coz I gotta work 2moro.
            Happy headgear Tuesday!!!

            Dang...he's gorgeous!!
            Oh yeah and before I go...Congrats to all of you with milestones...I didn't get a chance to go through all the posts since yesterday - 17 pages worth!! WooHoo!!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Loopy, feel free to snurch anything I post, how do you think I got it in the first place?? you might try doing an image search on the name using various search engines , works for me sometimes lol

              *sigh* I have such limited time most of the time on the net that spend more time lurking and looking (and drooling) than posting, but it's all good

              I'm bad about not stayin in the daily theme so to avoid the trout, here's one of my favorite smiles
              I have no suit or sweater pics yet but I'm working on it
              thanks, I lost internet connection yesterday (it happens to me sometimes) and lost some photobucket pictures

              Today is supposed to be headgear theme I think?
              this is from the pilot

              “it makes an interesting hula hoop” Mr Shanks’ opinion of the gate January 2004


                now I've lost the page I started with
                does anyone know how to return to the exact post you replied to?
                I'm going to have to write down post number in future

                “it makes an interesting hula hoop” Mr Shanks’ opinion of the gate January 2004


                  Good morning, Pond! Doing a bit of catching up here...

                  Originally posted by fishyone
                  *has only a few minutes to splash in pond*

                  I have had absolutely zero creativity this weekend... I read a lot, which tends to be something I do when I am uncreative... It takes my mind off of what I cannot do: Write. Interestingly, one of the books I read was called
                  Oh Danny Boy.

                  Hey, welcome back!! I've missed you here!

                  Danny Boy, though... that's good

                  Sweetie says "Hi", and ... oh, I'll just let him tell you himself...

                  JessMDC: Hi fishyone. How is MPCC... or Petit Diable... or whatever he's calling himself these days?


                    Originally posted by fishyone
                    Okay, then...

                    Congratulations on 2200, Gatemage!

                    A Hussy Story: Gatemage

                    Standard disclaimers apply, not mine, etc...

                    (Spoiler Space for those who haven't seen season 9)

                    Shots flew over Daniel’s head as he rushed towards the DHD, stopping to dial Earth. But then a light shimmered around the DHD and it disappeared. Stunned, Daniel stared at where the DHD should have been. He couldn’t believe what had just happened.

                    Suddenly, he caught sight of a young woman standing in the fields. The wind bent the grass around her, but she seemed unaware of the firefight around her. Instead, she seemed fascinated by his expression, smiling when he frowned in confusion.

                    “Uh, can I help you?” Daniel asked, but his voice was drowned out in the next hail of gunfire.

                    She didn’t move, just smiled again. Daniel stared at her. Who was she and what was she doing here? What was he going to do? He turned back to yell at Mitchell and Sam that the DHD was missing, but he stopped and looked back at the girl. Did she have something to do with this?

                    She waved at him. He blinked, and she smiled again. He shook his head and turned back to the others. Mitchell was firing at their pursuers. “Jackson, dial the gate!”

                    “Ah, yeah, we’ve got a little problem,” Daniel told them. He looked back at where the DHD should be. The girl was still watching him.

                    “Jackson!” Mitchell called again. Daniel looked over at him and shrugged. What was he supposed to do? The DHD was gone. And when he looked back, so was the mysterious girl.

                    That was a great story!


                      Originally posted by fishyone
                      *looks at the time*

                      Okay, I haven't gotten a chance to catch up since I was last on... Very busy hussies this weekend
                      (and I haven't been on since Thursday...) So...

                      Congratulations on all the milestones. I hope anyone who is having a bad time (for whatever reason) feels better. Oh, and if anyone new has joined the pond... Welcome!

                      Okay... That sounds insincere to me... But I really do mean it... I've just got to go now...

                      Didn't sound insincere to me at all. I hope that you come back here soon. Always enjoy your posts and stories (and pics!).


                        Originally posted by cute_az_can_be
                        Aww... poor Danny is just speechless there! Hee hee


                          Originally posted by Maj_Cliffhanger
                          Good evening! Hmm.... quiet.

                          Sounds like a good time to post. I did up three more of by SG-1 Favorite moment banners/sigs - and they fit with the multi-thunk theme (though I'll have to sneak the Jack on in on my own sig rotation - grin!)

                          That's great, Maj_C! LOL... I loved that moment from Point of No Return. Daniel's "that's a duck, isn't it?" always cracks me up


                            *giggle* I just finished capping that episode last weekend. Whenever I see that pic, it makes me think of Star Wars.

                            Narim: Help me, Major Samantha Carter. You are my only hope.

                            ... yeah, cheesy, I know!


                              Originally posted by hastiekido
                              I'm to late for the party, aren't I?
                              Bummer I always miss all the fun

                              Well I'll have a little party off my own then.....

                              Love your "party" pic, Hastie!

                              long hair and boonie for you!


                                Originally posted by hastiekido
                                I like the bandana, but I'm a reall sucker for the boonie...
                                Yep I'm a boonie girl who loves the boonie boy!

                                the best you can get:
                                boonie, long hair,and FINGERS!

                                ( can't say it often be those fingers...sigh...)
                                Count me in!

                                I like your bandaniel drawing, too!

