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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by mazzmatazz
    Great, Deeds, make my day even worse and don't send me the pants *grumble* *hopes it rains on your washing or something* Jus' kidding!

    Wish it would darn well bits of me sticking to things I didn't know could stick .....

    How's about the Dancing Pants of Power for you? .....even though it's blue eyes Friday....

    Dee Dee xx
    Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
    MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


      Tell me about it, are we the only part of the UK not having a thunderstorm?

      It'd be nice to do this right now:
      read into that what you will


        Originally posted by meimei
        Daniel is still not understanding the "wabbit" weferences...
        Alright! You asked for it!


        You wook wike a wabbit in that pic Daniel!
        Elmer Fudd, man! "Be bewy, bewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits."
        Why does he never pay attention. Sheesh.

        Thanks for the bunny-snurch Meimei!
        And for mentioning the wabbit thing again so that I could annoy everyone with it for my 400th post.

        ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


          Originally posted by mazzmatazz
          Tell me about it, are we the only part of the UK not having a thunderstorm?
          Not sure...but I'm jolly glad I decided not to go to Glastonbury this year....I think me and my tent would be floating away by now!...

          *sits back imagining herself sitting in the shade at a small cafe drinking chilled Chablis with Daniel*..

          *In reality goes to put bottle of Tesco extra dry in fridge for later on tonight whilst watching Big Brother*..

          Dee Dee xx
          Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
          MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


            Originally posted by meimei
            Our local weatherman is taking bets on how many days over 90 we'll have this summer... It's already been several and he's guessing at around 40 days from July through August... Typical Arkansas forecast - HHH. Hazy, hot and humid...


            Even Daniel thinks that doesn't sound like fun!
            I know. We get HHH here too. Crazy lakes! I live in Wisconsin, (at the moment - Grrr!) and last year we only had 1 day of over 90. Who knows about this year. The thing that kills me is the darn humidity though. It gets a little tough on the ol' asthma. Not to mention, humidity makes me feel grubby, stinky, dirty, and well...
            Daniel can show you.

            *wants to add more about being 'you know what' with 'you know who'
            but knows she'll get wacked by the PG Paddle*

            ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


              Well, I'm in sorry old Ohio, and it's just cold here!

              OH MY HOLY CRAP! I was just about to die from laughing with the rabbit references. AHAHA! that rocks my world! It made my day just absolutely wonderful!

              step through the gate of sam/jack shippiness!!!
              my rantings and ravings

              Share the love!


                Originally posted by mazzmatazz
                Actually, it's not so bad. I have made my peace with the person that got it, and aired some grievances with a senior member of staff who will accompany me to the meeting I shall have with my manager when he returns on Monday. They better start appreciating me fast or else I find something better to do with my skills. *Why can't there be a job where you can photoshop silly stargate pics all day? You know what I mean, Seshat *
                Good to see that you're getting things under control. Best of luck with everything.

                More BlueEyes?
                Yeah, dumb question, I know.

                *sigh* There's a good reason why this one gets posted so much. *thunk*

                ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                  First things first:
                  Welcome Back Ang!!!
                  We missed you muchly.

                  And now, my requisite Blue Eyes Friday piccie:


                    Originally posted by dannyluver
                    Well, I'm in sorry old Ohio, and it's just cold here!

                    OH MY HOLY CRAP! I was just about to die from laughing with the rabbit references. AHAHA! that rocks my world! It made my day just absolutely wonderful!
                    Yech. You poor thing. Cold is way worse that hot and humid. I'm know Meimei and I would love to send some of the heat and humidity your way.

                    Wabbits. Hmmm... I believe I have to take the blame for the wabbit thing. Gatehorse innocently posted the pic and I just ran away with it.
                    I have a strange sense of humor that isn't often appreciated.
                    So I'm glad I made you laugh.

                    Have to post another BlueEyes Pic.

                    The lost innocent expression on his face just get me all woogly inside.
                    And I think I just discovered a new body part to faun over. Chin.

                    ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                      Originally posted by mazzmatazz
                      Actually, it's not so bad. I have made my peace with the person that got it, and aired some grievances with a senior member of staff who will accompany me to the meeting I shall have with my manager when he returns on Monday. They better start appreciating me fast or else I find something better to do with my skills. *Why can't there be a job where you can photoshop silly stargate pics all day? You know what I mean, Seshat *
                      Glad to hear that you've made some progress with the job struggles, Mazz!!
                      I say, "Smite them!! Smite them all!!!" (but maybe that's just me)

                      Oh, and the answer to your question is, "Well, there is! It's called 'owning your own business'".
                      (But that comes with its own set of headaches...)

                      This always makes me feel melty.

                      Thank you Dana_Jeanne!! *mwa*


                        Originally posted by erinanderson

                        Welcome back! Hope all is well, I missed you and your bunny slippers!

                        Unfortunately your Danny clone didn't take to well to your absence (sorry I think Mei Mei got to him)....

                        Dagnabbit....*sighs* Oh well, I think I still have some Bite B Gone laying around here somewhere. Should patch him right up.

                        Thanks to all for your warm Welcome Backs!!
                        The process of moving, and finding an ISP became more of a task than
                        I had anticipated. (Dial up. Sheesh. I suppose I should be thankful I have electricity! )
                        Aside from a continuing series of unfortunate events, things seem on the upswing now.

                        *hopes no one discovers that she was actually scouting out prospective PE locations*
                        ...because it's all about pants, right?


                          Originally posted by Seshat
                          This always makes me feel melty.

                          Thank you Dana_Jeanne!! *mwa*


                          (I actually think I am going to melt soon.....thought we were in for a humdinger of a storm a few mins ago...but it passed us by.... ) for a cool shower instead....

                          Not so much blue eyes but "The Look"...*sighs*...

                          Dee Dee xx
                          Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                          MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                            Originally posted by mazzmatazz
                            And thanks for all the wishes ladies but it was in vain. Full, rant is linked to from Shadow's Sulky Thread, to save me typing it out several times. It's very profane, since I am currently swinging between these two moods.


                            (((Mazz))) I'm sorry Mazz, it's prolly my fault for wishing you peanut butter. It screwed up your mindset for the interview.


                              BLUE EYES!!


                                HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY, KERRI!

                                Sorry I missed it, my headache had other ideas.

                                And a pic to fit your request AND the theme for today:

