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    Originally posted by ShardsofGlass
    ...The only thing that is giving me hope is the new credits, which do feature Mitchell more than anyone else. Fran seemed pleased with them, and seemed to hope they might mean that Mitchell will be more in the forefront. Man, I hope she's right.
    While I have heard that there is more Mitchell in the second half of the season, I wouldn't rely on the "new" credits for that information. They are only "new" to us. These credits were created before the season started and it is only because of the SciFi channel's interference that we haven't seen them. Since the "new" credits were also intended for the first half of the season, and we know how little Mitchell we saw then, I wouldn't hold any hope that they are a barometer for the future.


      Actually, Chillinthemost, I don't think they were created before the season started. JM said kind of recently that he got to see a final cut of the credits. I don't think they bothered to make the long credits until they needed to. However, that said, you have an excellent point about the credits not being indicative of the storylines at all. Sigh.


        I don't think that Scifi made the longer opening credits until us fans complained about them, IMO.


          Then I stand corrected...

          ...and my reputation for being one of the least-informed people about the workings of television remains intact.

          I really need to start getting these memos. Or reading them.

          Nah, I'll just keep making up crap as I go along...



            My favorite thread was barely hanging onto the bottom of page TWO!!!

            So, for discussion:
            There has been talk about Amanda/Samantha spiltting time between Stargate and Atlantis next season. We all know Daniel wants to go to Atlantis. Is there any role for Mitchell to fill in Atlantis? What would his impact be?

            I think Mitchell is looking forward to the exploring and discovering that is done with SG-1 and he would be bored at Atlantis because I think his role would be defense [guarding in case the Wraith attack].

            Okay, it's not much of a discussion topic, but... c'mon, BOTTOM OF PAGE TWO!?!?!?!


              This is what GW had to say about it.



                Originally posted by ChillinTheMost

                My favorite thread was barely hanging onto the bottom of page TWO!!!

                So, for discussion:
                There has been talk about Amanda/Samantha spiltting time between Stargate and Atlantis next season. We all know Daniel wants to go to Atlantis. Is there any role for Mitchell to fill in Atlantis? What would his impact be?

                I think Mitchell is looking forward to the exploring and discovering that is done with SG-1 and he would be bored at Atlantis because I think his role would be defense [guarding in case the Wraith attack].

                Okay, it's not much of a discussion topic, but... c'mon, BOTTOM OF PAGE TWO!?!?!?!
                I know... we need the new eppy's...

                Atlantis probably wouldn't suit makes sense for Daniel for obvious reasons and for Sam, although Rodney and the other one really do have the Science area covered.

                However, Mitchell seems to be a keen adventurer as you say... he wants to get out and experience those cultures... He's been in a defending position before and his dream was to be on a close contact, exploration team. I can't see him having any impact on Atlantis as the military command is amply covered by Shepherd, Lorne, with a warrior expert in Dex. However, on the Stargate team, he has ample room to grow and use his skills, which regardless of what some say, are obviously of a quality for his rank and position to have that commission placed on him. He can make more of an impact in defense of Earth on the Stargate side than Atlantis IMO.


                  JM did say there would also be crossover from Atlantis to SG-1. Kinda looking like an intergalactic foreign exchange program. You send me one of yours, I'll send you one of mine. He also mentioned that Mitchell and Sheppard know each other, although they have not discussed a real back story for that relationship, yet. Focusing on the "yet", what kind of relationship do you think those two guys might end up with, if they actually get around to creating one and supposing that Shep gets to come play in Mitchell's backyard? They both have a sense of playfullness to them, could be fun.


                    On another front, there has been some mention that they might go a bit darker with Daniel in season 10. Someone on another forum was speculating that we could end up with Mitchell sort of having to save Daniel the same way that Daniel had to save Jack. A sort of role reversal. They kind of liked the possibility of that dynamic between Mitchell and Daniel, and actually I kind of like it too. Any thoughts?


                      Excellent question posed by ShardsofGlass over at the Ask Joe thread:

                      Originally posted by ShardsofGlass
                      Joe, you said:

                      "We're not looking at any character-specific stories early in Season Ten. And we're not looking at any major character-driven season arcs -- at present."

                      You also said:
                      "As I mentioned in my previous blog entry, the occasionally bespectacled one takes a trip far, far away in episode 3. ... Episode 8 is going to be the Vala story I pitched (which came to me after a carafe of sake last Friday night) and we'll be getting around to breaking that one tomorrow."

                      Are you saying that no one but Daniel and Vala get their own eps or arcs? I guess I want to know -- do you have anything planned for Mitchell at all?
                      Guess we will have to wait and see:

                      a. If he actually answers the question and doesn't skip over it.
                      b. If he gives an answer that is not a tap dance routine.
                      c. If that answer is depressing or not.

                      I really hope that season 10 does not turn into "The Boys at Bridge Behaving Badly part II". Or otherwise known as "New and Improved Ways of Wallpapering Mitchell and Screwing Over Ben Browder."
                      Last edited by Dream-a-Little; 02 December 2005, 04:17 AM.


                        Originally posted by Dream-a-Little
                        Excellent question posed by ShardsofGlass over at the Ask Joe thread:

                        Guess we will have to wait and see:

                        a. If he actually answers the question and doesn't skip over it.
                        b. If he gives an answer that is not a tap dance routine.
                        c. If that answer is depressing or not.

                        I really hope that season 10 does not turn into "The Boys at Bridge Behaving Badly part II". Or otherwise known as "New and Improved Ways of Wallpapering Mitchell and Screwing Over Ben Browder."
                        Oh, it's definitely a 'wait and see' but I really don't see that Ben's going to be wallpapered... no point paying the lad's salary if that's all you're going to do. I honestly don't believe that he'd want to be continuing if they weren't going to utilise his abilities. I truly feel that the Boys at Bridge have been so careful in their introduction of him that viewers are unnecessarily worried. I still see the back half of this season as getting to know a lot more about Mitchell. The spoilers and episode synopsis seem to point to this.

                        I took Joe's comments to mean that the whole team would be used rather than intensive character-arcs. Gradually learning about the characters within the team situation and developing over the season with more standalone character studies somewhat similar to Collateral Damage, The Powers that Be etc. Maybe I'm being truly optimistic but I hope to see something like this.


                          Originally posted by Dream-a-Little
                          JM did say there would also be crossover from Atlantis to SG-1. Kinda looking like an intergalactic foreign exchange program. You send me one of yours, I'll send you one of mine. He also mentioned that Mitchell and Sheppard know each other, although they have not discussed a real back story for that relationship, yet. Focusing on the "yet", what kind of relationship do you think those two guys might end up with, if they actually get around to creating one and supposing that Shep gets to come play in Mitchell's backyard? They both have a sense of playfullness to them, could be fun.
                          Hmmm, I hadn't heard that Mitchell and Sheppard knew each other [or I forgot that fact]. Not that it's that unlikely, but for him to have mentioned it, it must come into play this season, right? Or was it a general, "everybody sort of knows everybody else" kind of thing. If you mention a direct relationship between two people, it has to be mentioned sometime during the show, right?
                          But then, with the while "double-leadership that will never be mentioned or alluded to onscreen" thing looming over our heads, who am I kidding?


                            I spend so much time going back and forth over the "Will they use Ben/Mitchell enough/correctly?" issue that I think I should just take the wait-and-see stance and stop driving myself crazy. I'm hopeful, though.


                              Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                              I spend so much time going back and forth over the "Will they use Ben/Mitchell enough/correctly?" issue that I think I should just take the wait-and-see stance and stop driving myself crazy. I'm hopeful, though.
                              You are not alone Chilling, I scan all the spoilers looking for a sign of Ben and get very discouraged when I don't see enough. Of course unless he was promiently featured in every ep it won't be enough. Must try and think like Kas but it is very hard
                              LONG LOST TWIN SISTER OF PURPLE


                                Originally posted by Kas
                                I took Joe's comments to mean that the whole team would be used rather than intensive character-arcs. Gradually learning about the characters within the team situation and developing over the season with more standalone character studies somewhat similar to Collateral Damage, The Powers that Be etc. Maybe I'm being truly optimistic but I hope to see something like this.
                                That's probably the approach that would make fans of all the characters and the show in general happy, including me. I think the problem wasn't in his first remark, but that he turns around and contradicts himself. If his answers had been consistant, then I would be fine with that. But they're not consistant.

                                Their inability to write for both Mitchell and Vala at the same time as evidenced in early season nine, is also probably what is making me even more uncomfortable with season 10. I like Vala, it's just these writers either don't want to or aren't able to multi task very well. (Take your pick as to whether it is because of not wanting to or lack of ability.) If she wasn't coming back full time, I probably wouldn't even be looking ahead that far. I'd just sit back and see how the rest of the season plays out and go from there.

                                It also wouldn't be the first time that they have concentrated on one character to the harm of the others. In early years it was about the team, in later years it has been more about whoever is the fair haired child of the moment. And to bad for you if you aren't it this year. So there is kind of a precident here.

                                So lack of character development, plus lack of significant time or interaction with existing characters, plus bumbling producer, plus no new episodes to contradict any of the aforementioned, equals pissed off venting audience member. Here is hoping that with the rest of the season they give us something more positive and interesting to discuss instead of the fact that they aren't giving us anything positive and interesting to discuss. I really do want to put my happy face back on!

