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Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post
    Yeah, I am almost through it...

    It does appear that Cameron is just a tad bit bitter about something

    And, he seemed a tad bit upset that Daniel even asked about who the father of Vala's children were.
    Is Daniel doubting his manhood?!


      Originally posted by Vale_Sg1 View Post
      Is Daniel doubting his manhood?!
      Well it was

      Cameron she was shacked up with as man and wife.

      So, maybe he has reason to doubt it. But then I always thought Danny had reason to doubt it.


        Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post
        Well it was

        Cameron she was shacked up with as man and wife.

        So, maybe he has reason to doubt it. But then I always thought Danny had reason to doubt it.
        lol, I'm getting kind of confused with all these spoilers...

        The book was shipped today, but apparently something's up with the British postal service and it could take a while longer for it to get here. Some of the items I've ordered from that site were actually shipped from Switzerland and Germany, so I hope this will be the case, too.

        I can't wait to get my shipper hands on the book *fidgets*


          Heehee... yes I read the spoilers of stuff that I haven't gotten to read yet (I'm very bad that way ).. but I do have to wonder

          Why Daniel would be asking who the father of Vala's children were. I wouldn't blame Cam for being sort of upset at all... And I wonder if any D/V shippers think that Daniel is being jealous by asking (not that I mean any offense toward them of course)


            Originally posted by JessM View Post
            Love the pics and caps, guys

            Glad to hear it Kate Sucks about your hard drive though... I really hate when that happens. Did you get to back up any of your fics and whatnot before this happened? If not I hope it won't be too hard getting that stuff back.

            It just arrived yesterday. I'll be spending the weekend reading it, that's for sure! Will let you know when I'm all done
            Nope, no fics backed up and barely any piccies... will have to find out if a friend can recover any of the old data,...


              Aw that stinks I hope they can help you... I know we had a problem like that here at work a few years back. Hard drive crashed on desktop and we thought we lost all our data, but I found a program which I believe is called "Get Data Back" and it helped retrieve everything we'd lost. Then we just backed it up on an external hard drive.


                I had a friend call the repair place in Burnaby (I'm now working at the same chain of stores that I bought my laptop from and so happens that my father worked for the lady that runs this one. I know most of these people so there's been no awkward newbie stage... She asked if I'd heard about the laptop and gave them a holler to find out what was going on...) and they said that they'd tried to retrieve data but the hard drive was toast. We asked them to send the old one back so we could try and I don't know if they did. Find out in a couple of days, but for now I'm glad that it's on it's way back. This way I can watch BSG *drools* and type at the same Plus it's way more comfy than this darn chair....


                  Well I'm glad that it'll be coming back to you soon. I do hope that they will be able to do something about retrieving the data. I think the way we did it was we had to go to this site for the program and it would retrieve it there. I thought all our data was toast too... it was almost a miracle that we'd gotten it all back, lol


                    Vale, I ordered mine from a UK website and it arrived a week later from Georgia. I don't know, I don't understand.

                    But stop reading spoilers....
                    Unless you want to, in which case, read away.

                    I am such a spoiler hound.


                      Originally posted by JessM View Post
                      Heehee... yes I read the spoilers of stuff that I haven't gotten to read yet (I'm very bad that way ).. but I do have to wonder

                      Why Daniel would be asking who the father of Vala's children were. I wouldn't blame Cam for being sort of upset at all...

                      I want to say so much but will wait till you have read it all.

                      And I wonder if any D/V shippers think that Daniel is being jealous by asking (not that I mean any offense toward them of course)

                      I bet they did, which is their choice,
                      and I mean no offense to them either but it's not how I see it,
                      Last edited by SciFiFan; 09 October 2007, 11:51 PM.


                        After finishing the book,

                        I got the impression that Cam was the daddy, even though it wasn't specifically mentioned. It was hinted at though several times.


                          Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post
                          Vale, I ordered mine from a UK website and it arrived a week later from Georgia. I don't know, I don't understand.

                          But stop reading spoilers....
                          Unless you want to, in which case, read away.

                          I am such a spoiler hound.
                          E-commerce sites that ship internationally (at least the bigger ones) have warehouses scattered across the world, an aussie friend of mine ordered an SG1 boxset from an American site and the parcel came from Hong Kong.

                          I can't really stay away from spoilers, but with a book it's more difficult to put the spoilers I've read in chronological order, thus the confusion.


                            It still probably would have been cheaper to order it from Amazon, LOLOL.


                              Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post
                              It still probably would have been cheaper to order it from Amazon, LOLOL.
                              If you live in the US, it probably is. Shipping to Italy is a real bi*ch, and we can't even benefit of the 'free shipping' deal for $25 + orders.


                                Wow, that sucks.

