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I loved the shuttle too, I wonder if it kinda makes up for the line at the beginning where Daniel and Jack say that all we have is shuttles. Sort of like, although they're *only* shuttles they save our lives and shows how useful completely human technology can be
Yes I agree- great point, Aveo!
I think as time goes by the team becomes more aware that there's a lot to be said for our primitive tech. Next up- projectile-based weaponry!
After all, it's how they use it that's important. Like the grenade scene with Bra'tac. Sometimes just blowing stuff up is the most effective thing to do. (That scene with Jack and Bra'tac kind of reminded me of that scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indiana Jones brings his gun to a knife fight. )
Also, what kind of a woman squees over a space shuttle? Evidently, the kind that watch Stargate!
I'm gonna jump in on the fangurling and squeeing over shuttles. I just wish I could see one take off or land before they go the way of the dinosaur...
Working on ITLOD now. Stupid me forgot to save what I had done last night. Bah... be back soon.
In the half hour since I've been home, it's gone from partially cloudy to almost pitch black and beginning to get very windy... may be a bit longer if this ends up as a storm....
I'm jumping the gun here, since the summary of In the Line of Duty hasn't been posted yet, but I'm so excited that I'm actually watching the episode on time!
Here we see more than SG1 on the scene. Daniel even yelled "Medic!" That was cool!
The first thing that struck me (on the rewatch) was that why didn't Teal'c pick up that Sam had a symbiote? It's not that it's an infant, but a fully mature goa'uld. Later in the show tptb use the idea that with the naquada in the system Cassie can sense the symbiote in Sam. Doesn't Teal'c have naquada in his system? Maybe not on thinking of it, since the symbiote didn't die in him. But can't he sense the symbiotes too later in the series?
I love how Janet swabs the throat, but even with a possible throat infection she will be cleared to go off world? What are the medical protoccols here?
Now I'm not too sure on Air Force protoccols, but in the Navy, we were not allowed to leave base in our coveralls. Sam leaves the mountain and heads over the hospital in what looks like coveralls--is it a type of flight suit? Can anyone comment on this?
Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction
I think that whole notion of sensing the goa'uld falls by the wayside later on. Kind of like how they "forget" that three shots with a zat makes a body disappear. But Teal'c isn't actually blended with his symbiote- does that make a difference?
Here's more NASA fangirling while Toomi's hard at work and Amy's watching:
On a different trip to KSC we ate lunch with Don Peterson, shuttle astronaut:
He looked about fifty at the time- but then I did the math and figured out he was over 70! The right stuff, indeed! I mean, I know he's aged a little less than everyone else because he's been in space, but not more than a few seconds- it looked like a few decades less!
Fave Quote: When Teal'c tells Jack that it's not his friend, and Jack responds with how do you do that?
Fave Scene: The scenes with Jack and Cassie. When he goes to the hospital and comforts her, and when she's sitting on his knee at the SGC. I like the fact that they brought Cassie back for an episode and that they show the bond that Jack has with her. I like how it shows how Jack is with kids, makes the death of Charlie seem much more poignant (if that's the right word...)
We open on a planet under attack and SG-1 and other teams are helping the inhabitants escape. Sam stops to help a man downed by the attack and Jack runs by her with a child telling her it can't wait. He goes back to pull her out of there but in the meantime in the attempt to save the man, something jumps from his mouth into Sam's. We see her eyes glow and when Jack goes to her she's disoriented but comes out of it and Jack drags/runs with her back to the gate. Once at the SGC Jack asks Carter if she's ok and she affirms.
During the de-briefing Daniel and Jack discuss with Hammond as to how or why the Goa'uld knew they were there so quickly, while Sam looks on with a stony look. She bluntly states that perhaps Teal'c doesn't know anything as he was just a Jaffa. Daniel and Jack immediatly turn to face her and Sam explains what she meant in a more 'Sam like' way. After, Jack reminds Sam she hasn't been checked out by Janet and she says she's heading and gives him a slap/punch on the shoulder.
Janet notices something in Sam's throat and takes a sample, while informing Sam that Cassie has been asking about her.
On the USAF hospital.
They've taken the refugees to a hospital on the surface. Now I'm assuming this is because there's no room at the SGC for all of the injured? How would they do that? Only take those that are too injured to talk coherantly? These people would be terrified and curious about where they were and asking questions or talking about their homeworld. How would they keep the SGC a secret or would the entire hospital be in the know?
Sam goes to see Cassie and when they hug Cassie relises something is wrong. Janet calls Jack down to talk to a badly frightened Cassie. Cassie tells Jack that Sam is a Goa'uld. Sam seems quite irritated and snaps at Daniel and Teal'c to hurry up. Jack meets her in the gateroom and stabs her with what looks like an epipen? Janet comments it's enough to bring down an elephant and Sam turns into a Goa'uld with the funky voice.
Jack talks to Sam and when she collapses he grabs the grenade from her hands and puts the pin back in.
Janet brings up the fact that Cassie still has Naquadda in her blood with may have helped her sense the Goa'uld. Janet states that if a Goa'uld can get into a human without physical marks they would have to give everyone an MRI or ultrasound.
Daniel wonders what they're going to do about Sam and Jack barely holds onto his temper. Daniel brings up Kawalsky and how removing the Goa'uld wasn't successful but Jack almost refuses to hear what he's saying.
Teal'c finds Jack sitting in the locker room, alone. Teal'c offers Jack some advice, making the Goa'uld seem foolish, use their arrogance against them. Teal'c reminds Jack that when he speaks to Sam, not to see his friend. Jack wonders how he can do that.
Daniel speaks to the wife of the man where the Goa'uld came from. He tells her he lost his wife to the Goa'uld. She tells him that her husband had a scar on his neck but it was from months ago which doesn't sit right with Daniel. A Goa'uld playing husband and not doing evil/nasty things to the people in the village.
The Goa'uld in Sam asks to be released, saying they will find a new host and send Sam back to them. Jack doesn't believe it. It tries to convince Jack that it is not a threat and could have had plenty of opportunity to kill those on the base but didn't. Jack goes to leave and we hear Sam's voice calling to him, calling him Jack, telling him that the Goa'uld is speaking the truth.
Here's what's bugged me since I've seen this episode... Was that really Sam or the Goa'uld trying to manipulate Jack? I always thought it was the Goa'uld and if that was the case, it's using Sam's memories/feelings/thoughts to help it. It calls Jack, Jack, not Colonel which is what I would expect if it was Sam. In other words, Sam doesn't think 'Colonel' in her head. She thinks 'Jack'. Anyone else?
Teal'c tries to talk to it. It tells Teal'c of the Tok'ra and introduces itself as Jolinar.
At the hospital Janet figures out what has happened to their doctor and goes racing to find the missing patient. The SGC is informed and Jack goes to talk to Jolinar who tells them of the Ashrak. He's an assasin there to kill Jolinar.
When Daniel goes to see Carter he seems very uncomfortable, as though he would not want to be there with her. He's there to find out of Jolinar knows what the Ashrak looks like. Jolinar then tells Daniel that she can get Sha're back to him.
Daniel finds out that the Tok'ra don't take unwilling hosts, they find someone willing, or someone that will die without their healing abilities.
The Ashrak makes it into the SGC and begins to attack Jolinar/Sam as Jack pieces together what has happened. He makes it to the holding cell and finds two guards dead and goes to Sam despite the airman telling him she was dead. She's taken to the infirmary while Jack and Teal'c follow. Jack looks like he wipes away a tear? Or am I imagining things...
Daniel recognizes the airman as the doctor and the Ashrak reacts, taking Daniel hostage in front of the gate.
Janet notes that the Goa'uld seems to be dying and when the security alert goes off, Jack stays in the infirmary after indicating Teal'c to go answer the security alert. The Ashrak is killed by Teal'c and the Goa'uld in Sam dies.
When she awakes, Jack tells Sam that she won, she responds that it wasn't her. Sam tells Jack that the Goa'uld gave it's life for her, it saved her. Jack looks at her with something akin to disbelief.
The end of the episode shows Cassie on Jack's knee with Janet close by and Daniel explaining that the Goa'uld is gone and Sam is back. Cassie goes in to see Sam who is facing the wall, awake. Cassie climbs on the bed and Sam turns to her with tear filled eyes.
I find this episode quite shippy but it's not blatant (at least for me) and I like the introduction of the Tok'ra.
Some other episode stuff: Teal'c shoots the Ashrak holding Daniel with the zat and Daniel goes down. The Ashrak staggers before Teal'c shoots him again, killing him. Daniel isn't unconscious from the single zat blast but staggers to his feet. I find this to be quite inconsistent. Sometimes the zat knocks people out for several minutes, sometimes it only stuns them (as with Daniel here). Do you think it's a tolerence issue? Or was it in this specific case because the lone zat blast was shared between two people? If that is the case, would a single zat blast cause someone who was petite to go out cold for quite a while, while someone who was larger/taller would be able to 'resist' the blast?
With Cassie being able to detect the Goa'uld: Janet ponders that it's a connection with Naquadda in Cassie that maybe helps her detect it. We find out later that it's the Naquadda in the blood that allows certain people to use Goa'uld technology. Wouldn't Teal'c have that in his blood? (I can't remember if we see him use anything that only he can use...) Or is it because he isn't 'blended' with the symbiote? Also doesn't TEal'c state in a later episode that he can sense other Goa'uld/symbiotes with his own symbiote?
Implications for Sam and Jack: Perhaps I see this differently than others, but I see quite a bit of 'movement' going from co-workers to closer than friends at this point. I don't think it's intentional by anymeans or intended by either than more than just a friend concerned about a friend, but it comes across as a little more. They've all gotten much closer as a team (I still haven't watched the last few eps yet...) and we can see that when each of them react to the way Sam is acting. Jack notices something in the gateroom as they arrive back on Earth, but lets it go. When he goes to speak to the Goa'uld and Teal'c comes to talk to him, he's sitting alone in the locker room. I'm going with the probability it was a push by TPTB to show Carter's locker then Jack sitting alone, but there are plenty of other places on the base Jack could sit in silence and think. In front of Carter's locker in a room where others come and go doesn't seem like it's the place to sit and think in peace and quiet.
When the airman/Ashrak tells Jack that the prisonner is dead, he checks anyway and finds her alive. He moves her head and then it looks as though he caresses her forehead slighly after telling Teal'c to get a medical team. When they get Sam to the infirmary, it looks like Jack wipes a tear away. He could be sad for a friend, but have we seen him react that way before? When the alarms go off, instead of leaving to go to the situation like he usually does, he stays in the infirmary, indicating Teal'c to go.
As I said, I don't think it's a conscious thing for either of them yet, but I think that this is an important step to that point. I think both of them are reacting on a basic level, doing what they feel they should be (more so in Jack's case). He seems to be showing he cares a lot for Sam, without realising what he's doing.
I think Amanda Tapping did an exceptional job in this show. I really can see the difference in her arrogant stand in the cell as Jolinar and then her scene on the gurney where she tells Jack that the goauld gave its life for her.
At the end, this time, I didn't get the feeling Sam would be "okay" as Cassandra said she would be. She looked so depressed, even though she was no longer catatonic (sp?).
After rewatching this, I'm convinced more than ever it was Jolinar yelling for Jack in the cell. When she finished yelling, it just seems more to me that Jolinar looked so disgusted it didn't work to get Jack to let her out. It was such a fade, that I don't think Jolinar gave control to Sam.
Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction
I think Amanda Tapping did an exceptional job in this show. I really can see the difference in her arrogant stand in the cell as Jolinar and then her scene on the gurney where she tells Jack that the goauld gave its life for her.
At the end, this time, I didn't get the feeling Sam would be "okay" as Cassandra said she would be. She looked so depressed, even though she was no longer catatonic (sp?).
After rewatching this, I'm convinced more than ever it was Jolinar yelling for Jack in the cell. When she finished yelling, it just seems more to me that Jolinar looked so disgusted it didn't work to get Jack to let her out. It was such a fade, that I don't think Jolinar gave control to Sam.
Thanks *if I had a blushing smilie, it would be here...*
I'm glad that she got a good episode so early in this season to stretch her wings and show a taste of what she's capable of.
I forgot to put my thoughts about Sam at the end. When we see her she's facing away from everyone, and I can only assume it's been a while since the Goa'uld died and she's had some time to recover before Cassie arrives. By this point we've seen Daniel visit her, Jack and Teal'c probalby would have earlier, and she's facing the wall quite pointedly letting everyone know she's not up for talking. Is that why they brought Cassie in? To try and get someone to talk to her? I'm assuming she's upset about Jolinar but I'm curious as to how much she knows about Jolinar. She would have been conscious to what was going on around her, but not able to take control of her body. As Jolinar didn't do a full blend with Sam, would Sam know anything of what Jolinar is or how she thinks? We find out later that some information was passed along, unaware to Sam. Would Sam fully understand Jolinar's sacrifice?
Do we ever see Sam that closed off or depressed again? I can't remember.
Thanks *if I had a blushing smilie, it would be here...*
Do we ever see Sam that closed off or depressed again? I can't remember.
Paradise Lost? Sam in the locker room crying about Jack being missing and into Teal'c's shoulder. I don't know if it qualifies as bad, but that is what immediately shot to mind. And how about Heroes?
Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction
They've taken the refugees to a hospital on the surface. Now I'm assuming this is because there's no room at the SGC for all of the injured? How would they do that? Only take those that are too injured to talk coherantly? These people would be terrified and curious about where they were and asking questions or talking about their homeworld. How would they keep the SGC a secret or would the entire hospital be in the know?
I think definitely every USAF person in Colorado Springs is in the know. Maybe quite a bit of the entire Air FOrce. There are just too many personnel involved with this and they've got to get the SG teams from somewhere, which means approaching quite a few people who are combat-ready, and not just high-level administrators.
Jack meets her in the gateroom and stabs her with what looks like an epipen?
Yes, an epipen looks like this- the general term is "autoinjector" but it can be filled with a variety of medications-
in this case it's probably ativan, a fast-acting sedative. She does get the epinephrine later when she goes into cardiac arrest, though. I thought the resuscitation was pretty accurate except Dr. Frasier ordered her shocked before her EKG flatlined! But, I loved the way Janet jumped up on the gurney to do chest compressions. Very realistic.
Daniel wonders what they're going to do about Sam and Jack barely holds onto his temper. Daniel brings up Kawalsky and how removing the Goa'uld wasn't successful but Jack almost refuses to hear what he's saying.
Does anyone else think Daniel was being particularly clueless here? It's almost as if he's forgotten about the fact that Sam is a close friend, but I guess he is more prone to looking at the big picture almost to the exclusion of everything else.
Also, when he sees Jolinar, she asks why it's taken him so long to come and see her. Is that because she thinks he's up to something, or does she really want to know, as if Sam would have been sad or upset by his delay?
She's taken to the infirmary while Jack and Teal'c follow. Jack looks like he wipes away a tear? Or am I imagining things...
He definitely does. And sniffles, too. Poor Jack! I've heard people say RDA got teary-eyed because his foot got run over by the gurney, but it doesn't matter. If they didn't want that moment in there, they wouldn't have left it.
Jack stays in the infirmary after indicating Teal'c to go answer the security alert.
This to me is one of the strongest signs that Jack cares quite a bit about what happens to Sam. They've got a killer running around and a security alert and he doesn't go. That's very unlike him.
Or was it in this specific case because the lone zat blast was shared between two people? If that is the case, would a single zat blast cause someone who was petite to go out cold for quite a while, while someone who was larger/taller would be able to 'resist' the blast?
I think it's the sharing thing- also, it seems to me that Teal'c was aiming at the Ashrak so he'd get the strongest jolt, I think.
Implications for Sam and Jack: spoilers for space
<snip for space>When he goes to speak to the Goa'uld and Teal'c comes to talk to him, he's sitting alone in the locker room. I'm going with the probability it was a push by TPTB to show Carter's locker then Jack sitting alone, but there are plenty of other places on the base Jack could sit in silence and think. In front of Carter's locker in a room where others come and go doesn't seem like it's the place to sit and think in peace and quiet.
When the airman/Ashrak tells Jack that the prisonner is dead, he checks anyway and finds her alive. He moves her head and then it looks as though he caresses her forehead slighly after telling Teal'c to get a medical team. When they get Sam to the infirmary, it looks like Jack wipes a tear away. He could be sad for a friend, but have we seen him react that way before? When the alarms go off, instead of leaving to go to the situation like he usually does, he stays in the infirmary, indicating Teal'c to go.
As I said, I don't think it's a conscious thing for either of them yet, but I think that this is an important step to that point. I think both of them are reacting on a basic level, doing what they feel they should be (more so in Jack's case). He seems to be showing he cares a lot for Sam, without realising what he's doing.
I went into this episode remembering that it wasn't very shippy, but I find myself agreeing with all of what you wrote here. There's a lot of behavior on both their parts (including Jolinar calling "Jack") that we haven't seen before. Looking back in comparison to later eps, it seems like them, but up until now it really isn't. That's the value of watching these in order!
As Jolinar didn't do a full blend with Sam, would Sam know anything of what Jolinar is or how she thinks? We find out later that some information was passed along, unaware to Sam. Would Sam fully understand Jolinar's sacrifice?
Do we ever see Sam that closed off or depressed again? I can't remember.
Excellent summary Toomi!
At the end, this time, I didn't get the feeling Sam would be "okay" as Cassandra said she would be. She looked so depressed, even though she was no longer catatonic (sp?).
She's darned near catatonic though, and Daniel implies she'd been that way for possibly days. She's really, really depressed. I don't think we ever see her or anyone else like this again. That's what struck me about this. I do think Sam knows what Jolinar was trying to do, how she felt, what she did for Sam. I'm sure she might even feel her life wasn't worth it compared to Jolinar.
After rewatching this, I'm convinced more than ever it was Jolinar yelling for Jack in the cell. When she finished yelling, it just seems more to me that Jolinar looked so disgusted it didn't work to get Jack to let her out. It was such a fade, that I don't think Jolinar gave control to Sam.
I agree, it was Jolinar. But she knew what was going on inside Sam's mind. I could never see Sam calling him "Jack" at this point. But, she's thinking it and furthermore, Jolinar knows it'll get to him. How does she know that? Does Sam have some kind of subconscious awareness about Jack's own feelings toward her? By the time of D&C she seems to be perfectly aware of how he feels about her.
I was really wowed over when Jack was so adamant that they would get the goauld out of Sam despite what happened to Kawalsky and they wouldn't be informing the NID. It was one of those fist pumping moments-You go Jack!
I really loved Jack's expressions in the infirmary. I thought it was so interesting how the camera kept going in for closeups on his face for his reactions to what was happening to Sam. Deliberate shippyness???
edit: Anyone notice how I'm not grading that stack of essays?
Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction
I was really wowed over when Jack was so adamant that they would get the goauld out of Sam despite what happened to Kawalsky and they wouldn't be informing the NID. It was one of those fist pumping moments-You go Jack!
I really loved Jack's expressions in the infirmary. I thought it was so interesting how the camera kept going in for closeups on his face for his reactions to what was happening to Sam. Deliberate shippyness???
Yep. Deliberate shippyness. Also, they were sitting together in the briefing room again. Last season had a statistically significant S/J seating arrangement. I'm starting over with this season.
edit: Anyone notice how I'm not grading that stack of essays?
Does anyone else think Daniel was being particularly clueless here? It's almost as if he's forgotten about the fact that Sam is a close friend, but I guess he is more prone to looking at the big picture almost to the exclusion of everything else.
Also, when he sees Jolinar, she asks why it's taken him so long to come and see her. Is that because she thinks he's up to something, or does she really want to know, as if Sam would have been sad or upset by his delay?
There was an episode in season 1 where Daniel went similarly clueless. I don't remember what it was, but he focused on the scientific/cultural gains instead of who it was hurting. I think Jack reminded him that that wasn't the point...
I think that Jolinar wanted to know as Sam was upset. Sam was still able to see, hear and get emotional even though she couldn't show it. Sam would've been upset or maybe even angry that Daniel didn't come to visit. Jolinar is able to get into Sam's head enough to know how to yell at Jack, to know what is normal on the base etc, would she be able to read Sam's thoughts as they're happening to Sam? If Sam was curious or wondering what had happened to Daniel, would Jolinar ask to pacify Sam? Or was it to show Daniel that Sam still existed inside of her own skin. Jolinar states she knows where Sha're is. A bluff or reliable intelligence from the Tok'ra? Is Jolinar just trying to find some ground with Daniel and try making a deal with the one person who would listen and take the time to argue back?
He definitely does. And sniffles, too. Poor Jack! I've heard people say RDA got teary-eyed because his foot got run over by the gurney, but it doesn't matter. If they didn't want that moment in there, they wouldn't have left it.
lol. That shouldn't be funny but it is... However, if poor RDA's toe was the cause, would they have included it in the final ep? They could have cut that bit, or reshot it.
This to me is one of the strongest signs that Jack cares quite a bit about what happens to Sam. They've got a killer running around and a security alert and he doesn't go. That's very unlike him.
Teal'c sort of looks at Jack, almost as though he's ready and waiting to tear out of the infirmary hot on Jack's heels. Jack is the bases 2IC or is that fanon? I know he is later, so I always just assumed he was from the get go. If that was the case, would Hammond be inquiring as to why his 2IC didn't respond to a security alert?
She's darned near catatonic though, and Daniel implies she'd been that way for possibly days. She's really, really depressed. I don't think we ever see her or anyone else like this again. That's what struck me about this. I do think Sam knows what Jolinar was trying to do, how she felt, what she did for Sam. I'm sure she might even feel her life wasn't worth it compared to Jolinar.
I agree, it was Jolinar. But she knew what was going on inside Sam's mind. I could never see Sam calling him "Jack" at this point. But, she's thinking it and furthermore, Jolinar knows it'll get to him. How does she know that? Does Sam have some kind of subconscious awareness about Jack's own feelings toward her? By the time of D&C she seems to be perfectly aware of how he feels about her.
I'm putting this under spoilers as isn't there someone that hasn't seen the rest of SG-1?
When the Tok'ra blend, they don't take control all the time like the Goa'uld. It's a truer symbiotic relationship. Don't they also, like the Goa'uld, pass on all memories of previous hosts, and their own memories? However, didn't Jolinar not completely blend with Sam hence in the later episodes when they go to Netu, Martouf has to use a memory recall device to access Jolinar's memories from Sam. Or did Jolinar blend completely, take complete control of the host but blocked her mind from Sam so Jolinar could get off world, take a new host and Sam could go back home non the wiser? Sam doesn't get Jolinar's memories, just enough to get them through the episodes where they need that info, and if that were the case, Sam couldn't be upset/depressed at the end by what Jolinar had to do in regards to what it meant for the Tok'ra.
I'm going to guess that Sam felt Jolinars feelings/emotions and I don't think those could have been blocked or were as when Sam meets Martouf she doesn't remember why, but feels an emotion towards him. Sam would have felt Jolinar's anger and frustration at not being able to leave the SGC, and the emotions involved with sacrificing oneself so another can live.
All that babbling... I'm not sure why Sam is depressed but the one thing that won't seem to leave me alone is the thought that Sam was hurt or angry that she got taken as a host by a Goa'uld/Tok'ra. The Tau'ri don't really know about the Tok'ra, what they've been doing for thousands of years or if they're legitimate and I don't know if Sam would have the answers to those. The only experience with hosts that the SGC has is with Kawalsky a year previous and that turned out badly, with Kawalsky seemingly recovering from surgery but the Goa'uld still in him. What kind of testing would Sam have had to endure? What about chemical imbalances in her body from the Tok'ra dying? That and the fact that having something else, something that essentially is your enemy, invade your body, your private thoughts and feelings, take control and you can't do a thing about it, would really do a number on your emotional and mental well being. She watched as her team treated her differently, like she wasn't even there. She scared a child, someone she considered adopting (?), and doesn't know if any of those relationships could be repaired.
I also think, as I'm typing this, is that Jolinar invaded her mind and used information she has on her teammates to try and sway them into allowing her to leave. Jolinar called out Jack, does Sam feel slightly embarrassed? Jolinar insulted Teal'c and reminded Daniel cruelly that his wife was beyond his reach. All Sam could do was listen, and now she's got those thoughts in her head. Sam would have been trained in what to do if she was captured and tortured to tell information. But this is a completely defenseless way of getting that information, something that the only other person who could sympatize with her is dead. Perhaps she feels like a failiure as well that she 'allowed' something like this to happen, she let something take control of her mind and body, she put the base, her friends and co workers in a very precarious situation which could have been much much worse if it was a Goa'uld intent on galactic domination inside of her.
The Goa'uld in Sam asks to be released, saying they will find a new host and send Sam back to them. Jack doesn't believe it. It tries to convince Jack that it is not a threat and could have had plenty of opportunity to kill those on the base but didn't. Jack goes to leave and we hear Sam's voice calling to him, calling him Jack, telling him that the Goa'uld is speaking the truth.
Here's what's bugged me since I've seen this episode... Was that really Sam or the Goa'uld trying to manipulate Jack? I always thought it was the Goa'uld and if that was the case, it's using Sam's memories/feelings/thoughts to help it. It calls Jack, Jack, not Colonel which is what I would expect if it was Sam. In other words, Sam doesn't think 'Colonel' in her head. She thinks 'Jack'. Anyone else?
It looks like I'm alone on this, but I've always thought that it was Sam who called out to Jack as he was leaving. What makes me believe that is AT doing the 'Tok'ra head-bob' and the moment of confusion on her face just before she starts calling out to Jack. And then after he leaves, you can see AT's face hardening from Sam's despair at being left alone to Jolinar's disappointment at Jack not letting her go.
As for Sam saying 'Jack' rather than 'Colonel', my take is that as soon as Jolinar jumped into Sam, she asserted full physical control over the body, but only superficially blended with Sam's memories in order to trick the others. So to me, Sam's literally been yelling in her head for hours for anybody to hear her, and after all that time she's probably reached the point where ranks and propriety just don't matter anymore. She's not calling out to Colonel O'Neill, her CO, to save her, she's calling out to Jack, her friend, to just hear her plea and not leave her alone with the monster in her head.
Also, when he sees Jolinar, she asks why it's taken him so long to come and see her. Is that because she thinks he's up to something, or does she really want to know, as if Sam would have been sad or upset by his delay?
I've always seen Daniel's hesitance to visit Sam as reaction to Sha're becoming a host. It's a situation that hits quite close to home for him, someone he cares about getting snaked, and so he let work distract him for a long as possible before dealing with it.
What I also noticed about Daniel in this scene was that, IIRC, he was the only one to directly talk to Sam while she was possessed, Jack and Teal'c were always addressing Jolinar. Which to me suggests he was caught up thinking about Sha're's situation and wants to believe that a host can fully survive a blending.
I see the memories Jolinar gave Sam as something akin to a neural overload. Sam couldn't process them all right away and they have to later be called up because they're buried deeply.
Which would explain why she is catatonic at the end, because now that its all over, some of those memories are surfacing.
Think something like 'Chuck', if you will. And I really don't like that show.
Does anyone else think Daniel was being particularly clueless here? It's almost as if he's forgotten about the fact that Sam is a close friend, but I guess he is more prone to looking at the big picture almost to the exclusion of everything else.
I think this is exactly right, Daniel is often so concerned with the big picture, and studying the implications of things, that he misses what's right under his nose. It's similar to the way Sam can get on occasion, the scientist winning out over the person - like in A Matter of Time, for example. Jack and Teal'c, who on the surface might seem like the less compassionate characters, are actually often the ones who notice most. It's an interesting dichotomy
He definitely does. And sniffles, too. Poor Jack! I've heard people say RDA got teary-eyed because his foot got run over by the gurney, but it doesn't matter. If they didn't want that moment in there, they wouldn't have left it.
Exactly I don't mind what the reason was behind the scenes, the moment made it through editing and that makes it shippy to me
This to me is one of the strongest signs that Jack cares quite a bit about what happens to Sam. They've got a killer running around and a security alert and he doesn't go. That's very unlike him.
Yes, just like in Entity, where Jack's the one who stays right by Sam's side in the infirmary, no matter what.
I agree, it was Jolinar. But she knew what was going on inside Sam's mind. I could never see Sam calling him "Jack" at this point. But, she's thinking it and furthermore, Jolinar knows it'll get to him. How does she know that? Does Sam have some kind of subconscious awareness about Jack's own feelings toward her? By the time of D&C she seems to be perfectly aware of how he feels about her.
I'm in the Jolinar camp too - I've heard some pretty convincing arguments as to why it was Sam, but every time I watch it the doubts vanish and I'm certain it was Jolinar. I think Sam would never, at that point, have called him Jack, certainly not in a fleeting moment of desperation before Jolinar took control back. If she'd said 'Sir' I'd be more inclined to see it as Sam. Plus, I always find Jolinar's expression right after Jack leaves very calculating, as if a reaction to playing another card, if you see what I mean. It's been argued that Jolinar could well still react like that anyway, because if she did then she let Sam out on purpose, but I still feel it was Jolinar.
I agree that it's very interesting that Jolinar uses the name 'Jack'. Of course, we see in the briefing room that Jolinar's grasp of Sam's memories and knowledge isn't entirely flawless. But it could well be an insight into Sam's mind, that she does think of him as Jack sometimes in the depths there And of course, as later on we see Sam does use Jack's name as a way of pleading with him on a personal level - as in Lost City for example. I'm not sure it indicates any subconscious awareness of Jack's feelings for her - I think that's still some way off, comes in at the end of 3/beginning of 4, IMO (yep, gonna mention that time offworld between Nemesis and Small Victories here ), but could indicate a subconscious awareness of her own feelings.
I think this is exactly right, Daniel is often so concerned with the big picture, and studying the implications of things, that he misses what's right under his nose. It's similar to the way Sam can get on occasion, the scientist winning out over the person - like in A Matter of Time, for example. Jack and Teal'c, who on the surface might seem like the less compassionate characters, are actually often the ones who notice most. It's an interesting dichotomy
Exactly I don't mind what the reason was behind the scenes, the moment made it through editing and that makes it shippy to me
Yes, just like in Entity, where Jack's the one who stays right by Sam's side in the infirmary, no matter what.
I'm in the Jolinar camp too - I've heard some pretty convincing arguments as to why it was Sam, but every time I watch it the doubts vanish and I'm certain it was Jolinar. I think Sam would never, at that point, have called him Jack, certainly not in a fleeting moment of desperation before Jolinar took control back. If she'd said 'Sir' I'd be more inclined to see it as Sam. Plus, I always find Jolinar's expression right after Jack leaves very calculating, as if a reaction to playing another card, if you see what I mean. It's been argued that Jolinar could well still react like that anyway, because if she did then she let Sam out on purpose, but I still feel it was Jolinar.
I agree that it's very interesting that Jolinar uses the name 'Jack'. Of course, we see in the briefing room that Jolinar's grasp of Sam's memories and knowledge isn't entirely flawless. But it could well be an insight into Sam's mind, that she does think of him as Jack sometimes in the depths there And of course, as later on we see Sam does use Jack's name as a way of pleading with him on a personal level - as in Lost City for example. I'm not sure it indicates any subconscious awareness of Jack's feelings for her - I think that's still some way off, comes in at the end of 3/beginning of 4, IMO (yep, gonna mention that time offworld between Nemesis and Small Victories here ), but could indicate a subconscious awareness of her own feelings.
I just thought I'd toss in a little thank you for your comments about Jack having a tear in his eye. I noticed that myself some months back, but when I made a comment on another thread, the notion was thoroughly trounced by those who said Jack would never let his emotions out like that. Nice to find out others share my opinion. Thanks.