Originally posted by Petra
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IMHO (of course) Sam and Jack's relationship as well as their personal growth (which I believe is essentially tied to that relationship) has rarely been overt on the show and the resolution we did see was absolutely in keeping with the way the rest of the relationship had been shown. So I do think they did the storyline - as it had and has been told - and the characters justice with Threads.
'Fishing' all along has been a metaphor for Sam and Jack's personal relationship, and I'm not just talking about sex here. The fact she finally accepted his invitation and the fact they went fishing together in Threads *is* resolution and confirmation. *Nothing* - not even a bedroom scene IMHO - could be stronger confirmation than that. Sort of like watching someone step off a cliff. I don't have to see them hit the ground to know they're going to eventually. (and.. yes.. I know...scifi. I'm talking RL here )
Originally posted by Petra
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We didn't actually, I'll admit, as regular viewers *care* what Jack was doing in Washington, btw. It's the sort of detail I don't think most viewers really do care about.
When I entered fandom, I was astonished that it wasn't more widely accepted that Sam and Jack were together. I actually called my parents (also regular viewers) and asked them why they thought Jack left the show and they said, "He's with Carter, right?" so it wasn't just hugs and I, either...
Fandom I don't think really does represent a cross-section of the audience (not saying my family does, either, but I don't think simply because someone is believed by fans means it's the general interpretation of *most* viewers, either.)
Speaking of which...
Originally posted by Petra
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EDIT: Going back to 'fishing' - what I adore about Sam's using that as her personal password in LitS is that, all along, Jack's 'fishing' invites have been a counterpoint to his frequent comments about her needing to 'get a life' or 'take leave' or 'have fun...' and, as I said above, 'fishing' has been the metaphor for that personal life Sam was NOT having as she was putting her professional roles first. Her consciously using 'fishing' as a password for her personal files indicates that she, too, has realized exactly what was going on all those years and now - really - understands how important *fishing* (the full meaning) really is. Again, it's the subtle conclusion to her personal journey as well as her relationship with Jack so perfectly in keeping - IMHO - with the rest of it.