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Martouf/Lantash/Jr Bourne Thunk, Discussion and Appreciation

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    Wow - lots of pretty pics. Thankies, guys

    So, how much are you all here over Christmas? Im out most of time from Dec 24-28 & Dec 31-Jan 3

    How do you celbrate holidays? Many of you're in foreign contries, so could be intersting to compare. We eat turkey with cranberry sause, and usualy a plum pudding. There is midnight mass and Christmas day we give gifts.
    We have a nice, large Christmas tree with lites built in (its artifical, but looks quite real).

    what about everyone else?
    Sig made by the very talented Luciana.


      I will probably be logged on every day during Christmas - I don't really celebrate it much. I will probably have a dinner with my boyfriend, on Christmas Eve and then we give each other a few gifts each. Many people do celebrate Christmas much more than I do - spending time with their loved ones and putting up a Christmas tree (not put up and decorated until the 24th - and never artificial. We have real 'live' candles on our trees).

      In Denmark we celebrate Christmas on the 24th. We usually have a dinner of roast duck w/caramelized potatoes and red cabbage. This is generally followed by rice pudding made with cream and almonds and a cherry sauce. Earlier that day or more often one or two days later, friends/family will together have a traditional Christmas lunch; rye bread, smoked mackerel, pickled raw herring, eel, sometimes shrimp, more of the rice pudding.
      We give our Christmas gifts on the 24th, after dinner in the evening.

      Some Danes go to church in the afternoon of the 24th - one of the few days they do so. Only few Danes are religious, and while Christianity influenced our culture, it is not part of our daily life in any way. Our Christmas is still relatively heavily influenced by pagan traditions, and we use the name 'jul' which was the name of a pagan midwinter celebration in ancient times.
      Smilies made by Roeskva (

      "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


        Originally posted by Skadi View Post
        I will probably be logged on every day during Christmas - I don't really celebrate it much. I will probably have a dinner with my boyfriend, on Christmas Eve and then we give each other a few gifts each. Many people do celebrate Christmas much more than I do - spending time with their loved ones and putting up a Christmas tree (not put up and decorated until the 24th - and never artificial. We have real 'live' candles on our trees).

        In Denmark we celebrate Christmas on the 24th. We usually have a dinner of roast duck w/caramelized potatoes and red cabbage. This is generally followed by rice pudding made with cream and almonds and a cherry sauce. Earlier that day or more often one or two days later, friends/family will together have a traditional Christmas lunch; rye bread, smoked mackerel, pickled raw herring, eel, sometimes shrimp, more of the rice pudding.
        We give our Christmas gifts on the 24th, after dinner in the evening.

        Some Danes go to church in the afternoon of the 24th - one of the few days they do so. Only few Danes are religious, and while Christianity influenced our culture, it is not part of our daily life in any way. Our Christmas is still relatively heavily influenced by pagan traditions, and we use the name 'jul' which was the name of a pagan midwinter celebration in ancient times.
        You eat raw fish? Raw eel? Different...

        My Christmas traditions are mostly like RingThings. My family is very religious, so most is centered around that. We don't give many gifts either, but the whole family will be there, and we will have a nice dinner, go to church together - and we have some bible readings together as well.

        Since I live at home, I will probably have intermittent internet access during most of Christmas, but probably not much. Expect me to only pop in now and then during Dec 23-28.
        button and banner made by Luciana SAVE MARTOUF/LANTASH!


          Originally posted by CaptJanson View Post
          You eat raw fish? Raw eel? Different...

          My Christmas traditions are mostly like RingThings. My family is very religious, so most is centered around that. We don't give many gifts either, but the whole family will be there, and we will have a nice dinner, go to church together - and we have some bible readings together as well.

          Since I live at home, I will probably have intermittent internet access during most of Christmas, but probably not much. Expect me to only pop in now and then during Dec 23-28.
          Raw herring - not raw eel. That would be a bad idea. Eels are the only creatures I know of that have poisonous blood, so they need to be cooked if you want to eat them.

          Anyway - glad to hear you may show up here from time to time. I feared I might be the only one here during Christmas
          Smilies made by Roeskva (

          "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


            Swedish tradition is closer to Danish than American. Including the raw fish...

            We do, however, often eat "Jul skinka" (Christmas ham) instead of poultry. We also have red cabbage, meatballs, and "gravad lax" (salmon with dill).

            We also have a porridge for Christmas, with one whole almond hidden in it. The one finding it in their portion gets a gift or something. Originally just good luck, I think. We also have "glögg" (hot spiced wine with raisins and almonds) and ginger snaps (I think that's waht the cakes are called).
            We decorate the Christmas tree close to Christmas as well, but usually a few days before. During Christmas we have Advent calendars. We get gifts/celebrate Christmas on the 24th, like the Danes. We sometimes write riddles on the gifts, and then people should guess what is inside based on the riddle.

            After Christmas (on the 6th of January) many still have tree plundering where kids in family and friends come and remove what candy was put on the tree.

            Oh...I will only be on a little bit during 24th-26th.

            [Save Martouf/Lantash in the movies!] | My fics on | My fics on Symbiotica


              We have the one whole almond in the rice pudding/porridge also, with a gift for the finder. And the glögg and ginger snaps. And the Advent calendars.
              Smilies made by Roeskva (

              "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


                I think the Americans among you are very much like we Brits, only in most of the casesI see around, the earlier a lot of people have the tree and decorations up, the better! Personally, mine only went up last week. Traditionally, it's turkey, stuffing and then Christmas pudding (heavy suet pudding filled with dried fruit) for dessert, but myself and the kiddies aren't keen on turkey (too dry) and we all hate Xmas pud, so it's chicken, beef and ham followed by individual banoffee pies, tiramisu, cream doughnuts and whatever else we fancy afterwards We go totally overboard on presents normally (or maybe that's just me ) I allow the little ones to open one present on Xmas Eve and they always have new pyjamas, dressing gown and slippers then too. I think that's just a family thing, though. It's what my parents always did for me.

                I'll be in and out all Christmas. My laptop is playing up slightly but will do my level best. Happy Christmas, my friends!!!!!
                Sigs by the very gifted Luciana
                STARCON - For further information, please go to: aurorisentertainment


                  Christmas for my family is putting up a tree with decorations, getting together with friends to eat turkey, stuffing, and pies, and playing games and opening presents. Nothing fancy.

                  ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                  ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                    I knew the pics are from CSI, cause the guy next to him is the main character.
                    I found someone who dod caps of Miami with nice JR pics, but the link is broken, so I asked if there's a possibiltie to get them in any other way.

                    Christmas in germany isn't that much different I think, except for unwrapping all gifts at christmas eve. Decorated the three two weeks ago... some people do at xmas eve. There are no special "rules" for that.
                    Will spend the days with my family...eating canard and dumplings and all that tasty stuff my dad will cook. Drinking some wine and remembering my mum.


                      It sounds as if many of the US Christmas traditions may be based on the British ones, then? Makes sense, I guess

                      I found some more pictures of Jr from NCIS. No idea if that show has to do with the CSI ones? Anyway, I will post them as soon as I have uploaded them to my photobucket account.
                      Smilies made by Roeskva (

                      "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


                        Originally posted by Skadi View Post
                        It sounds as if many of the US Christmas traditions may be based on the British ones, then? Makes sense, I guess

                        I found some more pictures of Jr from NCIS. No idea if that show has to do with the CSI ones? Anyway, I will post them as soon as I have uploaded them to my photobucket account.
                        Goody! I could do with something nice to look at. Would you believe I'm at the doctors at 3.30 on Xmas Eve!!!!!! All keep your fingers crossed and sent me good thoughts so that the doctor gives me the correct meds this time and I don't have to spend Xmas day in pain? Thankies
                        Sigs by the very gifted Luciana
                        STARCON - For further information, please go to: aurorisentertainment


                          I will probably be on and off here during most of the Christmas holiday. We will have some guests, but not many, so except for the 25th, I will probably be on some each day.

                          I have the same traditions as other americans here have mentioned. I agree most probably come from UK originally, though people are from many different nationalities originally, so we don't have one tradition in the US, despite there seem to be some that are more prevalent.

                          Sounds very different in Denmark/Sweden. I have some Danish ancestry, but I didn't really know anything about your traditions. Thanks for sharing!
                          sigpic Avatar, and icons in sig by Luciana

                          Favorite love-dodecagon:


                            NCIS has nothing to do with CSI.

                            Can't wait for the pics.


                              Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                              NCIS has nothing to do with CSI.

                              Can't wait for the pics.
                              Just contained some of the same letters - so confused silly me

                              Here are some pics - unfortunately low quality.

                              Smilies made by Roeskva (

                              "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")



                                Smilies made by Roeskva (

                                "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")

