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Asgard Computer Core

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    Asgard Computer Core

    This is just a thread for fun. To speculate.

    If the SGC were ever able to use the Asguard knowledge. What ideas or technology would you like to have been found? If I recall from Unending, if activated it would give away their position to the Ori. But, if all that is over by the Ark of Truth time frame, maybe they could start using it.

    I was thinking something like terraforming technology.

    Honestly, I'd hope they learn absolutely nothing from it. My only real issue with SG1 was just how insanely overpowered Earth became closer to the end of the series. It's one of the weird things I enjoyed about Atlantis, because they had all that knowledge and couldn't learn anything.



      I never felt they were insanely overpowered, they got their butts kicked quite a lot still. But I do see where you are coming from

      I think it would take years upon years to get through it all the infirmation in the core and even more years to translate it and find better ways to intergrate the technologies into their own.

      I akways figured most of the Asgard knowledge from the core, would have been their history and attempt to fix their cloning issues etc. and less weaponry. Unless they had some sort of plans for more secret spaceships in there too. But the upgrades they were given before they died, seemed to be their limit to that technology since they wanted to focus on their cloning issues.

      They probably due use some aspects if the core. I'm sure carter figured out how to use it so they can use the core and not be detected, by any enemy. Perhaps they had to sacrifice something to do this, but its Carter, so she probably figured it out how to use some if what they were given.

      terraforming is an interesting concept, I always figured that's was something the furlongs woukd have added to the mix.
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