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The route SG-1 took across the U.S. in 1969.

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    The route SG-1 took across the U.S. in 1969.

    Here's the route that the SG-1 team traveled across time and across the U.S. in 1969:

    Within the SGC at Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Colorado, from 1999 to 1969 via stargate, then

    Highway 85 (Interstate 25) South from Colorado Springs, CO, then

    Hwy 66 (I-40) East, from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Amarillo, Texas, then

    Hwy 66 (I-40) East to I-44 East (passing Oklahoma City, OK), then to St. Louis, MO, then

    Hwy 66 East/I-55 North from St. Louis, Missouri, to Chicago, Illinois, then

    I-65 (Hwy 52) South to I-70 East (passing Indianapolis, IN), then

    I-70 E changes into I-76 E (just outside Pittsburgh, PA), then Philadelphia, PA, then

    I-95 North from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Paterson, New York, then

    Hwy NJ-21 South to Jersey City, New Jersey, then

    I-95 South to Washington, D.C., to the stargate, then

    Within a military armory in D.C., from 1969 to ca. 2060 via stargate at the SGC, then

    Within future-SGC, circa 2060 to the SGC, 1999.

    Approximate distance between each location within the U.S.:
    378 miles, Colorado Springs, CO, to Albuquerque, NM
    289 miles, Albuquerque, NM to Amarillo, TX
    256 miles, Amarillo, TX to Oklahoma City, OK
    499 miles, Oklahoma City, OK to St. Louis, MO
    298 miles, St. Louis, MO to Chicago, IL
    183 miles, Chicago, IL to Indianapolis, IN
    643 miles, Indianapolis, IN to Philadelphia, PA
    99 miles, Philadelphia, PA to Paterson, NJ
    18 miles, Paterson, NJ to Jersey City, NJ
    236 miles, Jersey City, NJ to Washington, D.C.

    Total approximate distance traveled across the U.S.:
    2,899 miles (4,665 km)

    Time frame of the road trip:
    Monday, August 4th, through Monday, August 11th, 1969
    Are you in the Kansas City area? Do you know any SG fans in the area?
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    Stargate Enthusiasts in the Kansas City Area | Being Introduced to Stargate

    Is there a question in there or something?

    (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
    Sum, ergo scribo...

    My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
    now also appearing on DeviantArt
    Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


      Do you see a question in there or something?
      Are you in the Kansas City area? Do you know any SG fans in the area?
      Email me and join the local group of Stargate enthusiasts! (Email address in my profile.)
      What if... events occurred differently in Stargate? | Which version Stargate fan are you?
      An all new crew: Who would you want MGM to hire for a new Stargate show or movie(s)?
      When have you met SG cast or crew (excluding conventions)?
      Stargate Enthusiasts in the Kansas City Area | Being Introduced to Stargate


        I see a post that appears to have no real point in and of itself, so I wondered whether you had been leading up to a question or discussion and simply forgot to put that in.

        (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
        Sum, ergo scribo...

        My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
        now also appearing on DeviantArt
        Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


          Okay. Thank you for seeing if I was leading up to a question. There are questions in some posts. There are not questions in other posts. This is the latter. There is a point to the post, the route SG-1 took across the U.S. in 1969, which can lead to a discussion if anyone so chooses.
          Are you in the Kansas City area? Do you know any SG fans in the area?
          Email me and join the local group of Stargate enthusiasts! (Email address in my profile.)
          What if... events occurred differently in Stargate? | Which version Stargate fan are you?
          An all new crew: Who would you want MGM to hire for a new Stargate show or movie(s)?
          When have you met SG cast or crew (excluding conventions)?
          Stargate Enthusiasts in the Kansas City Area | Being Introduced to Stargate


            Could someone set me straight about the young Col. Hammond and the note delivered to him by SG1 in 1969?

            Is it the case that *our* General Hammond had received a note from some strangers back in 1969 when he was young, and he kept it for all those years long before he ever knew of the stargate program?
            Or is it the case that *our* General Hammond INITIATED the process by writing the note for our SG1 to take back with them to 1969?
            In either case, how does it work? Would our General Hammond have remembered meeting SG1 (whose identities until now he didn't know), in which case the process is circular?

            Meaning that that young Hammond got the note, saved it until the time of SG1, gave it to SG1 to take back to give to another young Hammond who kept it until the time of his SG1, who went back and gave it to a third young Hammond, and on and on it goes to infinity?


              Originally posted by Dave2 View Post
              Could someone set me straight about the young Col. Hammond and the note delivered to him by SG1 in 1969?

              Is it the case that *our* General Hammond had received a note from some strangers back in 1969 when he was young, and he kept it for all those years long before he ever knew of the stargate program?
              Or is it the case that *our* General Hammond INITIATED the process by writing the note for our SG1 to take back with them to 1969?
              In either case, how does it work? Would our General Hammond have remembered meeting SG1 (whose identities until now he didn't know), in which case the process is circular?

              Meaning that that young Hammond got the note, saved it until the time of SG1, gave it to SG1 to take back to give to another young Hammond who kept it until the time of his SG1, who went back and gave it to a third young Hammond, and on and on it goes to infinity?

              Translation: It could be a paradox. That's one of the oh-so-fun things about time travel. If it were as straight forward as, say, a road trip from Colorado to Washington D.C., then it would just be too simple.

              Here's how I interpret Hammond's note to Sam:
              1st, Past Hammond had an encounter with SG-1 and saw Sam's cut.
              2nd, Present Hammond write the note.
              3rd, Past Hammond read the note.

              So, for it to work that way, there would've had to have been a previous alternate time line that they didn't show in the episode, during which SG-1 failed to make it back home. That off-camera SG-1 would've just lived out the remainder of their lives while trying avoid altering the time line.

              There were no signs of anything of the sort happening, of course, so the best explanation is the fall-back of it being a paradox.

              Who knows? If there was another alternate time line SG-1 that failed to return home to the present time, then they could've continued on with their road trips across the nation or even the world, following similar routes as the one posted in the original message.
              Are you in the Kansas City area? Do you know any SG fans in the area?
              Email me and join the local group of Stargate enthusiasts! (Email address in my profile.)
              What if... events occurred differently in Stargate? | Which version Stargate fan are you?
              An all new crew: Who would you want MGM to hire for a new Stargate show or movie(s)?
              When have you met SG cast or crew (excluding conventions)?
              Stargate Enthusiasts in the Kansas City Area | Being Introduced to Stargate


                Your scenario makes perfect sense to me at this point. A variation on Moebius. Of course 40 years isn't that long, so it would be possible for there to be an elderly SG1 team living in the time of our SG1. Four team members of say 70-80 years old.

                But had the first team made its way back to the SGC through the stargate, then what? Present Hammond would not only have remembered meeting the SG1 team but would have remembered the note.
                Besides which, where was the "O my God" factor when Hammond first met the SG1 time in our time? Wouldn't he have said, "So YOU are the guys I met in 1969 and that means at some point in the next few years you are going back to 1969........"


                  Originally posted by Dave2 View Post
                  Your scenario makes perfect sense to me at this point. A variation on Moebius. Of course 40 years isn't that long, so it would be possible for there to be an elderly SG1 team living in the time of our SG1. Four team members of say 70-80 years old.

                  But had the first team made its way back to the SGC through the stargate, then what? Present Hammond would not only have remembered meeting the SG1 team but would have remembered the note.
                  Besides which, where was the "O my God" factor when Hammond first met the SG1 time in our time? Wouldn't he have said, "So YOU are the guys I met in 1969 and that means at some point in the next few years you are going back to 1969........"
                  As for the first SG-1 making it back, I have no idea. It's a mystery. Maybe they used the stargate to go to another world and eventually found a way of traveling through time again.

                  Maybe Present Hammond didn't show any shock after meeting the main SG-1 because... hmmm... well, I don't know.

                  Some clarification on my previous message:

                  1st, Past Hammond meets SG-1, sees Sam's cut; that SG-1 doesn't make it home.
                  2nd, Present Hammond sees Sam's cut, remembers, writes the note.
                  3rd, Past Hammond & SG-1 read the note; that SG-1 makes it home.


                  1st, Past Hammond meets SG-1, they know they're stuck so they ask him to ask the next version of Sam to research alternative applications for the stargate, including potential time travel.
                  2nd, Present Hammond retrieves the necessary solar flare information, he sees Sam's cut, then writes the note.
                  3rd, Past Hammond & SG-1 read the note; that SG-1 makes it home.


                  1st, Past Hammond meets SG-1, reads the note, they make it home.
                  2nd, Present Hammond writes the note and gives it to Sam.
                  3rd, Past Hammond loses the note & SG-1 goes on a road trip for the remainder of their lives.
                  Are you in the Kansas City area? Do you know any SG fans in the area?
                  Email me and join the local group of Stargate enthusiasts! (Email address in my profile.)
                  What if... events occurred differently in Stargate? | Which version Stargate fan are you?
                  An all new crew: Who would you want MGM to hire for a new Stargate show or movie(s)?
                  When have you met SG cast or crew (excluding conventions)?
                  Stargate Enthusiasts in the Kansas City Area | Being Introduced to Stargate


                    Originally posted by Dave2 View Post
                    Could someone set me straight about the young Col. Hammond and the note delivered to him by SG1 in 1969?

                    Is it the case that *our* General Hammond had received a note from some strangers back in 1969 when he was young, and he kept it for all those years long before he ever knew of the stargate program?
                    Or is it the case that *our* General Hammond INITIATED the process by writing the note for our SG1 to take back with them to 1969?
                    In either case, how does it work? Would our General Hammond have remembered meeting SG1 (whose identities until now he didn't know), in which case the process is circular?

                    Meaning that that young Hammond got the note, saved it until the time of SG1, gave it to SG1 to take back to give to another young Hammond who kept it until the time of his SG1, who went back and gave it to a third young Hammond, and on and on it goes to infinity?
                    It's probably worth acknowledging that this episode's time travel mechanics are a lot different from later ones. In this episode they employed the "the past is unchangeable, any actions taken by a time traveller merely preserves the present they left" thinking towards time travel. If you wanna reconcile it with the time travel mechanics used later, you can think up some previous unseen timeline in which SG1 never made to the present (as have already been said).
                    Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!


                      It's suppose to be a predestination paradox folks. Don't over think it.


                        Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
                        It's suppose to be a predestination paradox folks. Don't over think it.
                        Righty-o, that was the point I was getting at with:

                        Translation: It could be a paradox. That's one of the oh-so-fun things about time travel. If it were as straight forward as, say, a road trip from Colorado to Washington D.C., then it would just be too simple.
                        Are you in the Kansas City area? Do you know any SG fans in the area?
                        Email me and join the local group of Stargate enthusiasts! (Email address in my profile.)
                        What if... events occurred differently in Stargate? | Which version Stargate fan are you?
                        An all new crew: Who would you want MGM to hire for a new Stargate show or movie(s)?
                        When have you met SG cast or crew (excluding conventions)?
                        Stargate Enthusiasts in the Kansas City Area | Being Introduced to Stargate


                          I think it's either the one Doc D's second theory or a paradox.
                          "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


                            i think that Hammond knew since he met them that they were destined to go back in time at some point. but he couldn't tell them, because he would risk changing the timeline (his past). the one problem with this is, when he first meets Teal'c (present). he shouldn't be surprised that hes there.

