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My Jack O'Neill Theory for season8/9!!! possible spoilers!!!

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    My Jack O'Neill Theory for season8/9!!! possible spoilers!!!

    Ok so I'm sitting here at work (not actually working ) and I had a revelation. I think I know how Jack is going to here me out! We all know that the season finale for this season deals with time travel (I think thats the general concensus) Now lets say that sometime during the finale SG-1 goes back to just before the whole thing started with the Stargate Program, pre-Charlie O'Neill's death. Maybe Jack stops his own son form shooting himself and therefore removes himself from the whole equation. And when the show picks up on season 9 we are made to believe that Ben Browder's character has been there the whole time but so as to keep O'Neill in a couple of episodes they make him aware of the stargate program and sometimes just shows up as a military consultant. Not as Jack O'Neill that we know and love but as military jack from the movie. Most people may not like it that way but it's my theory of how to make all of this work out. Any thoughts???

    Ooo, thats a really interesting idea, but he wouldn't be military jack from the movie if you think about it, he'd be happier, and less closed around people, with Charlie being alive, oh, except for his marraige to Sarah, i forgot about that.......maybe he would then?

    I would be quite unhappy if thats the way things pan out, that would be just wierd, coz everything would be different, and if you think about it, why would Teal'c be there?

    Hmm, very thought provoking idea, my brain doesn't usually work ever, so yey! Just proves that it's a great idea


      Originally posted by scaryperson
      Ooo, thats a really interesting idea, but he wouldn't be military jack from the movie if you think about it, he'd be happier, and less closed around people, with Charlie being alive, oh, except for his marraige to Sarah, i forgot about that.......maybe he would then?

      I would be quite unhappy if thats the way things pan out, that would be just wierd, coz everything would be different, and if you think about it, why would Teal'c be there?

      Hmm, very thought provoking idea, my brain doesn't usually work ever, so yey! Just proves that it's a great idea
      If my theory works out the way I want it to, Everything happens as it has already happened except for Jack's role in the beginning. Teal's would have still turned against Apophis since his role wouldn't have been affected by Jack not being apart of anything. It would be Ben's character who has been present the whole time and has lived out Jack's SG-1 life.

      On a side note though, maybe Jack wouldn't be military Jack from the movie. If his son doesn't die, maybe he wouldnt get divorced and just retire happily. Who knows eh?


        Whoa! Spiffy theory! There's a few holes, but if it's time travel/ AU it wouldn't really matter because in an AU then Jack wouldn't have gone back in time and everything would be normal, but not normal... AAAAAAAAAAH! BRAIN! Can't think about this stuff right after a history test, my brain just hurts.
        Why yes, I am aware that I am too sexy for my cat
        RIP Stargate SG-1: The iris may be closed, but the gate will always be spinning, lighting the chevrons in my heart

        And to the Sci Fi Channel...


          Originally posted by AzMcNeil
          If my theory works out the way I want it to, Everything happens as it has already happened except for Jack's role in the beginning. Teal's would have still turned against Apophis since his role wouldn't have been affected by Jack not being apart of anything. It would be Ben's character who has been present the whole time and has lived out Jack's SG-1 life.

          On a side note though, maybe Jack wouldn't be military Jack from the movie. If his son doesn't die, maybe he wouldnt get divorced and just retire happily. Who knows eh?
          i thought it wasn't a happy marraige anyway? No idea where i got this from, but i thought it was a problematic marraige?

          Yeh, i guess that teal'c etc. would be they same (except, -jack, + ben browder's character), but they would be alot different as people, that i can say. Oh, and the Asgard wouldn't like Earth as much!


            That would spoil every previous episode because so much hinges on O’Neil being O’Neil. Plus they have already said that BB/MM will be a pilot who is rewarded with the SG-1 post so that spoils the whole BB being O'Neil angle. I still have 5 eps of the new series to watch so there may be stuff I don’t know but I can’t see it happening though it is a possibility.


              Don't take this the wrong way, but if TPTB do that, it will be the last second of Stargate I will ever watch. I didn't follow these characters and get involved with them for eight years for TPTB to suddenly decide that none of the character development, relationships, history etc ever happened.

              And I would stop watching Atlantis as well, because I would have no intention of letting them do it twice.

              "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                Don't take this the wrong way, but if TPTB do that, it will be the last second of Stargate I will ever watch. I didn't follow these characters and get involved with them for eight years for TPTB to suddenly decide that none of the character development, relationships, history etc ever happened.

                And I would stop watching Atlantis as well, because I would have no intention of letting them do it twice.

                Oh trust me, it would suck! But it would be a possible way to explain his RDA's absence from the show. I'd like to have him be there as old Jack but thats not going to happen


                  That would be for me the sadest way to write Jack out of the show.Everything what happend in the last 8 years would have happend in different way as we remember it.
                  Than I would it like it even more if they would ascending Jack.


                    Originally posted by AzMcNeil
                    It would be Ben's character who has been present the whole time and has lived out Jack's SG-1 life.
                    Adds a whole new meaning to "BB's character is going to substitute RDA's", doesn't it?

                    My opinion on it turning out that way is the same as most people's here:
                    I hate it when they twist things around completely and suddenly and completely forget about continuity/character credibility on TV shows.
                    The only example of that I can think of just now is the introduction of Paige on "Charmed" - it was really magic - poof! there's a new sister! Ugh. But I'm sure there are lots of examples I can't think of at the moment, aren't there??

                    Another argument not to do this is that it would also very much change the other characters - as Jack made a difference in their lives, so you couldn't let them be the same people. So, you'd basically get different characters, which would be bad. Very bad. To conclude: NOOOO! (the idea in itself is interesting, but they can't do that to a major character!)
                    Last edited by trinity1013; 27 January 2005, 04:04 AM.


                      I'm sure they wont use this because they would only do such a stupid thing if the had no other choice. I don’t think that RDA wound be so means as to not do a couple of eps to explain his leaving.

                      I hope he comes back for a few and maybe back nearly full time in S 10 if it happens!


                        I do agree that, in effect we would have different characters completely, as different people affect the ones around them differently, have you ever noticed, that after spending lots of time around someone, you'll sometimes wierdly use one of there words? etc?

                        Anyway, i also hate when the continuity of a show gets seriously messed up, grrrrr, this just supports me on my path to become a Sci-fi writer, to sort this mess out................

                        lol, tired



                          Now lets say that sometime during the finale SG-1 goes back to just before the whole thing started with the Stargate Program, pre-Charlie O'Neill's death. Maybe Jack stops his own son form shooting himself and therefore removes himself from the whole equation. And when the show picks up on season 9 we are made to believe that Ben Browder's character has been there the whole time but so as to keep O'Neill in a couple of episodes they make him aware of the stargate program and sometimes just shows up as a military consultant. Not as Jack O'Neill that we know and love but as military jack from the movie. Most people may not like it that way but it's my theory of how to make all of this work out. Any thoughts???
                          Sorry, but seriously doubt it. Spoilers for Mobius, the start of S9, and for how BB's character fits into the SG world, would seem to rule it out.

                          Of course, spoilers don't necessarily pan out and appear on screen (although I am seriously, seriously hoping that the spoilers for Mobius II's final scene do because I would have been on cloud nine with that ending to the show )

                          But with TPTB believing that Mobius was the last ever episodes and S8 the last season, right up until the wire, I don't believe they would have left such a loose end. And the spoilers for BB's character have mostly been confirmed as fact by TPTB. As have some of the ones for S9, which also bring your theory crashing down in flames.

                          So, doesn't scan with what we already know about how things will progress, I'm afraid. Well, I say afraid, but honestly I'd think that would suck, personally,if they'd done that.

                          Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                          Richard Dean Anderson


                            Very interesting plot line . I am old school and want S/J finally.


                            avatar and sig by flidget


                              Must be my bad luck. Finding a new tv show (I started watching some weeks ago as
                              RTL 2 the channel who shows Stargate here began to show new episodes and repeat
                              old) and as I look on the web for news about I find out that the actor who plays the iin my opinion most interesting member of SG 1 is leaving. I understand that he wants more time for his family but I wish he would come back for 1 or 2 episodes.And I' m sory but I would hate it if your theory would comig true and the new one would taking Jacks place in the past and Jacks story would than be his story!Season 9 lies for us here in th far future but the thought that not onlyRDA is not more playing Jack but Jack could be erased from the show as had he never existed (or will be for SG 1 only another advisor) makes watching Stagate now a little more sad experience for me. I hope that Jack will only retire.
                              Last edited by Kirara; 27 January 2005, 01:04 PM.

