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Does SGC operate 24/7??

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    Does SGC operate 24/7??

    Did the SGC and the Gateroom operate 24/7? Or on a Monday through Friday, 9-5 schedule?
    I presume they had to have a night shift and a night command structure in case of incoming signals, or the need to use the gate in the middle of the night or weekends.
    Occasionally we see people other than Walter at the controls, so I presume that does happen, but do the SG teams and General Hammond have to be available 24/7??
    The sheer stress level and adrenaline flow must force even the greatest of people to need a nice long vacation or even alternating times in service.
    Since Teal'c spends most of his time at the Mountain and doesn't spend all his spare time in Kel'norim, he surely would be a good candidate to command the Gate Room during off hours.

    What do you think?


      I don't know......That's why I'm asking........

      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      What do you think?


        I swear we really need a section just for your questions...Lol

        Issues arise no matter the time or day. I would imagine that the SGC is staffed all the time mainly due to the fact that an SG team may need to make a quick escape from the planet they are on at night (on Earth) at times.


          They would almost have to have it fully staffed at all times so they would have a lot of people working different shifts and probably on and of times but a lot of the teams would probably be on missions then time of while still being able to be called in when needed.


            Originally posted by Dave2 View Post
            I don't know......That's why I'm asking........
            Its pretty obvious. Other worlds and especially Goa'uld/Ori attcks are not synched to the time Earth is most active
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              The SGC operates 24/7, but I suspect the night shift would be smaller than the day shift.


                Originally posted by Dave2 View Post
                I don't know......That's why I'm asking........
                But the answers are just what each person thinks might be the answer. So if you've been watching the series (and I'm pretty sure you have), then you're opinion is just as relevant as anyone else who might supply an answer.

                So, if you were to give your opinion in answer to your own question, what would it be?


                  they could use a time dilation device to slow down time for the main characters, so that they could work almost all the that possible? you know, after an 8 hour shift, they could turn the device on sleep and hang out for 12 hours or so, then head back to the SGC for the next shift and turn the device off.
                  At the moment it is Phobos (though time is limited; it is suppose to crash into Mars in the next 100 million years )


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    Its pretty obvious. Other worlds and especially Goa'uld/Ori attcks are not synched to the time Earth is most active
                    You mean all the planets aren't in time-synch with Cheyenne Mountain? Who knew?


                      there an episode with the night staff in the control room and the gate disappeared.

                      i imagine that they always are staffed because it is different times of day on different planets, and during the atlantis day's they needed to keep someone on the controls if they try to communicate. i imagine that there are people that do third shift, just most aren't.


                        Originally posted by Blizzah View Post
                        they could use a time dilation device to slow down time for the main characters, so that they could work almost all the that possible? you know, after an 8 hour shift, they could turn the device on sleep and hang out for 12 hours or so, then head back to the SGC for the next shift and turn the device off.
                        Wouldn't this lead to rapid aging from the world's point of view?


                          Night shift would need to be as large as day shift since, as stated above, incoming attacks/messages are completely asynchronous to Colorado timezones. It might even be three 8-hour shifts, since you also need hand-overs etc. It's the one thing that always amused me: no matter what is happening on the base, it's always Hammond as duty commander and SG-1 are generally on duty or about to go on/off. But then again, any other combination would be the unmade show "Stargate SG-6". Etc.


                            That's largely because we rarely see the SGC at night. When we do, it's as people are heading out for the night or arriving first thing in the morning. However, this does raise a question. Who's in charge when Hammond leaves for the night, sees his family, goes off world, and so on?


                              When the leader's away from the base, it's usually a high-ranking officer left in charge of the Iris opening and stuff (see Univited, Enemy at the Gate). I suspect a similar thing happens at night.

                              And who says the rest of the universe has doesn't have the same timezone, they speak English after all
                              Jedi_Master_Bra'tac, previously known as wako!

