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My question in Citizen Joe!

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    My question in Citizen Joe!

    Here is a message that I submitted to Gateworld feedback and maybe someone can enlighten me, further?!
    Thank for any help!

    Hi there,

    I am a huge Stargate fan, and I wanted to ask a question about a contest that you had a few months ago.

    I sent a question in for the Season DVD contest, where you could get your question asked on the extras. I was wondering if that meant that it would be included in some of the episodes dialouge too. I ask because after watching "Citizen Joe" (episode 8-15), I heard one of the barbers ask my question,

    "When are we going to see the Furlings?" And the hair-sweeping teen replies "Sounds cuddley, like Ewoks"

    I was wondering if this is an unexpected treat that you guys helped with or if it is a big honking coincedence?

    That is cool that my question got asked in any way! Citizen Joe is one of my all-time favorite episodes, genuis to have Jack and Homer Simpson actor "Dan Castellaneta", share a connection over the majority of the series! I love how it wraps things up to that point!

    thank you for your attention,

    Mike Moss
    A bug! Oh Reese, you and your toys.

    the questions were most likly asked in Stargate: Secrets Revealed which was show a few days ago

    the one about the furlings in Citizen joe was asked by lots of fans and is a well known question. Its been in the forums quite alot, there was several common fans questions in the show that they put in


      Many Stargate fans have been asking that question for 7 years now!


        That had to be the best part of the show.
        Two apples get you nothing unless your buying a banana.


          The whole episode was great because of the very fan-like questions that were asked


            I'm rewatching this episode for the 2nd time as I was laughing so much the first time I want to make sure I didn't miss anything. I heard many things that have been said on this very board. Way cool

            Loved the "Wormhole Extreme" scene - what a riot.

            Will have more to say after I finish the 2nd, or maybe 3rd, viewing.

            Jack's CSM
            Vancouver 2010
            Chicago 2010
            Chicago 2011
            Jack's CSM


              I Loved this episode. It was funny, realistic, and very cool. I totally loved the guy who played Joe. This was a great episode!


                Originally posted by LordAnubis
                I Loved this episode. It was funny, realistic, and very cool. I totally loved the guy who played Joe. This was a great episode!
                Homer Simpson


                  OMG i didnt know that was homer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! I thought this was gonna suck, but it was pretty good, and to add Homer Simpson is the star of the episode.. even better!

                  I have one question since, Joe was a fan of stargate like many of us, then um.. does that make him a gater? or a Gatie.? or what? whats teh proper term lol. I know star Trek it was Trekkie, GR said so himself when a fan told him it was trekker hes like i invited it its trekkie. i was watching Trekkie 1 and 2 the other night.. So is he a Gater or Gatie.

                  "And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made onto dust." Then Shall Fall Scifi!

                  If you don't worship Metonic... your parents won't love you anymore.. well they dont now...


                    Maybe I missed it in the show last night, but Joe picked up the medallion at a yard sale. My question is, how did an ancient communication device wind up in a yard sale 7 years ago?

                    Jaffa, KREE!


                      Originally posted by Serpent Guard
                      Maybe I missed it in the show last night, but Joe picked up the medallion at a yard sale. My question is, how did an ancient communication device wind up in a yard sale 7 years ago?
                      Well that's the great thing about yard sales; you never know what you might pick up.
                      Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                      - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                        Originally posted by Serpent Guard
                        Maybe I missed it in the show last night, but Joe picked up the medallion at a yard sale. My question is, how did an ancient communication device wind up in a yard sale 7 years ago?
                        I would say this falls under the "WSoD" rule. (That's "Willing Supension of Disbelief")
                        Maybe some go'aould dropped it centuries ago and somebody dug it up in their garden...........
                        Maybe one of the shows writers put it they could have an enormous amount of fun writing this episode. As a cautionary tale, perhaps? The Brothers Grimm Moving Company!? Too funny!!


                          joe said that it was found in a dig in Egypt by the grandfather of the man who sold it to him.
                          Captain John Sheridan: [practicing his apology for blowing up a Centauri War Cruiser] I apologize. I'm sorry. I'm sorry we had to defend ourselves against an unwarranted attack. I'm sorry that your crew was stupid enough to fire on a station filled with a quarter million civilians, including your own people. And I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to hell! As with everything else it's the thought that counts.

                          Beta Ray Bill: “ I have battled in the vastness of space and bled in the depths of Hell! Come for me, and you come for death!!!” Omega Flight #5 of 5


                            Don't you ever watch Antique Roadshow? They've found famous paintings in the dumpster, so I guess the medallion ending up at the garage sale isn't so farfetched. I really liked this episode also. I know Homer refer's to MacGyver on the Simpsons and I liked how they worked him into the show. There was a lot going on in this episode and I definately want to see it again. This type of episode is what keeps me watching.


                              I thought that if they had included:

                              "When are we going to see the Furlings?" And the hair-sweeping teen replies "Sounds cuddley, like Ewoks or Chebbaccas."

                              I would have been so much excited if they had included that part.

                              Also, 'You could try locking the front door.' was another great line. I loved that line.

                              I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
                              [Revelations 22:13]

