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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by thekillman View Post
    if we get fed up with it, we can always blow it up, have some politician complain about the costs of getting one on the moon again and building it somewhere else.
    Alright then, all I ask then 'Tep is that you consult the board before doing the whole design. It'll save us time altering it later as we find things to fix. That's not any sort of judgement by the way, all designs need revising, that's a fact of life.


      Im using the Moonbase, but its part of the system, not the actual facility that is housing the gate. Essentially the Moon base is a docking and trade port for larger ships with a connection to the iSGC on Earth via a trade ring system.
      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
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        I think Disclosure needs to occur sooner or later. I mean, imagine that NASA keeps trying to develop more advanced spacefaring vessels, independently of any knowledge Earth gains from alien cultures and other sectors of Eartgh's science amnd technology keeps growing in knowledge, One day, we'll be advanced enough using indigenous means that the Earth govts should realize that they can safely diosclose the stargate's existence and all its related information.
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          I think Disclosure needs to occur sooner or later. I mean, imagine that NASA keeps trying to develop more advanced spacefaring vessels, independently of any knowledge Earth gains from alien cultures and other sectors of Eartgh's science amnd technology keeps growing in knowledge, One day, we'll be advanced enough using indigenous means that the Earth govts should realize that they can safely diosclose the stargate's existence and all its related information.
          in the fleet it already happened. but in the Series, the ideal time would have been either after the ori or shortly after Enemy at the Gate. pretty much any enemy has been beaten, and the Lucian Alliance, well they CAN be a threat (i wrote them to be the threat i think they can and should be), but in the Series they're still pretty laughable. SGU corrects some damage but not enough, not yet.

          so the galaxy is -more or less- at peace. it will never be more quiet. if we disclose now, we would have minimal unrest. any riots will be over, and when timed right, politically it won't have a planet-wrecking impact.


            The right time was actually after the events of threads and reckoning. I think Moebius could have been replaced by a finale that revealed the stargate. It was at that point that we were the most secure in terms of the galaxy. Avalon would not have taken place if the gate had been public in S9 so we wouldnt have had to deal with the Ori. The goauld and replicators were gone, going public would have given us the resources to fully commit to a fight with the wraith if needed, and the jaffa and tokra and asgard would have been able to help us with the expansion.
            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
            Stargate : Genesis |
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            11000! green me


              Hi guys, I am finally back.(So freaken swamped.) Don't know when ill be on again, so whats up? Anything knew?
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                The right time was actually after the events of threads and reckoning.
                mm. hadn't thought of that. touché.

                anyway, yes that would've been preferable, no Ori.


                  The thing is, with the fleets, IF we wanted to go down that route. We can. Personally I could happily remove the Orii from Canon without much heartache. But thats just me.
                  You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
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                  11000! green me


                    Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                    The thing is, with the fleets, IF we wanted to go down that route. We can. Personally I could happily remove the Orii from Canon without much heartache. But thats just me.
                    I'm inclined to agree, they didn't add much, but I don't know if it's worth the headache.


                      It would be a headache I agree. But I dont know the entire backstory for this fleet in full to do the work, otherwise I might try.
                      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                      Stargate : Genesis |
                      Original Starship DesignThread
                      Sanctuary for all |
                      11000! green me


                        This fleet accepts all canon as -- well -- canon ...

                        So getting rid of the Ori would be a totally new fleet.


                        EDIT: and the back-story is the second and third posts on the very first page of the story thread ... right here.

                        The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                          Ive read that fully now and it clears a good deal up. Theres some questions over how it is disclosed, I think just a hatak reining down is a bit passe. There should be alot more depth about it. You could use the D-day disclosure storyline from the original fleets but modified to fit in to the timeline established.

                          Its a very good storyline:
                          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                          Stargate : Genesis |
                          Original Starship DesignThread
                          Sanctuary for all |
                          11000! green me


                            The "passe"-ness was actually 'kinda the point. People tend to think that Disclosure would only happen as some super-big event -- but in reality, often it's the littlest things that get you. After all their years of luck -- it just finally ran out. No big, spectacular assault, no end-of-the-universe scenario, just one Ha'tak in the wrong place at the wrong time is all it takes.

                            It's also kind of a "yeah, right" at TPTB for how they "covered up" Anubis's assault.

                            (And, of course, that's a very brief sketch: obviously we could go for more depth in a fleshed-out story.)

                            The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                              indeed. i loved the irony: we stopped entire fleets from attacking the earth and revealing the gate, yet one ship is enough to force the cat out of the bag.

                              IMO the revelation was more of a "correcting canon" thing than a major, world-shattering event.

                              in fact, the entire fleet has pretty much been set up that everyone's over the whole deal and is focusing on far more important tasks, like *still* removing the mess left over from the ori and the goauld, and rebuilding the galaxy. well actually more like building on the ashes.

                              because isn't that what the Tau'ri-LA war is about? how the future generation will look back and see us now? it's the victors that write history, so the outcome of the war WILL determine how everyone will see everyone. the Tau'ri as heroes or as a bunch of screwups with way too much luck on their hands.

                              it's ultimately a war of staking out the claims. and i think that "part II" where the Aschen come along, is the part where the war is already pretty much decided and most cards have been played, and the colors are chosen


                                It's also kind of a "yeah, right" at TPTB for how they "covered up" Anubis's assault.
                                But they didnt cover it up completely. Homeworld security and the IOA were set up as oversight and Alec Colson nearly revealed everything, and he was the kind of person that in our other fleet is beign played by Richard Astor. We didnt have a end of the galaxy mega battle to disclose the stargate. It was in fact only its existance that was made aware of to the world in the media. That was all. I think you severely underestimate the level of chaos that would result in this kind of revelation. Every political and religious faction on the planet would have something to say and the kind of ramifications AJT fleshed out are not that far from what I would expect. I mean the stargate would open up fundamental questions about the human race, its evolution and its cultural and biological heritage that most people could not deal with rationally. The potential benefits for humanity are there, thats what the fleet is about, let alone the dangers but ordinary human political groups are probley a bigger threat to Earth than the LA. Imagine a group of fundamentalist christians who deny evolution and alien existance and blame the SGC for all the ills of the world who could then get hold of advanced weapons, or a naquadah reactor, or elect a president :/ The damage would be horrendous. Id love to see some more of these kind of threats. Perhaps a new Earth Terrorist group out in the galaxy as a result of disclosure with targets like the Tokra or Jaffa.
                                You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                                Stargate : Genesis |
                                Original Starship DesignThread
                                Sanctuary for all |
                                11000! green me

