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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Also, if you all are planning on scrapping/ignoring the old fleets, might I have permission to use 1.0-3.0? Not as my own, of course, but I had been toying with the idea of novelizing the fleet (or parts) . . . and perhaps cleaning it up a bit as I went. It wouldn't be totally independent, but I'd like to keep my work distinct so that there is no trouble over who invented what. It would be a sort of extension of the work I've done in the database; organizing and tidying.

    At any rate, it's good to see stuff happening again
    I wouldnt be against that as i have been looking to do stuff like this with the fleet. I dont know what our feelings on using fleet 1-3 for other purposes beyond gateworld, i would say most of the contributions are open source but i think we would need additional debate depending on what its being used for. if its for a fleet based novel then that wouldnt be beyond its origional scope so i think i would be ok.
    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
    Stargate : Genesis |
    Original Starship DesignThread
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    11000! green me


      right so whats happening with this fleet can we stop arguing over tel'tak's and start discussing how we are going to do this please

      Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below


        Since the Death Glider got to Jupiter in a few hours, I'd say it's pretty canonical that ships do relativistic velocities.

        As to their wide availability. That could be a plot line, how criminals are holding low tech planets hostage.


          Even with glider engines we could colonise the moon and mars and most of the star system


            Guess I'm in for the ride. I'll be in and out due to coursework and such.
            Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


              Since the Death Glider got to Jupiter in a few hours, I'd say it's pretty canonical that ships do relativistic velocities.

              As to their wide availability. That could be a plot line, how criminals are holding low tech planets hostage.
              doesn't mean we have to use them as weapons. the writers ignored it and it's best if we do too.


                Tom, even 60 PSL is a very powerful RKV. Last I checked, anything over 14 or 18 PSL was classified as an RKV. So why push such large speeds? You can cut back, still have your relativistic weapon, and maybe make killman happy. Many of the points I've seen against RKVs (e.g., they could punch through oscillating shields) disappear when you dial down the speed to, say, 15 or 20 PSL.

                Just my thoughts.

                The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                  I've got an idea for a race called the Candarans :

                  History :

                  3500-3000 BC: Candara was seeded by the Goa'uld Imhotep with human slaves from Earth to mine Naquadah.

                  Around 2500 BC: Imhotep lost his dominions when the System Lords system was set in place and Anubis was banished. Like many outcast Lords, he went into hiding. Being a minor planet, Candara was totally ignored by the other Goa'ulds.

                  Between 2500 and 1547 BC : The former priests of Imhotep maintained the planet in a Dark Age-like era on Candara. The use of Goa'uld technology is forbidden to the commoners. Only the Chosen Ones have access to them.

                  1583 BC : Birth of Radam Barr, who is adopted by the Priests of Imhotep. He enters the Holy Army at the age of 10 and rise to the position of First Prime of Saald, a region rich with natural ressources.

                  1565 BC : Saald is invaded by the neighbour country of Verusse which is under the protection of the Church. Abandoned by all those that claimed to be his friends, Radam Barr forms his own army to resist the invasion. After 3 years of fierce battle, Saald wins over Verusse and annexes it.

                  But it is not yet the end : Saald is now considered as an enemy of the Church. Fortunately, Barr was smart enough to recruit former officials of Church and acquire Goa'uld technology.

                  By 1547 BC : War was raging on for 6 years between the Free Nations of Candara led by Radam Barr and the Church of Imhotep under the High Priest Serentep III. Fearing that they might lose, the Priests started experimenting on a Goa'uld Queen captured by Imhotep. They soon discovered tretonin and saw its potential for upgrading their soldiers. They even devised a bioweapon strong enough to wipe out opposing countries. It will be launched once all the citizen of the Holy Empire are injected with tretonin to protect them against its effects.

                  When Radam Barr discovers the whole plot, he understands that there is no other option but to bring down the Holy City once and for all. He assembles all his army for a last run directly to the heart of enemy territory. For 3 days and 3 nights, they led a fierce battle on the outskirts of the city. When his spies report to Barr that another enemy battalion would soon be joining the battle, he asks the other commanders to retreat to their own nations while the last Saaldin Knights would infiltrate the city and burned it to the ground.

                  The following day sees Radam Barr completing his personal vendetta against the Church as the Holy City is totally on fire and the High Priest Serentep III's head is hanging above the North Gate. Neither Radam Baar's nor his Knight's bodies were ever found. This marks the end of the Dark Age.

                  1547 BC - 1203 : After the end of the Holy War, the Free Nations and the allies of the Holy Church represented the main forces on Candera. Those fragmented forces soon made use of Goa'uld Technology laying around to wage war against each other. Around 1000, they even have their own space ships fighting over the resources of the solar system and building space habitats around the main bodies (gas giants and big asteroids).

                  1203 : The Goa'uld Qetesh activates the stargate on Candera. At first, she claims to be an ambassador from a friendly race that wish to form an alliance with the Canderans. The Nations soon fight against each other for access to the Gate and to the Qetesh Alliance. Little did they know that a fleet of Ha'taks were on their way to Candera.

                  Despite all their advancement and their knowldege of crude Goa'uld Technology, the Candara Space Fleets are totally unable to stop them. They have no choice but to flee to another solar system to save what could still be saved. The ground forces are crushed by orbital bombardment and overwhelming Jaffa armies. Qetesh is now the new figure of the Church of Candara.

                  1215 : The Space fleets of Candera decide to form an alliance whose prime objective is one day to get back and reclaim their homeworld. They will then be called the Radamans in homage to Radam Barr that fought against the Church and won.

                  between 1215 and 1957 : The Radamans keeps on fighting against Qetesh forces in the neighboring solar system around Candera. They have gotten used to their life in space ships and even managed to acquire hyperspace technology and fight their way around any plot devised by Qetesh.
                  The Canderans still living on the planet have not yet been completely submitted by the Jaffas. The Saaldin Rebels keep on harassing them and acquiring new technology. They even managed to use the Stargate to contact their Radaman brothers and inform them on the movements of the Hataks of Qetesh.

                  1957 : Qetesh is looking of a new host and finds Vala Mal Doran. She retreats in her main Temple and leaves the administration of Candera to Mem-Shesh, a minor Goa'uld. This is the best occasion for the Canderans to reclaim their planet.

                  The Saaldin Rebels will storm the Palace of Qetesh, overthrow the lord and bury the Gate. They will then take control of orbital defense to take down the Ha'taks in orbit.
                  The Radamans will fight the remaining forces scattered around the solar system then bombard from orbit the main Jaffa fortresses on the ground.

                  The plan goes perfectly smoothly since the Qetesh forces never expected to face such an organized force. The survivors and the Canderan traitors are immediately executed. Until the end, they pray for the return of Qetesh. She will never come back (she have to face attacks from Baal's and Morrigan's forces until 1992 when she is captured by the Tok'ra and extracted from Vala Mal Doran)

                  1957 - 2001 : The Canderans are once again a united population. But 600 years of separation have made them into 2 different civilizations, with different technology and mindset. Saaldins sees the Radamans as an imperialist force that wants to get access to Candera's territories and Goa'uld technology while the Radamans despised the Goa'uldish look of the Saaldins. Distrust is the general rule and it will take time to repair what Qetesh had broken.

                  About their technology, I think that it will be a mix between goa'uld and BSG style.

                  There will be slight differences between Saaldins' ships and Radamans' ship. The first ones are derived from Goa'uld fancy looking Ha'taks and Tel'taks while the second ones will have an utilitarian look. Both type will be weaker than the originals and unbalanced because they were made in a hurry.

                  It will take time for them to merge their technology and make a common ship that could be mass produced.
                  La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                  L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                    That is one of the best thought-out histories I've seen in a while. Nice job. But -- if you don't mind my asking -- what is their purpose?

                    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                      Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                      That is one of the best thought-out histories I've seen in a while. Nice job. But -- if you don't mind my asking -- what is their purpose?
                      Well that's quite simple : making sure that the Goa'uld never become a threat again to Canderas.

                      They are not stupid : to gain their freedom they had to sacrifice between 10 and 20 ships for every Ha'tak taken down and the same ratio for armed men fighting Jaffa squads. They are not that advanced even compared to a regular Lord/Lady like Qetesh. So what is bound to happen if some day a System Lord shows up? Something between slavery for centuries and total annihilation.

                      Therefore, they need better technology and more resources (naquadriah and trinium). They need to secure the neighboring solar systems. They need allies that could make them stronger or at least take the bullets aimed at them.

                      I thought that it could be a great ally to Earth but not like the kind Asgards but rather like the Geniis. When they need us, they ask for help then share what they got. They understand that the FJN and the Tok'ra are good guys but they don't want to have either one near them. It's Earth's business not theirs. If a valuable information about their world is in possession of an operative captured by Goa'ulds, they will make sure that he won't talk...ever.

                      On the other hand they are probably the only humans to have a good understanding of Goa'uld culture and Goa'uld technology. And they have frakking space colonies and arkships! Not really useful in a war but that's cool!

                      And concerning internal matters, they still need a working government that would settle the petty fights between the space-born Radamans and the mud-born Saaldins.

                      Oh! and they have mixed feelings about Vala Mal Doran... She shouldn't get near that solar system. It might get dirty.
                      La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                      L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                        I think there should be some more advanced civilisations rather than only the Goa'uld, Tollan and others known from the show. I think the Colonials from BSG could be a great part of the SG fandom.

                        A race completely ignorant of the Goa'uld yet space going and they have some new tech which might be useful to Earth, especially since the colonials are already space going.


                        Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                          yes i thought of that with a traveller-esque race.


                            I also have thought of an advanced (Halo level tech) militaristic (due to the constant thread of the goa'uld) race.

                            "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                              tbh, I've read through the first five pages.

                              Anything big happen after that?
                              Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                                just discussioning


                                Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië

