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My Journey through Stargate SG1 - episode by episode.

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    really i liked that ep. of course i'm a huge jacob and bra-tec fan, so the fact that they are both in it is great .


      Originally posted by blueray View Post
      really i liked that ep. of course i'm a huge jacob and bra-tec fan, so the fact that they are both in it is great .
      Well, Allegiance is one of my favourites this season. I once wrote a rather lengthy review/essay on why. I think the bolded is the key here; for us the hardcore fans this episode is not as much about the plot, which isn't all that great, I admit, but about the interaction between the characters, world-building and such small joys as seeing Jacob and Bra'tac together onscreen for the first time ever in the series.

      Different perspective, I guess.
      There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
      awesome sig by Josiane


        i also loved allegiance but it's good to see a new fans take on these episodes.
        The best written female character on trek ever.


          Nightwalkers rated 5 out of 5 and Allegiance 1 out of 5? Gotta love the different perspectives that exist around here


            6.10: Cure

            Generally this was a pretty strong episode with some solid performances. It spent most of the time telling a compelling story with interesting characters though I felt some of the behaviour a little odd and unconvincing at times. Somewhere just after the halfway point of the episode we had a twist regarding The Queen where it was said to be the genesis of the Tokra. There's no need to go into the implications of this, especially with the Tokra in this episode. When it's realised that the Pangens (spelling?) need to stop abusing The Queen for the symbiotes, the first thing that is discussed is where they can obtain more.

            No one in the room during that discussion, not one member of SG1, raised the morality of such a quest. Why isn't it that they didn't discuss the ongoing torture and exploitation of such a vital figure head to the Tokra? It eventually gets discussed but only in the last 5 minutes to tidy up the story threads. Frankly, this is where the episode should have begun - with a bombshell. T'ealc and Jonas exploring the tomb and find the awful truth that a long accepted custom of the Pangens is not only destroying a living being, they are putting their own people at risk. From here there are no limts as to where the tension can be taken or how it is portrayed because it answers the ultimate question of whether the sacrifice for one can be made for the longevity of an entire race. Sadly, this episode spent very little of the time discussing these issues. Had they cut the meandering around with the character set up that took up most of the first half of the episode, we could have had something memorable. Instead, it was just another week on the job. A very good one at that, but not one for the ages.

            But I did enjoy the final twist regarding The Queen's sabotage in the end.

            3.5 out of 5


              6.11: Prometheus (Part 1)

              This episode started off really well and was going to be my favourite for the season. It was still a good episode, but everything just became a bit too neat and tidy, even though there is still the other half of the story to be told. For instance, Carter locking herself in a room which just happens to have a welding torch and having all the time she needed to burn through the door with no one standing on the other side of the door to shoot her dead. I would have also liked to have known more about Simmons' arrest. it wasn't really explored and was just something we had to accept.

              The cliffhanger also felt a little odd in the way that the Asgard just seemingly appeared. While the act of that happening is acceptable, I just get a sense from the ending that the second half of this story will almost feel like a stand alone story since the basis of the episode (I anticipate) will be them helping The Asgard and getting themselves home. I'm curious as to how many events of this episode will be addressed in Part 2.

              4 out of 5


                one of my favorite episodes, and yeah i agree that it wasn't really a cliffhanger. though it sets up the next ep great (which is also a good ep).


                  Originally posted by TryWhistlingThis View Post
                  6.11: Prometheus (Part 1)

                  This episode started off really well and was going to be my favourite for the season. It was still a good episode, but everything just became a bit too neat and tidy, even though there is still the other half of the story to be told. For instance, Carter locking herself in a room which just happens to have a welding torch and having all the time she needed to burn through the door with no one standing on the other side of the door to shoot her dead. I would have also liked to have known more about Simmons' arrest. it wasn't really explored and was just something we had to accept.

                  The cliffhanger also felt a little odd in the way that the Asgard just seemingly appeared. While the act of that happening is acceptable, I just get a sense from the ending that the second half of this story will almost feel like a stand alone story since the basis of the episode (I anticipate) will be them helping The Asgard and getting themselves home. I'm curious as to how many events of this episode will be addressed in Part 2.

                  4 out of 5
                  If you already know this, then never mind. However, Col. Simmons was arrested at the end of the episode "48 Hours", after it had been discovered that he was the one holding Adrian Conrad/Goa'uld, and was the person that shot Jack in "Desperate Measures", and who had been doing all sorts of treasonous things along the way. He's been in prison since that episode ("48 Hours").


                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    If you already know this, then never mind. However, Col. Simmons was arrested at the end of the episode "48 Hours", after it had been discovered that he was the one holding Adrian Conrad/Goa'uld, and was the person that shot Jack in "Desperate Measures", and who had been doing all sorts of treasonous things along the way. He's been in prison since that episode ("48 Hours").
                    I must admit that I actually had to go back through the thread to read about 48 Hours and its turns out to be one of my favourites. For some reason I can't remember him being arrested, but it was a 5 out of 5 for me.


                      Originally posted by TryWhistlingThis View Post
                      I must admit that I actually had to go back through the thread to read about 48 Hours and its turns out to be one of my favourites. For some reason I can't remember him being arrested, but it was a 5 out of 5 for me.
                      It wasn't a big, flashy arrest. More like he got confronted in the control room by General Hammond and Carter about his nefarious activities, and carted off to the brig by a couple of SFs. And, if I remember correctly, Hammond even said something like "If he resists, shoot him" ... or maybe I just wanted Hammond to say something similiar.

                      And it's one of my favorite episodes, too. Even though Teal'c wasn't in it very much, in spite of it being centered around rescuing him.


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        It wasn't a big, flashy arrest. More like he got confronted in the control room by General Hammond and Carter about his nefarious activities, and carted off to the brig by a couple of SFs. And, if I remember correctly, Hammond even said something like "If he resists, shoot him" ... or maybe I just wanted Hammond to say something similiar.

                        And it's one of my favorite episodes, too. Even though Teal'c wasn't in it very much, in spite of it being centered around rescuing him.
                        i remember him saying something like that too.
                        The best written female character on trek ever.


                          6.12: Unnatural Selection (Part 2)

                          For all the criticism I gave last week's episode, I never knew i'd walk away from this episode feeling the way I do about it. This is possibly the best episode of the entire series. It certainly had the best portrayal of a villain in the Stargate Universe. Without using deep voices, glowing eyes or even any violence, the evolved Replicators ended up being the most menacing and two-faced that the series has had to offer as of late. This is precisely the type of thing I look for in a science fiction series because it's less about what we see and more about what motivates the villain. The episode even went as far as challenging SG1 concerning their morals and the outcomes of their actions. It even served as the closing question for the episode. This is why when I watch an off-world episode with shooting, dialogue, more shooting and a tidy ending I tend to get bored. SG1 has proven with episodes like this it is capable of being more than just a sci-fi, space action adventure series.

                          More please!

                          6 out of 5


                            thats a good episode, especially the ice cream scene, don't try to take teal'c ice cream lol.


                              6.13: Sight Unseen

                              This was one of those episodes where it came close but not quite. It was a great episode: well shot, good choice of locations, good acting and effects but most of all a really cohesive, well-paced plot. Unfortunately the thing that prevented this episode from being perfect was the resolution and the slightly predictable nature of it all. From early on I predicted that it was a virus of some kind. Sure enough, it was a contagion. The resolution just didn't quite stack up.

                              Since the guy at the petrol station had travelled great distances and come into contact with people (something as simple as paying for his plane tickets for instance) it just didn't seem feasible that the contagion could be contained in the way they were hoping. There was a brief moment with Frasier and Hammond where they would introduce a "placebo drug". But this would only work so far. The airport is the greatest hub possible to spread a virus, there's no reason why that could have gone global. But, instead the audience is lead to believe all is good and well and onto another week.

                              This is where it would have been better to perhaps set the episode in less locations so it would be a little more able to contain. Again, not a bad episode but as with other episodes, the writers created a solution that was just that bit too catastrophic.

                              4 out of 5


                                Originally posted by TryWhistlingThis View Post
                                6.13: Sight Unseen

                                This was one of those episodes where it came close but not quite. It was a great episode: well shot, good choice of locations, good acting and effects but most of all a really cohesive, well-paced plot. Unfortunately the thing that prevented this episode from being perfect was the resolution and the slightly predictable nature of it all. From early on I predicted that it was a virus of some kind. Sure enough, it was a contagion. The resolution just didn't quite stack up.

                                Since the guy at the petrol station had travelled great distances and come into contact with people (something as simple as paying for his plane tickets for instance) it just didn't seem feasible that the contagion could be contained in the way they were hoping. There was a brief moment with Frasier and Hammond where they would introduce a "placebo drug". But this would only work so far. The airport is the greatest hub possible to spread a virus, there's no reason why that could have gone global. But, instead the audience is lead to believe all is good and well and onto another week.

                                This is where it would have been better to perhaps set the episode in less locations so it would be a little more able to contain. Again, not a bad episode but as with other episodes, the writers created a solution that was just that bit too catastrophic.

                                4 out of 5
                                I have to disagree with your "4 out of 5". I'd give it more like a 2 or 3. It was an interesting idea, but I'd put it in the category of "forgettable episodes". There were a few scenes that were reasonably well acted, but I didn't think the acting on anyone's part was all that good. There were bits where it seemed as though there was a tiny lapse on the part of the actors, as though they had forgotten their lines or were waiting for somebody else to say something. I thought the scene with Sam, Jonas and the grandmother was cute.

                                I do agree about how far the contagion could have spread, though.

