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The Ultimate Furling Discussion Thread

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    More coming soon.

    EDIT - Here's my latest. Still working on things though.

    Last edited by FurlingElder0; 09 September 2008, 12:00 PM.


      Stating in advance: Sorry if this has been brought up before but I haven't found anything on it myself and just wanted to share what I found.

      I was rewatching Paradise Lost and the doorway was of Furling design. They said it was covered in Furling writing and everything. Maybourn didn't know that and on the moon with Jack he told the story of the gateway being built by a highly advanced alien race who discarded all of their technology and decided to live in isolation peacefully. He said that they sent emissaries throughout the galaxy to try to find people worthy enough to join them. Well as we saw the entire population of this isolation society was wiped out. So I was wondering, could it be possible that the Furlings died out on that moon since it was said to be the place they came to after throwing away all their advanced technology.

      This is after all just a thought I had
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        It's possible, but I like to think of it this way; The Furling's sent out emissaries to bring whomever they could to the moon to live in peace, or to shelter them from an evil force. The Furling's could of stayed there, OR, they could have left those people there thinking they were safe and went to fight that evil. They could even have left a small number of their own race to stay with them. But upon their return, and much to their horror, the people had gone insane and killed eachother. That's just how I like to look at it though.


          ^^^ The way i saw that was a group of Furlings, not the entire race, who decided to 'pack it in' and form a utopian society on that moon. I would think that the Furlings would be too great in number to live on one moon.


            Agreed :-)


              you guys remember that weather device? I belive it could be weather invention...???


                correction, it could be ferling invention!




                    Here's another one. I guess it's sort of how I picture my version of THE FURLING's back when the FOUR RACE ALLIANCE was still active.

                    More to come soon.


                      This thread is so huge I don't know how anybody can find anything.

                      Furlings Solved (my solution anyway , to follow)

                      I've read through a lot of posts. No one else seems to have thought of this so far as I can tell. For all I know though the issue has already been settled in Season Five (which I haven't seen yet). Well let's see how close I am or if what I came up with is as good as what may actually appear in the show(s).

                      I think that I have finally figured out how the Furlings should appear. The clue is on Atlantis. The doors are normal human height on the bottom half but there is a cutout in the middle making the middle look to be 10 feet so. I think that some time in the last million years or so that Atlantis has existed that the Furlings came to visit a lot, they were allies, buddies, after all, so the doors were made the size and shape we see to accommodate them

                      Therefore the Furlings are around 8 or 10 feet tall.

                      In "Scorched Earth" , the alien ship had a tech different then the ones previously seen plus they had a unique ability to design and build A.I. better than the other races. Finally, the were benign because they, in effect, through their A.I. humanoid avatar and his ability to develop empathy and compassion spared and relocated the inhabitants of the world that they were de-terraforming such that it would no longer be compatible with human life when they were done.

                      Even though their homeworld was destroyed, their DNA and samples of all the life in their former ecosystem were stored on the planet reforming seed ship. That explains why nobody has seen them for so long.

                      So I'm submitting one of two possibilities 1) they are the Furlings or 2) they are the Furlings little cousins.

                      I'm leaning towards #1.

                      The 3d holoprojection of the alien shown to Daniel on the seedship doesn't indicate scale. It looks smaller, human size but that may not be its actual size.

                      The thing that's cool is that we have a real alien-looking alien here. What would be even cooler is that when they spoke, what would be heard when they speak their native language would be some really scary sounding growls, slavering fang sounds and so forth like a wild animal about to attack. But because they are so good with AI they have constructed translators that when worn, translate what they are actually saying. And they actually would always tend to say nice things, be very polite and what would really be cool would be to make the translator voice sound like little kids voices. I suppose like how the flanger is applied to other SG aliens they could add a little here but instead of a low overlay, I wonder how a high-pitched or even "chipmunk" flange overlay would sound. The high pitch might make it easier to hear over the low rumblings and growls being translated from in the background.

                      Though totally ferocious and scary in appearance they could even turn out to be vegetarians or like the fearsome mythological Greek creature that actually only ate lotus blossoms... ok, that might be going a bit too far. They would need at least a slightly larger food base.

                      The Furling are huge fearsome creatures that actually have hearts of gold and sound like little kids when they talk (after translation) . Wouldn't that be a blast?
                      Last edited by apostrophe; 14 September 2008, 01:58 AM. Reason: change title - trying to make it into a subthread
                      "Thank God it hit the Reading Library, or somebody might have been seriously hurt!"


                        Huge fearsome creatures with a heart of gold. That's the Furling's in a nut-shell.

                        EDIT - >

                        Here's another one, It's pretty rough but you get the idea. :-)

                        Last edited by FurlingElder0; 13 September 2008, 04:40 PM.


                          Originally posted by apostrophe View Post
                          This thread is so huge I don't know how anybody can find anything.

                          Furlings Solved (my solution anyway , to follow)

                          I've read through a lot of posts. No one else seems to have thought of this so far as I can tell. For all I know though the issue has already been settled in Season Five (which I haven't seen yet). Well let's see how close I am or if what I came up with is as good as what may actually appear in the show(s).

                          I think that I have finally figured out how the Furlings should appear. The clue is on Atlantis. The doors are normal human height on the bottom half but there is a cutout in the middle making the middle look to be 10 feet so. I think that some time in the last million years or so that Atlantis has existed that the Furlings came to visit a lot, they were allies, buddies, after all, so the doors were made the size and shape we see to accommodate them

                          Therefore the Furlings are around 8 or 10 feet tall.

                          In "Scorched Earth" , the alien ship had a tech different then the ones previously seen plus they had a unique ability to design and build A.I. better than the other races. Finally, the were benign because they, in effect, through their A.I. humanoid avatar and his ability to develop empathy and compassion spared and relocated the inhabitants of the world that they were de-terraforming such that it would no longer be compatible with human life when they were done.

                          Even though their homeworld was destroyed, their DNA and samples of all the life in their former ecosystem were stored on the planet reforming seed ship. That explains why nobody has seen them for so long.

                          So I'm submitting one of two possibilities 1) they are the Furlings or 2) they are the Furlings little cousins.

                          I'm leaning towards #1.

                          The 3d holoprojection of the alien shown to Daniel on the seedship doesn't indicate scale. It looks smaller, human size but that may not be its actual size.

                          The thing that's cool is that we have a real alien-looking alien here. What would be even cooler is that when they spoke, what would be heard when they speak their native language would be some really scary sounding growls, slavering fang sounds and so forth like a wild animal about to attack. But because they are so good with AI they have constructed translators that when worn, translate what they are actually saying. And they actually would always tend to say nice things, be very polite and what would really be cool would be to make the translator voice sound like little kids voices. I suppose like how the flanger is applied to other SG aliens they could add a little here but instead of a low overlay, I wonder how a high-pitched or even "chipmunk" flange overlay would sound. The high pitch might make it easier to hear over the low rumblings and growls being translated from in the background.

                          Though totally ferocious and scary in appearance they could even turn out to be vegetarians or like the fearsome mythological Greek creature that actually only ate lotus blossoms... ok, that might be going a bit too far. They would need at least a slightly larger food base.

                          The Furling are huge fearsome creatures that actually have hearts of gold and sound like little kids when they talk (after translation) . Wouldn't that be a blast?
                          The 'Gadmeer' were a sulphoricaly (sp?) based lifeform, as well as this they were from another galaxy, both these points making it extremey unlikely that they were the Furlings


                            Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
                            The 'Gadmeer' were a sulphoricaly (sp?) based lifeform, as well as this they were from another galaxy, both these points making it extremey unlikely that they were the Furlings
                            Oh. "Gadmeer", right, I forgot that they already had a name.

                            I was aware of the sulphur based aspect of their biology and I don't think that would necessarily be a basis for disqualification.

                            From what I recall, you still need lquid water (something that we would have in common) for just about any kind of life. Probably they breath oxygen too. The difference is that they would metabolize the sulphur in their sulphur based food instead of the carbon in carbon based food like we do. They would breath in oxygen and exhale sulphur dioxide(SO2) (pretty poisonous to breathe for humans) instead of carbon dioxide (CO2).

                            They particularly needed to do the planet-reforming so they could grow sulphur based food (otherwise nonexistant in our galaxy) so their re-constituted civilization would have something to eat.

                            Earth has just a tiny bit of atmospheric CO2 compared to, say, Venus and Mars which seems to represent a more common situation for planets. They might be used to a lot higher percentage of SO2, (say 10%) in their atmosphere than there is CO2 is in ours (0.5% or so) . SO2 reacts with water to produce H2SO3, Sulphurous Acid and eventually H2SO4, Sulphuric Acid. Sulphuric Acid is nasty stuff. They might have a lot of that in their air's water vapor which is what makes their normal atmosphere so noxious and damaging for humans. OTOH, if they can shrug off Sulphuric Acid, a little CO2 probably isn't even noticable to them.

                            It's also possible that their normal atmosphere could also have mostly helium instead of nitrogen. Next to hydrogen it's the most common element. It's just not that common on Earth. If they were used to breathing helium instead of nitrogen, their vocal chords would have evolved heavier to resonate sound in that less dense gas environment. Like the gag where a person inhales helium from a balloon to sound like a high pitched Donald Duck, the opposite would be true if you went from helium normal to nitrogen. Everything would be shifted down an octive or more. In Earth-normal air, when they tried to talk, their voice would come out basso-profundo, ominously low pitched, distorted into growls and rumblings which people instinctively associate with large, scary, carniverous predators.

                            Their speaking apparatus might be so different anyway that they would find Earth language difficult which is why they built tranlator devices. Since their actual demeanor is based on being kind, philisophically enlightened and otherwise benign, that is how they designed their translators to sound.

                            Maybe Amanda Tapping could do a sound-studio enhanced Furling voice like Michael Shanks did for the Thor character. She has a warm pleasent voice and could probably do "cute" with a little experimentation.

                            The "different galaxy" thing isn't a problem at all. Kind of standand, really. After all wasn't Thor and the Asgard from Ida, a different and fairly distant, as I recall, galaxy? The Lanteans resided in the more adjacent Pegasus galaxy, retreating there from the (distant) Ori galaxy where they used to live as Altairens. Only the Nox seem to be our current co-residents of the Milky Way galaxy but even there it isn't clear how long they've made a home here.

                            To re-visit the name issue:

                            Since they suffered an annhilating attack in their original galaxy and everybody thought they were dead, the heat was then off for them.

                            Now that the remnant of their civilation is off in another galaxy here trying to start a new life, wouldn't they want to keep word, that they weren't completely killed off after all, from being spread all over the local group (of galaxies)?

                            If you were afraid of being killed by a brutish entity where you used to live and decided to sneak away and start a new life elsewhere, wouldn't the first thing that you would want to do, would be to change your name?

                            Kind of like with "the witness protection program".
                            Last edited by apostrophe; 14 September 2008, 01:42 AM. Reason: spelling
                            "Thank God it hit the Reading Library, or somebody might have been seriously hurt!"


                              I'm sure that this has already been said but I think that the energy beings linked to the Crystal Skull are the Furlings, despite the obvious irony, they would also appear fit the type cast of the members of the ancient alliance, I know that last bit sounds odd, but let me explain....

                              The known three members of the alliance are all incredibly advanced and yet are so in different ways, the Asgard represent a purely scientific standing, the Ancients represent a spiritual stand point, and the Nox represent the natural world, so with those three bases covered, the "ghosts" in another dimension would ad yet another take on how an advanced civilization could function.

                              I do however have one question, was the ancient alliance still around after the ancients achieved ascension?


                                I think the alliance may have ended, or fallen apart, a small time before the Ancients ascension.

