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Original Starship Design Thread

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    >> Height: 95m
    >> Beam: 519.7m
    >> Length: 883m
    cut the size down a little, make it slightly more realistic
    Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


      Here is a New Ship I Designed

      The Name:
      HSC-308 (Heavy Space Carrier)

      The Dimensions:
      the length is 1025 meters
      the width is 585 meters
      the height is 68 meters

      The Weapons:

      200x - X-302 Fighter Craft
      200x - Medium/Heavy Railguns
      300x - Light Energy Turrets
      50x - Heavy Energy Cannons

      The Defenses:
      1 Meter Thick trillium Hull
      High Powered Asgard Shields

      The Power Supply:

      The power supplies for this ship are eight heavy naquadah reactors.

      Beaming technology

      Here is the link to the Google Sketchup design I did just Click Here


        Shouldn't technology such as Inertial Dampeners, Artificial Gravity pods, Anti-Gravity wave Generators, Subspace Comm., Sensors, etc... be included? Mainly to keep the crew from being blobs on the walls of the ship and to keep the ship in midair when in the atmosphere? Subspace Comm and Sensors are also required on ships.
        Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


          First time i bothered to come up with a ship design, so here it is

          Ship Type: Battle Carrier
          Ship Class: Victory Class
          Technology base: Tau’ri/Asgard/Goa’uld
          Commission Date: 2031

          Length 830m
          Depth 80m
          Width 280m (at its largest)

          (Taking as the Daedalus = 400m)

          Power Source:
          • 3 mark IV naquida reactor, 2 devoted to tactical systems (shields, weapons, sensors, active camouflage etc), 1 devoted to all other systems.
          • 15 mark I and 5 mark III naquida generators distributed around the ship for backup purposes, mainly for critical systems, life support, gravity etc, but can be tied into other systems such as weapons, or beaming technology, communication.

          Coil Guns
          - 5 twin barreled 350mm coil guns – Improved design of the “rail guns” from the original bc304. Having twin barrels increases the rate of fire, and its ability to continually bombard a target. The two barrels are rarely used at the same time. While one if firing the other is cooling down. Another improvement over the original design, is the velocity of the bullet, the kinetic energy of the bullet hitting a target has 20% of a Ha’tak cannon’s pulse.
          -8 single barrel 250mm coil guns – Improved design over the bc304 rail gun, as it has a increased rate of fire and higher mussel velocity, though not a powerfully as the 350mm, they fire in pulses of 7 bullets to allow for the barrel to cool.
          -14 twin barreled 150mm coil guns – mainly used for anti-fighter and anti-missile, but can still packet enough of an impact on medium class ships (al’kesh)

          -6 laser cannons – based of the lasers of late 20th and early 21st century, theses lasers main objective is to punch though armour and create secondary explosions. They are also good at putting shields under continue pressure, although they are not as effective as high calibre coil guns on shields. They are also effective at missile and anti fighter defence, as they are quick targeting. They have a considerable long range in space, effective up to 100km, but their range is reduced in the atmosphere due to atmospheric disturbance, though this is minimalised by using adaptive optics

          -36 missile silos
          • 20 mark vii naquadia enhanced tactical nuclear missiles, these missiles have greater speed and maneuverability than their predecessors. They contain sensor jamming and stealth technology. The more higher grade version has active camouflage hull. Optional settings of explode on intercept (i.e. being fired upon by fighter or hitting a shield)
          • 16 mark xi naquaidria enhanced nuclear missiles, these have greater speed and maneuverability and contain jamming and stealth technology. They have an option of attaching a hyper-space generator for short jumps, for bypassing shields.
          • 2 * 10 barreled missile platform for surface to air and air to air missiles with varying yields.

          Other/ microwave
          -Microwave and other electromagnetic transmitters that can interfere with other ships systems or missile systems.

          -20 Phalanx cannon – used solely for anti fighter and anti missile defense short range.


          -Alloy mesh – carbon 60/ trinium, titanium – using nano-technology to produce carbon-60 nano-tube which are woven into the trinium-titanium alloy. This increases the hull strength by a factor of 2. Plus the armour is less likely to suffer catastrophic failure (like re-enforced glass, it cracks instead of shattering)
          -Angled – no surface of the hull is level, it is angled to increase the depth of the amour. It also decreases the sensor signature of the vessel.
          -Absorption – the hull of the ship is also coated in a nano-solar panel, which can absorb certain amount of electromagnetic radiation, used mainly for emergency when main power is off line. It also allows small amounts of energy to be passed between allied ships if needs be during battles. An unintentional side effect of this coat is it’s ability to absorb a small percentage of some of energy weapons fire during a battle. This percentage is small but allows the vessel to stay in a battle for a little longer.
          (link to what i mean: http://http://news.nationalgeographi...arplastic.html
          • Camouflage
          o Active camouflage – this technology is one step shy of a full cloak, it isn’t perfect but coupled with the ships other stealth technology, it is quite effective.

          • Sub-light
          -Electro static propulsion based of Thomas Townsend Brown’s electrically charged flying disks, powerful engine that don’t use fuel like conventional thruster, thereby freeing up space used by fuel storage
          -Ion Engines, used for bursts of acceleration and manoeuvring based of Hebridan Ion drives.
          -Manoeuvring thrusters, used for emergencies .
          • Hyper space
          -Earth built and designed hyper space engine. This engine is based of asgard designs, though as effective as the hyperspace engines the asgard gave earth, they are entirely built from earth based materials and are a little larger than the asgard built ones.

          • Earth designed shields based of Asgard technology, up to 3-5 times the shield strength of the Daedalus shields, depending on how much power devoted to them.
          • Radiation shielding – the inside of the ships hull is wired with a faraday cage, with a electrical current flowing through, which causes a magnetic field which helps deflect particles (like earth magnetic field deflecting the solar wind). An added bonus it helps disperse power overloads across the hull of the ship, and helps shield critical systems.

          Crew Complement
          • 300 crew
          • 150 flight personnel
          • accommodate up to 3000 troops (only for short haul)

          Aircraft Complement
          This ship can accommodate up to 60 F302’s or other space capable fighters. And 5 drop ships

          Though this configuration can change to allow for tanks and other ground based attack vehicles.

          Fanwank extra’s: (i.e. not actually on the ship, just for fun
          Sodan cloak
          Tolan phase-shifting
          2 Ancient particle beam
          Ancient shields
          3-ZPM power source
          4 Asgard Neutrino generators
          2 Ori particle beam
          Semi Organic hull
          Wraith plasma cannons
          …. And a partridge in a pair tree….


          this ship is designed to be completely earth built so not to rely on other races. Design: thinking based off the 304 design except longer, wider and with extended hanger bays
          Arthur: O Knights of Ni. We have brought you your shrubbery. May we go now?
          Knight of Ni: Yes, it is a good shrubbery. I like the laurels particularly. But there is one small problem....
          Arthur: What is that?
          Knight of Ni: We are now no longer the Knights Who Say "Ni"!
          Other Knights of Ni: Ni! Shh! Shh!
          Knight of Ni: We are now the Knights who say "Ekky-ekky-ekky-ekky-z'Bang, zoom-Boing, z'nourrrwringmm".
          Other Knight of Ni: Ni!
          Knight of Ni: Therefore, we must give you a test.
          Arthur: What is this test, O Knights of..... Knights who 'til recently said "Ni"?
          Knight of Ni: Firstly, you must find.... ANOTHER SHRUBBERY!!!


            Very good, for your first design that is actually a great start. I like it and for once can find nothing wrong with it...Well done you get green
            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
            Stargate : Genesis |
            Original Starship DesignThread
            Sanctuary for all |
            11000! green me


              Ok here is my initial plan of a new ship i am making. Please comment


              Name: Phoenix

              Type: Long range, Hyperspace capable, stealth assault ship

              Technology base: Tau’ri/Asgard

              Operators: Mainly a Human crew although the ship can be crewed by Asgard.

              Naval Classification: Tactical Stealth Ship, designation TSS

              Hull: The Phoenix is fitted with a two meter thick Ablative Naquada/Trinium/Carbon hull, with a secondary half meter thick hull made of Trinium and Titanium underneath.

              Decks: There are 29 decks aboard the ship, each of them are 2 meters high with each deck having a ventilation duct 1 meter high running across the level.

              >> Height: 92m
              >> Beam: 503.3m
              >> Length: 855.6m

              Displacement: 8,562,275.84 metric tons

              Crew: The ship needs a minimum crew of 550 to run the ship, with a crew of 850 recommended. The ship has a capacity of 1500 maximum crew members.



              Power plant: Three to four Neutrino Ion Generators and two Mark VI reactors as emergency backup.

              >> Four Asgard Ion Sublight Engines
              >> Six Asgard Chemical engines (For use in atmosphere)
              >> Anti-gravity engines
              >> Two Asgard Hyperdrive generators

              >> Maximum Acceleration: 95 PSL
              >> Maximum Hyperspace Velocity: 25,129.75 light-years/hour
              >> Hyperspace Generator Recharge Rate: 7.53 seconds between jumps

              >> 6x repeating energy weapons [rotational and some fixed]
              >> 6x doubled-barrelled 250mm rail-guns [rotational]
              >> 5x Asgard Ion cannons [rotational]
              >> 8x 120mm rail-guns [rotational]
              >> 10x 100mm rail-guns [rotational]
              >> 18x 30mm rail-guns [rotational]
              >> Two rear facing missile launchers, capable of firing any known missile
              >> Three front facing missile launchers

              >> Four overlapping Asgard Adaptive, Regenerative Shield Generators
              >> Ablative hull Armour
              >> Asgard designed advanced Cloak

              Other Technology:
              >> Asgard enhanced Technology (Sensors, computers, AI, Holographics, Targeting computer etc)
              >> Three Ring Transporters
              >> Asgard Beaming tech (adapted for offensive capability)
              >> Asgard beaming jammer

              Technical and Historical Notes:
              Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


                Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                Very good, for your first design that is actually a great start. I like it and for once can find nothing wrong with it...Well done you get green
                cheers, maybe it can be used for the virtual fleet 2.0?
                Arthur: O Knights of Ni. We have brought you your shrubbery. May we go now?
                Knight of Ni: Yes, it is a good shrubbery. I like the laurels particularly. But there is one small problem....
                Arthur: What is that?
                Knight of Ni: We are now no longer the Knights Who Say "Ni"!
                Other Knights of Ni: Ni! Shh! Shh!
                Knight of Ni: We are now the Knights who say "Ekky-ekky-ekky-ekky-z'Bang, zoom-Boing, z'nourrrwringmm".
                Other Knight of Ni: Ni!
                Knight of Ni: Therefore, we must give you a test.
                Arthur: What is this test, O Knights of..... Knights who 'til recently said "Ni"?
                Knight of Ni: Firstly, you must find.... ANOTHER SHRUBBERY!!!


                  Originally posted by boberth2o View Post
                  Here is a New Ship I Designed

                  The Name:
                  HSC-308 (Heavy Space Carrier)

                  The Dimensions:
                  the length is 1025 meters
                  the width is 585 meters
                  the height is 68 meters

                  The Weapons:

                  200x - X-302 Fighter Craft
                  200x - Medium/Heavy Railguns
                  300x - Light Energy Turrets
                  50x - Heavy Energy Cannons

                  The Defenses:
                  1 Meter Thick trillium Hull
                  High Powered Asgard Shields

                  The Power Supply:

                  The power supplies for this ship are eight heavy naquadah reactors.

                  Beaming technology

                  Here is the link to the Google Sketchup design I did just Click Here
                  kind of long, ain't it.

                  Thought the pic does resemble like an asgard/tauri mix. very cool design, but tune it down alittle.
                  Oh, believe me its not the first time we tried it
                  I shot him...

                  in the leg...
                  I'm invulnerable!
                  Life, liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten.


                    Originally posted by Col. Shadow Quinn View Post
                    ID-308 Asskicker
                    Type: Dreadnaught
                    Tech Base: Tau'ri
                    Crew: 200 (1500 emergency limit)

                    Length: 350m
                    Width: 112m
                    Heigth: 86m

                    Power Plant
                    1 Mk VIII Neutrino Ion Reactor (Tau'ri built)
                    4 Mk VI Naquadah reactors

                    Mk IV Railguns: 24
                    Missile tubes: 12
                    Mk IX Nukes: 25
                    Mk VIII Tacticals:240
                    Energy weapon(based off Asgard design)
                    Mk X Shield Generator: 1
                    Ablative Armor Generators(50cm High density Trinium Armor)

                    Sublight: 120,000
                    Intergalactic Hyperdrive:135 light years/minute

                    Other Tech
                    Inertial Dampeners
                    Artificial Gravity generators
                    Antigravity wave generators
                    Tauri beaming tech
                    Ring transporters
                    Subspace Comm.
                    Long Range Sensors
                    SDB(Subspace Distress Beacon)

                    Small Craft
                    F-302s: 12
                    Mk VII shuttles: 12 (based on ST Voyager's Delta Flyer)

                    This ship was completed in 2016 to take on up to 5 Hatak class vessels and come out victorious. All of the ship's systems were Earth built at Area 51 so Earth could be less dependant on the Asgard for technology in its war against the Lucian Alliance and Jaffa. This ships first test in a combat situation was when the Jaffa attacked Cimmeria. The Asskicker was sent to Cimmeria promptly after learning of the takeover of Cimmeria. When it arrived, it saw 3 Hatak in orbit around the planet. After warning the Jaffa ships to leave the immediate area, it raised shields and prepared for the attack.The Jaffa ships fired and the Asskicker fired back. The Asskicker won the battle with minimal damage.
                    Here's my starship, I had to edit some of it a few times. It not too weak, but it isn't fanwank either. Not to mention it's battle capacity is quite impressive in its own respect.
                    Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                      Originally posted by Dogs_Body View Post
                      cheers, maybe it can be used for the virtual fleet 2.0?
                      If you enter it for the Battlecarrier class, which is up next or up soon then i would defintly be interested in voting for /adding it to the fleet. Its a very good ship. In fact so far its the best B.C i have seen recently.
                      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                      Stargate : Genesis |
                      Original Starship DesignThread
                      Sanctuary for all |
                      11000! green me


                        Originally posted by Dr. Who View Post
                        kind of long, ain't it.

                        Thought the pic does resemble like an asgard/tauri mix. very cool design, but tune it down alittle.
                        Well yeah I guess your right Put the whole point of my making that long is so when wee were to go up to like 5 ha'taks we would be able to take it on and not flee. and we still dont have a shp the can hold more than 8/16 fighters(I dont really know how many). In the show like almost every ship is bigger than the earth ships so I thought it could be nice for a larger earth ship, it's only like twice the size of the Daedalus and then the Daedalus is twice the size of Promethesus.


                          Here is my ship the Phoenix.

                          Name: Phoenix

                          Type: Long range, Hyperspace capable, stealth assault ship

                          Technology base: Tau’ri/Asgard

                          Operators: Mainly a Human crew although the ship can be crewed by Asgard.

                          Naval Classification: Tactical Stealth Ship, designation TSS

                          Hull: The Phoenix is fitted with a two meter thick Ablative Naquada/Trinium/Carbon hull, with a secondary half meter thick hull made of Trinium and Titanium underneath.

                          Decks: There are 29 decks aboard the ship, each of them are 2 meters high with each deck having a ventilation duct 1 meter high running across the level.
                          >> Height: 92m
                          >> Beam: 503.3m
                          >> Length: 855.6m

                          Displacement: 8,562,275.84 metric tons

                          Crew: The ship needs a minimum crew of 550 to run the ship, with a crew of 850 recommended. The ship has a capacity of 1500 maximum crew members.


                          Power plant: Three Neutrino Ion Generators and two Mark VI reactors as emergency backup.

                          >> Four Asgard Ion Sublight Engines
                          >> Six Asgard Chemical engines (For use in atmosphere)
                          >> Anti-gravity engines
                          >> Two Asgard Hyperdrive generators

                          >> Maximum Acceleration: 95 PSL
                          >> Maximum Hyperspace Velocity: 25,129.75 light-years/hour
                          >> Hyperspace Generator Recharge Rate: 7.53 seconds between jumps

                          >> 6x repeating energy weapons [rotational and some fixed]
                          >> 6x doubled-barrelled 250mm rail-guns [rotational]
                          >> 5x Asgard Ion cannons [rotational]
                          >> 8x 120mm rail-guns [rotational]
                          >> 10x 100mm rail-guns [rotational]
                          >> 18x 30mm rail-guns [rotational]
                          >> Two rear facing missile launchers, capable of firing any known missile
                          >> Three front facing missile launchers

                          >> Four overlapping Asgard Adaptive, Regenerative Shield Generators
                          >> Ablative hull Armour
                          >> Asgard designed advanced Cloak

                          Other Technology:
                          >> Asgard enhanced Technology (Sensors, computers, AI, Holographics, Targeting computer etc)
                          >> Three Ring Transporters
                          >> Asgard Beaming tech (adapted for offensive capability)
                          >> Asgard beaming jammer

                          Technical and Historical Notes:

                          How the Phoenix came about
                          After the war with the replicators a faction of the Asgard, who had come accustom to war, split off and fled their fellow kind, to begin a new life. The faction who named themselves the Titans plagued their rivals, pirating from the Asgard fleets, and attacking ships, their leader Jörmungandr created a marvellous ship known as Ragnarök. Ragnarök was a large ship rivaling that of the O’Neill class ship created by the Asgard, the ship was 1900 meters in length and carried a heavy compliment of weapons, it was colored a deep black, and was equipped with an advanced cloak. Jörmungandr commanded the Ragnarök against the Asgard during their fight utilizing its weapons and cloak until finally defecting back to the Asgard at the height of the Ori war, the Ragnarök presumed destroyed.

                          After the war with the Ori and the expansion of the Tau’ri, Jörmungandr approached a third party located on Earth with a proposition, in return for the schematics for a prototype ship similar to the Ragnarök, this third party must keep Jörmungandr safe from the Asgard council who had grown tired of Jörmungandr traitorous ways. Jörmungandr was protected for as long as possible before being discovered by the Asgard and taken away.

                          However, the plans were never discovered until a rich business man approached the Tau’ri fleet with a proposition. Shortly after a ship began construction, admittedly mainly constructed by the Asgard. After completion the ship was returned to its owner and the proposition was for filled.
                          Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


                            Originally posted by fallen_arbiter View Post
                            Here is my ship the Phoenix.

                            Name: Phoenix

                            Type: Long range, Hyperspace capable, stealth assault ship

                            Technology base: Tau’ri/Asgard

                            Operators: Mainly a Human crew although the ship can be crewed by Asgard.

                            Naval Classification: Tactical Stealth Ship, designation TSS

                            Hull: The Phoenix is fitted with a two meter thick Ablative Naquada/Trinium/Carbon hull, with a secondary half meter thick hull made of Trinium and Titanium underneath.

                            Decks: There are 29 decks aboard the ship, each of them are 2 meters high with each deck having a ventilation duct 1 meter high running across the level.
                            >> Height: 92m
                            >> Beam: 503.3m
                            >> Length: 855.6m

                            Displacement: 8,562,275.84 metric tons

                            Crew: The ship needs a minimum crew of 550 to run the ship, with a crew of 850 recommended. The ship has a capacity of 1500 maximum crew members.


                            Power plant: Three Neutrino Ion Generators and two Mark VI reactors as emergency backup.

                            >> Four Asgard Ion Sublight Engines
                            >> Six Asgard Chemical engines (For use in atmosphere)
                            >> Anti-gravity engines
                            >> Two Asgard Hyperdrive generators

                            >> Maximum Acceleration: 95 PSL
                            >> Maximum Hyperspace Velocity: 25,129.75 light-years/hour
                            >> Hyperspace Generator Recharge Rate: 7.53 seconds between jumps

                            >> 6x repeating energy weapons [rotational and some fixed]
                            >> 6x doubled-barrelled 250mm rail-guns [rotational]
                            >> 5x Asgard Ion cannons [rotational]
                            >> 8x 120mm rail-guns [rotational]
                            >> 10x 100mm rail-guns [rotational]
                            >> 18x 30mm rail-guns [rotational]
                            >> Two rear facing missile launchers, capable of firing any known missile
                            >> Three front facing missile launchers

                            >> Four overlapping Asgard Adaptive, Regenerative Shield Generators
                            >> Ablative hull Armour
                            >> Asgard designed advanced Cloak

                            Other Technology:
                            >> Asgard enhanced Technology (Sensors, computers, AI, Holographics, Targeting computer etc)
                            >> Three Ring Transporters
                            >> Asgard Beaming tech (adapted for offensive capability)
                            >> Asgard beaming jammer

                            Technical and Historical Notes:

                            How the Phoenix came about
                            After the war with the replicators a faction of the Asgard, who had come accustom to war, split off and fled their fellow kind, to begin a new life. The faction who named themselves the Titans plagued their rivals, pirating from the Asgard fleets, and attacking ships, their leader Jörmungandr created a marvellous ship known as Ragnarök. Ragnarök was a large ship rivaling that of the O’Neill class ship created by the Asgard, the ship was 1900 meters in length and carried a heavy compliment of weapons, it was colored a deep black, and was equipped with an advanced cloak. Jörmungandr commanded the Ragnarök against the Asgard during their fight utilizing its weapons and cloak until finally defecting back to the Asgard at the height of the Ori war, the Ragnarök presumed destroyed.

                            After the war with the Ori and the expansion of the Tau’ri, Jörmungandr approached a third party located on Earth with a proposition, in return for the schematics for a prototype ship similar to the Ragnarök, this third party must keep Jörmungandr safe from the Asgard council who had grown tired of Jörmungandr traitorous ways. Jörmungandr was protected for as long as possible before being discovered by the Asgard and taken away.

                            However, the plans were never discovered until a rich business man approached the Tau’ri fleet with a proposition. Shortly after a ship began construction, admittedly mainly constructed by the Asgard. After completion the ship was returned to its owner and the proposition was for filled.
                            Nice, what do you think of my ship; the Asskicker?
                            Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                              Originally posted by Col. Shadow Quinn View Post
                              Nice, what do you think of my ship; the Asskicker?
                              nic ship, could use a better name though lol
                              Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                                Hi im sure that you are all aware of the Gateworld fleet but this is a formal request for any designers to head over there and give thier thoughts and designs, i am posting a link to all ship classes that we need enties in:
                                fighters - by 29th/11

                                Cargo ship/ Supply ship
                                Freighter cruiser ~ Hermes Class by Immhotep
                                Other (will add if needed)

                                Armed Cruiser ~ Pegasus class by buba Uognarf
                                Space station ~ Sector hub trading station by Immhotep
                                Dropship ~ ATS By Immhotep
                                Dropship Carrier ~ Atlantis class by Immhotep
                                All of the classes are open for entries but at the moment we are doing fighters, as we continue through the process of voting and building the fleet the most inportant ships will be open for designs to be submitted for.
                                I hope you will keep you eye of the GW fleet 2.0 ~ and submit your designs as and when you see them being needed, if you have ideas or advice or anything to offer post.

                                Thanks, Immhotep
                                You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                                Stargate : Genesis |
                                Original Starship DesignThread
                                Sanctuary for all |
                                11000! green me

