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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
    Well this is just part of the outer superstructure and the engine's exhaust vent thingy so it isn't anywhere near a finished design.

    The whole idea was to make it look like something that could be built in the next year or so, I mean do you seriously think that we would build a 304 if we suddenly figured out FTL travel? No we would most likely integrate the StarDrive system into a spaceship design that we already knew would work. Because of that, and the fact that I have wanted to make a design like this for a while now, I decided to go with the 'primitive' and jaggy design you saw.
    of course we wouldnt build a 304 first and i def agree it would be something similar to what you have made there and what i meant with jaggy was the "render" not the ship.

    ok update on atlantis.

    so ive redesigned and gotten rid of alot of polys on this thing so im sitting at 1.2mil polys (triangles) which leaves me alittle more then a million for the central city and potential stardrive


      Originally posted by Alx View Post
      of course we wouldnt build a 304 first and i def agree it would be something similar to what you have made there and what i meant with jaggy was the "render" not the ship.
      Okay so by jaggy you meant that it looked too pointy? If so I currently intended virtually every pointy and jagged piece that is there, as such it has very little to do with the render.

      ok update on atlantis.

      so ive redesigned and gotten rid of alot of polys on this thing so im sitting at 1.2mil polys (triangles) which leaves me alittle more then a million for the central city and potential stardrive
      I haven't commented on this yet... very very good if I tried I may be able to do about half as good in the amount of time you have taken.


        thanks im glad you like it

        but still what i meant by "jaggy" is the quality of the render it has this pixlated look like it was made in MS paint instead of a smooth clean render.


          Oh, well that is the best I can do with SketchUp on my computer right now.


            new renders of my ship



              I like the engine designs on that.


                Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
                I like the engine designs on that.


                  Its certainly got potential, i like the overall body shape and the engines are very nice. Any ideas of spec/class, those long wing would make nice external fixing points to some other craft like fighters or dropships.
                  You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                  Stargate : Genesis |
                  Original Starship DesignThread
                  Sanctuary for all |
                  11000! green me


                    i got a question where do you guys get ur textures, is there a site or do you make them.

                    Einherjar- like the overall design.
                    time doesn't go in a linear path like everyone thinks, time is a ball of timey wimey wibbly wobblely uh....

                    Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.


                      u make em or buy em fromt exture sites


                        Originally posted by colbmista View Post
                        u make em or buy em fromt exture sites
                        ah thx

                        also i was going to enter this in the modeling challenge but i realized the deadlines tomorrow and i don't have the time to finish it, tell me what do you think of it so far.

                        The Humming Bird sub-class warship.
                        the hummingbird class warship, using a particle beam from the main cannon this hip takes its place at the front lines and from a distance. able to snipe ships from a far this ship is very vesicle.

                        The main cannon

                        The engine

                        side 1

                        side 2
                        time doesn't go in a linear path like everyone thinks, time is a ball of timey wimey wibbly wobblely uh....

                        Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.


                          darryl- i've generated an interest for realistic ships. i'm not sure HOW realistic you want it.

                          anyway, what are the "arms", does it have to be manned, and what function will it have?


                            Originally posted by Alx View Post
                            well first of all everything you see in the last two renders i posted is a separate file/object
                            the problem is if i put them all toghether in a scene and try to render all i get is "unsufficient memory for render" and the software lags horribly and for that reason im not gonna add the drive yet, instead ill wait and see how the polycount looks when i have the main city made and if i then have some polys to spare i wil most likely add the drive
                            That would be great.
                            I'm hopeful to see your completed work.


                              Okay, Killman, first it does not have to be manned but it is intended primarily as a manned science science starship. Secondly the arms have a few functions, the vertical 'arm' is actually going to be a reactor tower where the fission reactors are going to be placed and the two diagonal arms are your basic docking arms/cargo attacher thingies. Thirdly, other than no artificial gravity course plotting by star charting and using modern maneuvering thrusters, it is not realistic at all. The StarDrive is purely fantastical and as far as I am aware has no contemporary in modern scientific theory. And the Fission reactors convert heat and other forms of radiation directly into usable energy without the use of water, I may change the reactors later but that is my current idea.

                              Also the primary function is that of a scientific explorer and interstellar tug for large bits and pieces of space stations that are desired to be set up in a distant star system. So it is an explorer/cargo ship.


                                I am unsure as to what size to make my ship, can't decide on either a small frigate type 300m long or something bigger like 800+ what do people suggest?

