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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Well, I'm giving a battleship design another shot. I think this one works pretty well as a non-fanwank ship, and uses technology developed for the Abydos-class destroyer, which most people seem to like and not consider fanwank. Ergo, put your hands together for the Challenger-class battleship! And feel free to use it in any RPGs or virtual fleets you'd like to create. I only ask for some recognition, and that you keep the Abydos alongside. They're sister ships after a fashion.

    ~Challenger-class starship~

    ~Type: Large hyperspace-capable starship
    ~Designation: SBB-401
    ~Users: United States Navy, United States Air Force, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force, Russian Space Service.
    ~Builder: Northrop Grumman/Newport News/Soyuz Fleet Systems.
    ~Technology Base: Tau'ri/Asgard
    ~Naval Classification: Battleship
    -Length: 490 meters (1,078 feet)
    -Width: 117 meters (257.4 feet)
    -Height: 82 meters (180.4 feet)
    -Decks: 16
    ~Displacement: 97,980 tons (Earth normal gravity)
    -Officers: 28
    -Enlisted: 342
    -Troops: 900
    -Maximum: 2,200
    ~Powerplant: Two Mk. IV Naquada generators
    -Four Jet Propulsion Laboratory IP-3 sublight ion drives
    -Four Asgard/Area 51 hyperspace window generators
    -Anti-Gravity Wave Generator network
    -Maximum Acceleration: 82.3 PSL
    -Maximum Hyperspace Velocity: 14,998 lightyears/hour (intergalactic hyperdrive); 1,927 lightyears/hour.
    -Maximum Hyperspace Endurance: 2.3 weeks/top speed
    -Hyperspace Generator Recharge Rate: 2.5 minutes between jumps
    ~Ship Systems:
    -Computer: Asgard Crystalline-based quantum processors; AEGIS Networking System
    -Life Support: Lockheed Martin FPA-98 oxygen/CO2 filtration system
    -Sensors: AN/SPY-3 Phased RADAR array; Asgard Sensor Arrays
    -Navigation: Stargate Network Common Coordinate Alignment Datalink
    -Communications: Northrop Grumman SST-32 Subspace Transceiver Array
    -Eight 16" (352mm) coil guns x 800 rounds each
    -One Mk. 43 vertical Missle Launch Systems x 60 cells
    -One Mk. 47 vertical Missle Launch Systems x 40 cells
    -Eight 1.5" (20mm) retractable rail gun turrets x 3,000 rounds each
    -Six modular ventral bays for a variety of weapons/purposes
    -Asgard Shields
    -Inert naquada armor (engine room, bridge, weapons magazines, reactor compartment)
    -Reactive armor plating
    -Sodan Cloaking Device
    ~Support Craft:
    -Up to six Puddlejumpers/Tel'tacs in modular vental bays, or twelve F-302s, or various other smallcraft depending on mission requirements.
    SBB-401-01 - SGCS Challenger (Active)
    SBB-401-02 - TBD (Under Construction)

    Technical and Historical Notes:

    After Anubis's assault on Earth in the summer of 2004, the United States approached the United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, Japan, and China for assistance in a new joint-defensive program. Certain groups in Congress (among them a group that had been lobbying for the restoration of the American Iowa-class battleships currently in mothballs) had proposed a new starship construction program to run alongside the 303, and later 304 programs. This new starship would be jointly built, funded, and crewed by all the nations involved, and was later seen as a first step towards forming the International Committee to oversee the Stargate program.

    Unfortunately, of the eight nations, only Russia and the United Kingom, agreed to participate. The other nations decided to input more funding into the Antarctica Outpost and Atlantis Expedition, and were still skeptical about the need to invest in starships with the Ancient superweapon at the South Pole. Thus, in the winter of 2004, a crash-course program to build a heavy combat starship commenced.

    Utilizing technologies developed for other programs, such as the Abydos-class destroyer, the first Challenger-class battleship began construction at the Newport News yards. With funding cuts looming, the battleship program narrowly avoided being cancelled through intense private funding. Even so, the Challenger-class starship was scaled down significantly from the 2,000 meter plus dreadnaught originally designed. Her hull was also based on existing naval vessels to save money. An inadvertant advantage of this method was making the battleship able to float in water.

    A covering of trinium-based armor was scaled down to reactive armor instead, and inert naquada armor reinforcing critical areas of the battleship's hull. Utilizing multi-purpose modular bays gave the battleship significant flexibility, which helped keep it from being cancelled. Trimming the hull to make it's sihoulette smaller also made it less massive, allowing it to keep up with the smaller Prometheus-class starships in simulations despite only having slightly larger engines. The ship's main guns, 16 inch coilguns, were soundly tested and demonstrated the ability to engage and destroy Gou'ald starships on their own terms. Help from the Asgard kept the vessel under budget in most areas.

    Unfortunately, shakedown trials of the Challenger in the spring of 2005 demonstrated that while the vessel had been built soundly in the amazingly short amount of time it had, the Mk. II naquada reactors powering it were simply too weak to allow the ship to live up to it's full potential. With the new Daedalus-class starships in full production, the Challenger was about to be deemed a failure and scrapped.

    However, the breakthrough of a joint Russian-German-US naquada generator program bore fruit, in the form of the Mk. IV naquada reactor. The Mk. III, under development by the Abydos-class destroyer program, was not yet finished, so the Mk. IV system was quickly deployed aboard the ailing Challenger. The inclusion of two Mk. IV reactors transformed the battleship from a lumbering hulk to a fast, powerful warship. Unfortunately, the Challenger was still months away from being complete and combat-ready, and was thus regulated to the orbit of Mars, the Abydos assisting in it's shakedown even while the destroyer underwent her own.

    The Challenger's main weapons, her eight 16" coilguns, harken back to the era of big-gun battleships on Earth. The design of her turrets are actually based upon those developed for the Iowa-class battleships currently mothballed by the US Navy. However, unlike those ancient weapons, these guns can hurl 300 kilogram (660 pound) shells at ranges of over 100,000 kilometers (60,213 miles). Fired at speeds of 2,000,000 meters/sec (0.02 PSL), this works out to over 6.0 petawatts, or nearly 2 megatons of force per shot. The coilguns also have a very fast rate of fire, nearly 18 rounds a minute (or 1 round/3 seconds), giving the Challenger a minimum destructive capability of 16 megatons every 3 seconds. Naquada-enhanced shells increase this firepower to over 1,000 megatons/3 seconds, allowing the Challenger to pound Gou'ald shields apart. Her Asgard-designed shields let her slug it out with enemy vessels and destroy them before sustaining serious damage. Her advanced engines and inertial drive make her far faster and maneuverable than enemy starships, giving her a crucial edge in combat.

    With the threat of the Ori, the Challenger was quickly finished and deployed to the second Ori supergate. Though untested, the battleship survived the engagement and was able to inflict moderate damage upon one Ori battleship before being forced to disengage. With this accomplishment, the Challenger-class starship program is swiftly receiving more funding and support, a sister ship already being constructed.

    Last edited by Andrew Joshua Talon; 14 July 2006, 02:44 PM.


      Originally posted by JRPR
      ok look at it this way. if we sent a schematic for the deadalus back in time to the english or french in 1066 when france invaded england do you think they would have said 'hey we can make that'. no they have absolutly no idea what electricity is for god sakes. that is how far ancient and most asgard tech is infront of us. even tho the plans are there they are still beyond our undertanding.
      That was then, this is now. Besides, we have a grasping of ancient technology and Daniel Jackson to translate, plus the ancients probably have some sort of search engine(google, yahoo, msn, lycos, dogpile) in their database. They didn't even know about using steam or even that the world is round, so you can't compare the two time periods. Get it through your head, It's called the CS-326 for a reason!
      Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


        Heres the top view now rember i did this in paint so the scal is off this is a DSSC (Deep Space Super Carrier)
        Last edited by Aroura-Gate; 03 August 2006, 06:00 PM.


          That is probly my favorite design of yours yet.

          Do you have a top view? If you do, I can moddle it in 3d.

          Pardon the nitpick, but you do realize the Sodan cloak was a personal cloaking device, not a ship cloak?


            Bad post. Ignore.


              Originally posted by cooky
              That is probly my favorite design of yours yet.

              Do you have a top view? If you do, I can moddle it in 3d.

              Pardon the nitpick, but you do realize the Sodan cloak was a personal cloaking device, not a ship cloak?
              We can assume that, if it can be made to cloak ships, we'd make it so. Otherwise, just assume it's a reverse-engineered Gou'ald cloak, or an Asgard-designed cloak. But thanks!


                very nice on the 308 cooky, looks very nice, when is it gonna get textured

                sig made courtesy of M2W


                  I've modified my frigate from what you have suggested. I still don't think It'll win anything, but it's there if you want it.

                  Inevitable class frigate


                  Length: 340 meters
                  Width: 120
                  Height: 140

                  18 medium anti-ship Naquadah enhanced nuclear missle silos
                  12 heavy strategic Naquadah enhanced nuclear missle silos
                  8 railguns, anti fighter
                  4 dual 18 inch anti-ship railguns

                  420 standard but can be run with only 220

                  Normally carries 80 marines, but can hold up to 280 for short trips.

                  24 foot thick trinium

                  Basic asgard design

                  Propulsion systems:

                  2 large Human designed engines
                  4 small auxiliary engines
                  12 maneuvering thrusters

                  Asgard beaming technology
                  4 F-302’s for emergency use

                  The frigate’s design is for smaller, more numerous ships capable of engaging larger ships in battle. It requires less resources than a full sized battleship and its designed so there can be more ships so if one is destroyed, it won’t damage the fleet as much and so that more areas can be patrolled than there could be with only a few lager ships. And though it is less powerful than other designs, it is still capable of such battles such as taking on a Ha’tac, or possibly even two or more. It holds 4 F-302’s for escorting and scouting purposes.
                  - this'll teach you to take my job!


                    OK, here's an idea

                    Hyperspace transport 'Rhino'

                    A Rhino (a nickname refering to the ship's size and bulk compared to a regular fighter, and to a structure on the nose of the craft that resembles a rhino's horn) is a small, unarmed craft just slightly larger than a Tel'tak. They are not designed for flight in atmospheres and so are designed without concern for aerodynamics.

                    Rhinos posess a minature prototype hyperspace window generator that can project a field around the ship to allow nearby small craft, usually fighters, to travel through hyperspace with it. At the destination the fighters break formation. When they have completed their mission, the fighters reform into formation around the Rhino, which then opens up a hyperspace window to allow the formation to leave the theatre of combat.

                    Rhinos will often hang back and try to 'lie low' during combat due to their importance to the fighters, and will avoid combat at all costs. Sometimes a pair of fighters is assigned to protect the Rhino, but for some missions on which fighters can't be spared, the Rhino must forgo this additional luxury.

                    Some newer Rhinos are equiped with gravity beams. In formation with friendly fighters, the gravity beams are used to keep them in formation, helping the pilots immensely, and also assist with keeping the hyperfield stable. A normal Rhino can support 16 fighters. A Rhino with gravity beams can support twice this number.

                    What do you think?


                      Zeus class battlecruisor:


                      Length: 240 meters
                      Width: 120
                      Height: 140

                      16 anti fighter rail guns
                      4 forward firing missile silos(24 naquada enhanced tactical nukes)
                      1 aft missile silo(6 naquada enhanced tactical nukes)
                      1 experimental tauri/tokra designed energy canon(roughly half as powerful as a ha'tak main canon/third the power of a wraith canon)


                      thick trinium plating 5m

                      Power generators: 4 naquada mark III generators

                      Basic asgard design

                      Propulsion systems:

                      3 large Human designed engines
                      4 small auxiliary engines
                      10 maneuvering thrusters

                      Asgard beaming technology

                      After ecountering the goa'uld in the year 1996 the tauri have strived to obtain advanced weapons for defence but have met with limited success. The bc-303 and bc-304 were a success but it soon became clear a new weapon system would need to be developed to counter the threats faced by earth.
                      To this end in area 51s main priority was to design a viable energy weapon for earths use. The break through came in the year 2008 when with tokra assistance earths first energy weapon was completed. With a barrel measuring nearly 12m in length the weapon was still very crude but with tokra assistence the weapon was refined, posessing roughly half the firepower of a ha'tak main canon the weapon was deemed a success and was deemed ready for combat testing.
                      It had this testing in the zeus battlecruisor the testbed for many new technologies it was the first ship in the fleet to use an ancient power system method. After studying atlantis's Z.P.M interface it was discover a similar system could be adoped on tauri vessels using naquada generators to increase energy efficiency, this improved most ship systems by nearly 20%. The main energy canon is located at the front of the ship and can fire twice every second thanks to an extra power generator tied directly into the weapon(the generator is protected by advanced cirquit breakers to prevent overload). Although not nearly as powerful as our adversaries weapons, the new weapon added to our speed and asgarsd shielding should be enough to give our enemies more than a bloody nose.

                      The Zeus saw it's first action in the Pegasus galaxy where it defended a settlement from a wraith culling. The 2 wraith cruisors were unprepared and had yet to upgrade their ships with shields like many of the hives, the Zeus although her shields dropped to 60% in the engagement managed to destroy 1of the cruisors before the other jumped to hyperspace. The weapon was deemed a success and is planned to be the weapon of choice in the next generation ships once the power restraints have been worked out.

                      This is my first try at designing a ship i tried to make it the stargate universer that is
                      Last edited by Buba uognarf; 14 July 2006, 08:23 AM.
                      Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                        ~Pegasus-class utility vessel~

                        ~Type: Small hyperspace-capable spacecraft
                        ~Designation: SC-309
                        ~Users: United States Navy, United States Air

                        Force, United States Marine Corps.
                        ~Builder: Lockheed Martin/Boeing
                        ~Technology Base: Tau'ri/Asgard
                        -Length: 42 meters (92.4 feet)
                        -Width: 5.4 meters (11.8 feet)
                        -Height: 4.6 meters (10.12 feet)
                        ~Displacement: 58 tons (Earth normal gravity)
                        -2 pilots
                        -16 troops/8 litters
                        -8,000 pounds/cargo
                        ~Powerplant: One Mk. IIIb Naquada generator
                        -Two Jet Propulsion Laboratory IP-1 sublight ion drives
                        -One Hyperspace Window Generator
                        -Six Anti-Gravity Wave Generators
                        -Maximum Acceleration: 50.02 PSL
                        -Maximum Hyperspace Velocity: 497 lightyears/hour
                        -Maximum Hyperspace Endurance: 73 hours/top speed
                        -Hyperspace Generator Recharge Rate: 1.9 minutes between jumps
                        ~Ship Systems:
                        -Computer: Asgard Crystalline-based quantum processor
                        -Life Support: Lockheed Martin FPA-9 oxygen/CO2

                        filtration system
                        -Sensors: AN/APG-77; Asgard Sensor Array
                        -Navigation: Stargate Network Common Coordinate Alignment

                        -Communications: Northrop Grumman SST-41 Subspace

                        Transceiver Array
                        -Standard version: None
                        -Gunship Version: 1x 20mm chin-mounted chain gun turret; 4x

                        ventral external hardpoints for a variety of weapons.
                        -Reactive armor plating
                        -Electronic countermeasures
                        -Cloaking Device

                        Technical and Historical Notes:

                        The Pegasus was modeled on the Ancient Puddlejumper discovered
                        on King Arcon's world in 2005, and was touted as the first
                        Tau'ri support craft. Smaller than the Gou'ald Tel'tac, and
                        slower than the Puddlejumper, the Pegasus's benefits are
                        versatility, ease of maintenance, and stealth.

                        With significant assistance from the Asgard, the Pegasus-class
                        utility vessel uses Asgard-style anti-gravity generators,
                        allowing it to outpace many vessels in use by other powers in
                        the galaxy. It is also very nimble, able to keep up with a
                        Wraith Dart in turns. This is achieved with the Asgard's
                        sophisticated anti-gravity wave generator management systems,
                        and varible-geometry thrusters.

                        The Pegasus utilizes a cloaking device, allowing it to perform
                        reconaissance and covert missions like the Tel'tac and
                        Puddlejumper. While not as sophisticated as Ancient cloaking
                        devices, the Pegasus's cloaking system still keeps it hidden
                        from the majority of sensor systems employed today. Further
                        upgrades to the ship's stealth systems are expected to decrease
                        the probability of it's detection from thousands to one to
                        millions to one.

                        The Pegasus' main advantage over the Puddlejumper is it's
                        faster-than-light capability. A breakthrough in naquada power
                        generation allows the small ship to carry a powerful hyperspace
                        window generator. The Pegasus can outrun Gou'ald motherships in
                        hyperspace and keep up with Tau'ri starships within galactic
                        limits. The ships cannot make inter-galactic trips on it's own,
                        however, and thus have to be carried to the Pegasus galaxy
                        aboard the Daedalus. Still, they grant the Atlantis
                        Expedition more flexibility in regards to interstellar missions,
                        allowing them to save the Puddlejumpers for more strenuous

                        Originally intended to be unarmed per it's original purpose, the
                        United States Marine Corps has begun purchasing a gunship model
                        of the Pegasus. Equipped with a 20mm rail gun, the Pegasus-B
                        (AC-309) can engage enemy targets on the ground or in the air
                        with ease, and is more than a match for Wraith Darts or
                        Deathgliders. More Pegasus-class utility vessels are expected to
                        roll off the assembly line as the war with the Ori intensifies.


                          type: anti fighter gunship

                          ~Technology Base: Tau'ri/Asgard

                          -Length: 42m
                          -Width: 12m
                          -Height: 7m

                          -2 pilots
                          -10 additional crew for maximum performance
                          - asgard designed anti gravity wave generators for atmosphereic combat

                          ~Powerplant: One Mk. I Naquada generator

                          - 2 medium tauri designed engines
                          - 8 maneuvering thrusters

                          ~Ship Systems:
                          - standard systems on all current tauri starships
                          - advanced targeting computer
                          -Sensors: Asgard Sensor Array

                          - 4 rail gun emplacements
                          - 2 rear rail gun emplacements
                          - 4 more rail guns placed for full fire coverage
                          - 4 launchers for 28 high yield anti fighter missile rounds fired from the front

                          -1m thick reactive armor plating
                          - asgard designed shield(weak because of the low power source)

                          With the war with the wraith escalating the tauri descided that they needed away to manage the huge numbers of darts and culling forces the wraith had at their disposal the result was the hades. Designed to deal with the hordes of darts the hades is the last best hope for the settlements of the pegasus galaxy in groups of 5 or more these engage the darts while the larger ships attack the hives and cruisors. It is lightly shielded so cannot take much fire from cruisors or hives but can take on dozens of darts. It is highly manueverabale almost as manueverable as a wraith scout ship and it's full fire coverage makes up for it's short comings against the darts.
                          Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                            Revised version of the Challenger-class battleship:




                                This is my first ship design so i hope its not to fanwank! Anyway, its for a carrier / supercarrier, 'The Constellation'.


                                ‘The Constellation’

                                Designation: DSC-375
                                Type: Carrier / Command vessel
                                Hull: Titanium / Trinium alloy
                                Crew: 5000 including flight crews and pilots (also capable of holding thousands of troops in converted hangers for ground assaults)
                                Constructed by: Tau’ri / Asgard

                                Length: 820m
                                Width: 310m
                                Hieght: 125m

                                2 custom made Neutrino generators supplied by the Asgard.

                                Asgard hyperdrive
                                2 main Ion engines
                                6 (3 on each side of the main engines) directional Ion engines
                                Anti-gravity wave generators

                                Weapons: Defensive
                                Rail guns – 45 double barreled 20mm anti-fighter
                                Coil guns – 10 double barreled 5m anti-ship

                                Asgard bubble shield
                                Asgard hanger shields
                                Asgard internal dampening field
                                Trinium armor plating on crucial areas of the vessel

                                Support craft:
                                1 fighter bay holding 20 fighters.
                                3 fighter bays holding 30 fighters each.
                                16 hangers capable of holding a single drop ship in each one.
                                12 side hangers capable of holding 1 small bomber or cargo ship in each.
                                8 smaller hangers holding various support craft such as puddle jumpers

                                Asgard sensors
                                Asgard transporters
                                Asgard holographic technology as part of the communication system
                                Inter-galaxy communication systems


                                With the realisation that the earth fleet was lacking a large vessel which was capable of launching a large number of fighters and support craft to combat those launched from the Wraith hive ships an order was put out to design a space carrier. The vessel was required to hold and be able to launch a large number of fighters and support craft as well as be used as a command center for space and ground assaults, thus the Constellation was designed. After some review, the Constellation was constructed by the Tua’ri with the help of the Asgard and is the first of many planned.

                                The Constellation’s rectangular hull design allows it to be used for a variety of tasks. It can be used as a carrier, a troop and cargo transport and a command vessel, or all of these in one. Because of this, the Constellation is the preferred type of vessel used by SGC as a command vessel, for both space and planetary assaults. The vessel has 4 retractable docking pots which are each capable of docking a Daedalus class vessel using one of their hangers. This allows for the physical transfer of supplies and fighter craft from the carrier to a 304. With the Asgard sensors and transporters that have been incorporated into the design, the question has been asked whether these ports are necessary for the transfer of supplies. The Constellation is also capable of transferring fuel and energy from itself to other vessels via various transfer cables.

                                One of the Constellation's required duties is to act as a launching pad for space and ground/planatery assults. Because of this, it was required to not only be capable of carrying a large number of fighters, but also a large number of troops. With this in mined, the Constellation was designed and constructed in such a way so that it is able to hold thousands of troops for short periods of times (around 12 days). This way, the constellation can leave earth with a full contingent of fighters and troops, travel to the pegasus galaxy and then launch a planatery assult.

                                The constellation class carrier is based upon normal sea going aircraft carriers. The main hull of the ship houses various hanger bays, docking ports, supply areas, generators and engines. At the front of the vessel are hanger doors to the four main fighter bays. These doors allow the fighters to easily exit and enter the ship. In retreat situations, there are 4 emergency landing strips on the outer hull of the vessel which lead into the 5th and upper hanger (which is only used for the recovery of fighters). From there the various fighters are returned to their allocated bays within the main hull via a large lift. This was added into the design of the Constellation after it was discovered that a blockage can occur within the main hangers when large numbers of fighters try to enter. Apart from the main fighter bays, the Constellation is equipped with 46 (9 on each side, 16 on top) additional hangers for support craft (including cargo ships, puddle jumpers and bombers) and troop transports and drop ships. Incorporated into each hanger door is an asgard shield which, when activated, keeps the atmosphere within the hanger when the doors are open. This allows for the quick deployment and recovery of ships when in battle situations.

                                The tower and the structures above the main hull act as crew quarters and command centers. The bridge of the ship is at the top of the tower while a second bridge is located within the main hull of the ship offering greater protection from enemy fire. Below the main bridge is the flight control center, which controls all takeoffs, landings, dockings and flight around the carrier.

                                The Constellation is powered by 2 custom made Neutrino generators supplied by the Asgard. Each generator is smaller that those on normal Asgard vessels and do not provide nearly as much power. The Constellation is usually powered by only one generator while the second is used to recharge the power supplies of other vessels in the battle group. In hostile situations however, the second generator is used in conjunction with the first to power the shield and weapons. This provides the Constellation with a very powerful shield, which is needed because of its lack of offensive weapons. In combat situations the Constellation relies on its support craft of cruisers, battleships and bombers to attack the enemy vessels. This said, the Constellation does have many rail guns and coil guns with which to defend itself. There are enough smaller rail guns on the outer hull of the vessel to establish a defensive grid in order to safely launch its fighters and support craft.

                                The Constellation is propelled via two main ion engines with 6 smaller ion engines (3 on each side) used for directional movement. It also has an Asgard hyperdrive allowing the Constellation to travel from the Milky Way to Pegasus in 11 days. An anti-gravity generator was included in the design allowing the Constellation to land on the surface of a planet. This however is not used very often as it requires enormous amounts of power.
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by Gen_J_O'Neill; 17 July 2006, 03:46 AM.
                                By *E*K*R*

