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Original Starship Design Thread

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    very nice but it looks a lot like de ship from starlancer.
    or is that the whole idee behind the ship.


      No i have made that design up myself, in fact i think everything about the design is my own. enw hyperdrive fins, new rail guns, new weapons, new power source, new hull look...yeah its pretty origional as far as im concerned and proud of
      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
      Stargate : Genesis |
      Original Starship DesignThread
      Sanctuary for all |
      11000! green me


        Isnt the cerberus the second in the line of leviathon ships? Its flagship of the hades battlegroup in the GWfleet, so it woudl be the same pretty much. Btw im hoping to take on another modeling project, i might do the F-302b as part of the fleet.
        You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
        Stargate : Genesis |
        Original Starship DesignThread
        Sanctuary for all |
        11000! green me


          Wow, great ship models everyone

          Here's another another technology concept ship:

          The Infiltrator is unarmed, although posesses a very powerful computer core, and a wide array of information warfare, sensor and remote hacking technology. The computer system is programmed with very powerful adaptive system infiltration capabilities and intelligent neural network archetecture, allowing it to learn very fast.

          Upon engaging an enemy ship, Infiltrator's sophisticated sensor suite and computer systems map out weak points in the networking of an enemy vessel, and decypher the data-processing protocols of the targeted ship's systems.

          The ship also posesses a system that uses EM radiation to induce electrical currents in the wires comprising their computer systems, and introduce bits into the enemy ship's computer network.

          Once the Infiltrator has either decyphered the enemy data protocols or matched them up with a databank of previously encountered protocols, it targets the identified weak points in the enemy ship's computer network and introduces bits into those sections which make up a powerful computer worm, which can hack systems, disable defences and command a ship to self-destruct. Usually, the worm simply disables the target ship's control systems and gives the Infiltrator direct control.

          The ship's worm will usually transmit data on the target ship's system archetecture, weak points, security systems and data-handling protocols back to the Infiltrator for a detailed analysis. This will further increase the efficiency of a system infiltration in future. Once one ship is comprimised, any similar ship will fall much faster next time.

          The Infiltrator, can also assist with tactical and strategic coordination of a fleet (or several), providing the other ships in it's fleet or battle group a tactical and strategic advantage.


            Originally posted by immhotep
            Isnt the cerberus the second in the line of leviathon ships? Its flagship of the hades battlegroup in the GWfleet, so it woudl be the same pretty much. Btw im hoping to take on another modeling project, i might do the F-302b as part of the fleet.
            The cerberus is both the second leviathon class and a completely different class i'm making, the model can be used for both
            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


              Thats a great concept WS, once again you impress me. Im geussing this ship is essentially a cloaked cargoship the been modied heavily in to basicly one massive computer system that has automated flight patterns and can cloak,. Sort of like the ultimate spyplane.
              This would be extreamely useful against hataks, because we know the computer systems we could essentially power down the shields, power down life support for 30minutes to subdue all personel (or some other means like venting atmosphere), autoprogram it to travel to earth and build ourself an impressive fleet of hataks blood free and with no damage to ships.
              Same with the wraith.
              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
              Stargate : Genesis |
              Original Starship DesignThread
              Sanctuary for all |
              11000! green me


                Does anyone have the dimensions for the Al'kesh?


                  Aren't they supposedly in the ship scaling sprites thread?

                  Which, if those dimensions happen to be right, the Asis is a good hundred feet longer than a Ha'tak.
                  Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.



                    I'm doing pretty good on the Columbia so far. I hope to have it done by Saturday.


                      I have to thank you again, Zake, I am doing pretty good work on the Zeus. The only thing I'm having a problem with, is that it is nearly impossible to make a Al'kesh and it looks like nobody else has made one.



                        Quick update on the Columbia. I don't think I like the how the guns look on it. I'm thinking about just taking all of the guns off and leaving them off..


                          the guns look v.good, keep them on
                          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                          Stargate : Genesis |
                          Original Starship DesignThread
                          Sanctuary for all |
                          11000! green me


                            Tuurian Ly Marius Class, Type 6

                            Ship Class: Gun Wagon (Earth Equivalant: Battleship)
                            Length: 536m
                            Height: 87m
                            Width: 163m

                            Armaments: 6 Twin Turret, Heavy Energy Cannons. 2 Twin Turret, Light Energy Cannons.
                            Defenses: Tuurian Ly Type 12 Defense Shields.
                            Sub Light: 6 Tuurian Ly Fussion Impulse Main Thrusters
                            FTL: Tuurian Ly class 7 Hyperdrive (Equivalant to Gua'uld Hyperdrive Technology)

                            Additional Images:

                            The Tuurian Ly were by far the largest and most advanced nation in the Grand Alliance. One of the founding memebers, the Tuurian Ly were seen as the heart and soul of the GA, their massive space fleet numbered more than even the Ancestor's fleet, and made up more than half the Alliance's available space forces.

                            At the core of the Tuurian Ly fleet for more than 150 years was the Marius class Gun Wagon. Nearly 50% larger than any other ship in the Alliance when it was first developed, the Marius would be outclassed only by the Millenial Pride Command Ships. So succesfull was the class in its early years, it would under go 5 major redesigns to extend its life beyond any other Alliance starship. The type 3 and type 4 were also converted into fighter carriers and more than a few decomissioned Gun Wagons were turned into civillian cruise ships or mass cargo haullers. One Marius Gun Wagon even served as the origional command ship of the pirate Cor Don Alz, who had deserted with the ship and most of its crew shortly after being placed in command.

                            The last and greatest of the class was the Type 6. Designed and implemented about three decades before the emergence of the wraith threat, more than 300 type six's (either built or upgraded from type 5) were in service when the Ancestors invited a small Grand Alliance fleet to acompany them on a diplomatic mission to a far flung corner of the galaxy, to the Wraith home world. The fleet was ambushed by the Wraith before it could reach its destination.

                            Near the end of the battle, when all of the Lantian ships and most of the Alliance fleet had been destroyed, the commander of the Trident Star, the only surviving Millenial Pride Command Ship, knew he had to get warning to the Alliance and the Ancestors of the powerfull fleet the Wraith possesed. Surrounded and unable to jump to hyperspace, he orded the last three Marius Gun Wagons to form up with the Star and prepare for a run through the Wraith lines. The three Gun Wagons moved in ahead of the Star, their powerfull guns opening a hole in the Wraith lines. Two of the ships slowed, holding off the wraith attempting to flank them while the Star came in, the third continued forward, pushing the hole deeper into the wraith fleet, but taking heavy damage in return. Shortly after its shield's failed for good, the caiptain ordered his engineers to overload the reactor. Aiming for a nearby hive blocking the Star's run for freedom, he moved in close. The reactor detonation took out both ships and severelly damaged several other wraith vessels nearby, finally opening a hole through the last of the wraith forces. The last two Gun Wagons surged forward, widening the hole, then came about and screened the Trident Star, which finally cleared the wraith fleet and jumped to hyperspace.

                            For the next 15 years, the Wraith would slowly conquer the Grand Alliance. Though the Marius Gun Wagons helped insure that the Wraith payed dearly for every star system they took from the Alliance, in the end, they could not turn the tide against the Wraith onslaught. The Wraith retaliated against the Tuurian Ly, completelly destroying all but one of the many worlds they once inhabited.

                            After the fall of the Alliance, a hand full of surviving Alliance ships, incuding two type 6 Marius Gun Wagons joined with the fleet of Cor Don Alz and waged a gorilla war against the Wraith for many years to come. When Alz's legacy was reborn over 9000 years later, a damaged Marius Gun Wagon was brought back to life to serve allong side the repaired Millenial Plunder. It would continue to do so for 4 decades, before being destroyed in the same battle that finally put an end to the exploits of the Millenial Plunder. Some of it's crew would survive, and would join the newly formed Pegasus Volunteer Core, a Earth-trained force of Pegasus Humans that would play a key role in the eventual defeat of the Wraith.


                              cool ship cooky and an intresting backstory, so this ship was used by an ally of the ancient against the wraith??

                              edit:my redesigned Cerberus will be ready either later today or tomorrow
                              Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                                wots gorilla warfare??

