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Best Stargate line 1st to 50

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    1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
    2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
    3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
    4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
    5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
    6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
    7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
    8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
    9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
    10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
    11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
    12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
    13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
    14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
    15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
    16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
    17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
    18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
    19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
    20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
    21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
    22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
    23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
    24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
    25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
    26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
    27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
    28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
    29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
    30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
    31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
    32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
    33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
    34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
    35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
    36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
    37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
    38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
    39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
    40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
    41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
    42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
    43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
    44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
    45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
    46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
    47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
    48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
    49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
    50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
    51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
    52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
    53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
    54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
    55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
    56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
    57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
    58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
    59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
    60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
    61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
    62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
    63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
    64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
    65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
    66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
    67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
    68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
    69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
    70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
    71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
    72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
    73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
    74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
    75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
    76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
    77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
    78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
    79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
    80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
    81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
    82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
    83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
    84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
    85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
    86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
    87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
    88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
    89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
    90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
    91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
    92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
    93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

    - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
    - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
    - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'
    - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (20)
    - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
    - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
    - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
    - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
    - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)


      1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
      2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
      3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
      4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
      5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
      6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
      7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
      8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
      9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
      10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
      11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
      12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
      13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
      14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
      15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
      16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
      17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
      18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
      19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
      20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
      21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
      22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
      23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
      24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
      25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
      26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
      27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
      28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
      29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
      30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
      31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
      32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
      33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
      34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
      35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
      36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
      37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
      38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
      39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
      40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
      41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
      42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
      43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
      44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
      45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
      46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
      47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
      48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
      49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
      50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
      51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
      52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
      53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
      54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
      55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
      56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
      57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
      58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
      59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
      60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
      61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
      62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
      63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
      64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
      65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
      66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
      67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
      68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
      69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
      70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
      71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
      72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
      73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
      74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
      75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
      76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
      77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
      78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
      79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
      80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
      81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
      82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
      83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
      84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
      85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
      86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
      87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
      88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
      89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
      90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
      91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
      92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
      93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

      - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
      - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
      - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (24)
      - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (20)
      - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
      - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
      - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
      - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
      - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)



        1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
        2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
        3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
        4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
        5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
        6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
        7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
        8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
        9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
        10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
        11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
        12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
        13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
        14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
        15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
        16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
        17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
        18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
        19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
        20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
        21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
        22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
        23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
        24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
        25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
        26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
        27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
        28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
        29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
        30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
        31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
        32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
        33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
        34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
        35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
        36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
        37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
        38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
        39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
        40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
        41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
        42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
        43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
        44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
        45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
        46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
        47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
        48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
        49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
        50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
        51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
        52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
        53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
        54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
        55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
        56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
        57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
        58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
        59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
        60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
        61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
        62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
        63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
        64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
        65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
        66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
        67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
        68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
        69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
        70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
        71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
        72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
        73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
        74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
        75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
        76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
        77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
        78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
        79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
        80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
        81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
        82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
        83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
        84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
        85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
        86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
        87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
        88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
        89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
        90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
        91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
        92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
        93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

        - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
        - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
        - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (24)
        - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (21)
        - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
        - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
        - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
        - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
        - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)
        Sig by (x)


          1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
          2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
          3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
          4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
          5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
          6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
          7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
          8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
          9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
          10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
          11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
          12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
          13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
          14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
          15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
          16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
          17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
          18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
          19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
          20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
          21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
          22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
          23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
          24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
          25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
          26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
          27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
          28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
          29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
          30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
          31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
          32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
          33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
          34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
          35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
          36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
          37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
          38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
          39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
          40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
          41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
          42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
          43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
          44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
          45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
          46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
          47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
          48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
          49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
          50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
          51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
          52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
          53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
          54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
          55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
          56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
          57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
          58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
          59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
          60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
          61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
          62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
          63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
          64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
          65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
          66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
          67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
          68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
          69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
          70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
          71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
          72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
          73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
          74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
          75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
          76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
          77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
          78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
          79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
          80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
          81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
          82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
          83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
          84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
          85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
          86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
          87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
          88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
          89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
          90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
          91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
          92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
          93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

          - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
          - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
          - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (24)
          - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (22)
          - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
          - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
          - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
          - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
          - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)
          Sig by (x)


            1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
            2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
            3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
            4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
            5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
            6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
            7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
            8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
            9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
            10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
            11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
            12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
            13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
            14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
            15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
            16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
            17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
            18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
            19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
            20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
            21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
            22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
            23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
            24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
            25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
            26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
            27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
            28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
            29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
            30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
            31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
            32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
            33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
            34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
            35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
            36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
            37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
            38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
            39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
            40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
            41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
            42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
            43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
            44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
            45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
            46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
            47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
            48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
            49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
            50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
            51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
            52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
            53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
            54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
            55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
            56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
            57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
            58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
            59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
            60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
            61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
            62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
            63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
            64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
            65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
            66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
            67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
            68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
            69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
            70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
            71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
            72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
            73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
            74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
            75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
            76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
            77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
            78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
            79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
            80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
            81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
            82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
            83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
            84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
            85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
            86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
            87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
            88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
            89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
            90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
            91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
            92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
            93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

            - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
            - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
            - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (25)
            - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (22)
            - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
            - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
            - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
            - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
            - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)



              1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
              2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
              3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
              4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
              5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
              6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
              7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
              8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
              9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
              10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
              11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
              12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
              13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
              14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
              15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
              16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
              17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
              18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
              19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
              20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
              21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
              22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
              23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
              24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
              25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
              26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
              27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
              28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
              29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
              30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
              31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
              32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
              33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
              34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
              35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
              36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
              37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
              38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
              39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
              40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
              41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
              42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
              43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
              44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
              45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
              46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
              47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
              48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
              49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
              50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
              51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
              52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
              53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
              54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
              55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
              56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
              57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
              58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
              59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
              60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
              61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
              62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
              63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
              64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
              65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
              66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
              67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
              68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
              69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
              70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
              71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
              72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
              73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
              74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
              75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
              76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
              77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
              78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
              79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
              80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
              81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
              82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
              83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
              84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
              85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
              86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
              87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
              88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
              89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
              90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
              91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
              92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
              93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

              - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
              - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
              - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (25)
              - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (23)
              - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
              - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
              - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
              - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
              - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)
              Sig by (x)


                1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
                4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
                11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
                14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
                16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
                18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
                19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
                20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
                23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
                24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
                25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
                26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
                27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
                28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
                29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
                30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
                31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
                33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
                34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
                35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
                36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
                37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
                38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
                39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
                40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
                41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
                42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
                43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
                44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
                45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
                46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
                47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
                49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
                50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
                51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
                52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
                53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
                54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
                55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
                56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
                57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
                58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
                59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
                60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
                61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
                62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
                63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
                64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
                65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
                66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
                67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
                68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
                69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
                70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
                71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
                72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
                73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
                74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
                75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
                76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
                77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
                78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
                79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
                80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
                81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
                82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
                83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
                84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
                85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
                86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
                87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
                88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
                89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
                90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
                91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
                92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
                93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

                - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
                - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
                - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (26)
                - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (23)
                - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
                - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
                - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
                - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
                - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)



                  1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                  2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                  3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
                  4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                  5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                  6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                  7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                  8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                  9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                  10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
                  11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                  12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                  13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
                  14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                  15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
                  16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                  17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
                  18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
                  19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
                  20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                  21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                  22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
                  23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
                  24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
                  25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
                  26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
                  27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
                  28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
                  29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
                  30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
                  31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                  32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
                  33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
                  34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
                  35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
                  36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
                  37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
                  38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
                  39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
                  40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
                  41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
                  42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
                  43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
                  44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
                  45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
                  46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
                  47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                  48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
                  49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
                  50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
                  51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
                  52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
                  53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
                  54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
                  55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
                  56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
                  57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
                  58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
                  59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
                  60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
                  61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
                  62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
                  63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
                  64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
                  65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
                  66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
                  67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
                  68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
                  69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
                  70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
                  71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
                  72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
                  73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
                  74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
                  75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
                  76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
                  77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
                  78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
                  79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
                  80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
                  81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
                  82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
                  83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
                  84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
                  85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
                  86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
                  87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
                  88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
                  89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
                  90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
                  91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
                  92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
                  93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

                  - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
                  - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
                  - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (26)
                  - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (24)
                  - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
                  - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
                  - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
                  - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
                  - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)
                  Sig by (x)


                    1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                    2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                    3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
                    4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                    5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                    6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                    7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                    8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                    9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                    10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
                    11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                    12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                    13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
                    14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                    15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
                    16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                    17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
                    18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
                    19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
                    20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                    21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                    22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
                    23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
                    24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
                    25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
                    26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
                    27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
                    28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
                    29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
                    30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
                    31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                    32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
                    33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
                    34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
                    35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
                    36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
                    37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
                    38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
                    39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
                    40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
                    41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
                    42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
                    43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
                    44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
                    45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
                    46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
                    47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                    48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
                    49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
                    50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
                    51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
                    52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
                    53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
                    54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
                    55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
                    56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
                    57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
                    58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
                    59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
                    60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
                    61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
                    62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
                    63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
                    64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
                    65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
                    66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
                    67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
                    68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
                    69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
                    70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
                    71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
                    72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
                    73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
                    74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
                    75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
                    76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
                    77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
                    78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
                    79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
                    80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
                    81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
                    82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
                    83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
                    84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
                    85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
                    86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
                    87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
                    88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
                    89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
                    90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
                    91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
                    92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
                    93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

                    - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
                    - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
                    - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (27)
                    - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (24)
                    - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
                    - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
                    - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
                    - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
                    - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)

                    "BRITTA? WHAT KIND OF LAME NAME IS THAT?"


                      1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                      2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                      3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
                      4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                      5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                      6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                      7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                      8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                      9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                      10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
                      11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                      12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                      13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
                      14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                      15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
                      16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                      17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
                      18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
                      19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
                      20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                      21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                      22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
                      23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
                      24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
                      25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
                      26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
                      27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
                      28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
                      29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
                      30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
                      31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                      32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
                      33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
                      34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
                      35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
                      36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
                      37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
                      38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
                      39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
                      40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
                      41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
                      42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
                      43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
                      44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
                      45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
                      46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
                      47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                      48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
                      49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
                      50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
                      51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
                      52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
                      53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
                      54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
                      55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
                      56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
                      57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
                      58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
                      59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
                      60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
                      61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
                      62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
                      63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
                      64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
                      65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
                      66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
                      67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
                      68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
                      69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
                      70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
                      71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
                      72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
                      73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
                      74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
                      75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
                      76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
                      77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
                      78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
                      79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
                      80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
                      81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
                      82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
                      83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
                      84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
                      85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
                      86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
                      87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
                      88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
                      89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
                      90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
                      91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
                      92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
                      93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

                      - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
                      - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
                      - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (27)
                      - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (25)
                      - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
                      - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
                      - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
                      - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
                      - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)
                      Sig by (x)


                        1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                        2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                        3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
                        4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                        5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                        6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                        7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                        8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                        9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                        10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
                        11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                        12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                        13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
                        14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                        15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
                        16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                        17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
                        18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
                        19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
                        20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                        21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                        22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
                        23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
                        24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
                        25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
                        26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
                        27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
                        28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
                        29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
                        30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
                        31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                        32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
                        33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
                        34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
                        35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
                        36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
                        37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
                        38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
                        39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
                        40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
                        41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
                        42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
                        43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
                        44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
                        45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
                        46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
                        47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                        48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
                        49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
                        50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
                        51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
                        52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
                        53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
                        54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
                        55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
                        56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
                        57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
                        58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
                        59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
                        60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
                        61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
                        62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
                        63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
                        64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
                        65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
                        66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
                        67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
                        68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
                        69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
                        70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
                        71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
                        72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
                        73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
                        74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
                        75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
                        76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
                        77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
                        78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
                        79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
                        80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
                        81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
                        82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
                        83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
                        84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
                        85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
                        86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
                        87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
                        88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
                        89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
                        90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
                        91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
                        92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
                        93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

                        - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
                        - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
                        - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (28)
                        - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (25)
                        - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
                        - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
                        - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
                        - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
                        - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)

                        "BRITTA? WHAT KIND OF LAME NAME IS THAT?"


                          1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                          2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                          3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
                          4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                          5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                          6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                          7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                          8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                          9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                          10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
                          11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                          12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                          13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
                          14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                          15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
                          16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                          17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
                          18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
                          19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
                          20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                          21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                          22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
                          23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
                          24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
                          25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
                          26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
                          27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
                          28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
                          29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
                          30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
                          31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                          32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
                          33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
                          34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
                          35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
                          36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
                          37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
                          38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
                          39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
                          40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
                          41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
                          42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
                          43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
                          44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
                          45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
                          46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
                          47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                          48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
                          49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
                          50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
                          51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
                          52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
                          53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
                          54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
                          55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
                          56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
                          57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
                          58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
                          59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
                          60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
                          61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
                          62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
                          63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
                          64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
                          65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
                          66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
                          67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
                          68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
                          69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
                          70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
                          71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
                          72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
                          73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
                          74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
                          75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
                          76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
                          77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
                          78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
                          79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
                          80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
                          81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
                          82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
                          83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
                          84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
                          85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
                          86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
                          87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
                          88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
                          89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
                          90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
                          91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
                          92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
                          93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

                          - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
                          - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
                          - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (28)
                          - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (26)
                          - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
                          - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
                          - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
                          - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
                          - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)
                          Sig by (x)


                            1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                            2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                            3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
                            4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                            5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                            6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                            7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                            8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                            9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                            10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
                            11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                            12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                            13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
                            14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                            15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
                            16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                            17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
                            18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
                            19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
                            20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                            21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                            22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
                            23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
                            24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
                            25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
                            26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
                            27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
                            28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
                            29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
                            30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
                            31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                            32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
                            33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
                            34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
                            35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
                            36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
                            37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
                            38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
                            39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
                            40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
                            41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
                            42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
                            43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
                            44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
                            45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
                            46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
                            47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                            48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
                            49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
                            50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
                            51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
                            52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
                            53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
                            54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
                            55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
                            56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
                            57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
                            58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
                            59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
                            60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
                            61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
                            62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
                            63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
                            64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
                            65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
                            66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
                            67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
                            68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
                            69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
                            70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
                            71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
                            72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
                            73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
                            74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
                            75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
                            76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
                            77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
                            78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
                            79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
                            80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
                            81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
                            82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
                            83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
                            84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
                            85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
                            86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
                            87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
                            88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
                            89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
                            90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
                            91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
                            92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
                            93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

                            - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
                            - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
                            - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (29)
                            - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (26)
                            - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
                            - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
                            - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
                            - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
                            - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)

                            "BRITTA? WHAT KIND OF LAME NAME IS THAT?"


                              1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                              2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                              3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
                              4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                              5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                              6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                              7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                              8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                              9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                              10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
                              11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                              12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                              13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
                              14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                              15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
                              16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                              17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
                              18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
                              19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
                              20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                              21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                              22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
                              23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
                              24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
                              25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
                              26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
                              27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
                              28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
                              29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
                              30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
                              31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                              32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
                              33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
                              34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
                              35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
                              36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
                              37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
                              38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
                              39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
                              40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
                              41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
                              42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
                              43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
                              44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
                              45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
                              46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
                              47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                              48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
                              49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
                              50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
                              51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
                              52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
                              53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
                              54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
                              55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
                              56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
                              57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
                              58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
                              59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
                              60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
                              61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
                              62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
                              63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
                              64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
                              65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
                              66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
                              67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
                              68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
                              69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
                              70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
                              71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
                              72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
                              73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
                              74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
                              75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
                              76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
                              77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
                              78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
                              79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
                              80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
                              81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
                              82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
                              83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
                              84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
                              85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
                              86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
                              87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
                              88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
                              89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
                              90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
                              91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
                              92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
                              93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

                              - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
                              - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
                              - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (29)
                              - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (27)
                              - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
                              - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
                              - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
                              - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
                              - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)
                              Sig by (x)


                                1st - Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water! ... Next up: parting the Red Sea. - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                                2nd - Carter... I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!! - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                                3rd - Indeed - Teal'c (50)
                                4th - I care about her, a lot more than I'm supposed to - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                                5th - With all due respect, Sir... - Samantha Carter (SG-1) (50)
                                6th - Maybourne, you're an idiot every day of the week. Why couldn't you take just one day off?! - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                                7th - Carter, they're all yellow - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                                8th - Undomesticated equines cannot remove me. - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                                9th - I've seen this movie - it hits Paris - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                                10th - Godspeed - George Hammond (SG-1) (50)
                                11th - I have an idea - Sam (SG-1) (50)
                                12th - For cryin' out loud - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                                13th - I'm allowing the use of this ship because of the obvious tactical advantage it provides you. Under no circumstances is it to be used to travel through time. Understood? [..] Never in my life would I have imagined giving that order. - General Hammond (SG-1, Moebius) (50)
                                14th - O'Neill, two L's - Jack O'Neill (SG-1) (50)
                                15th - "Holy Hannah!" - Sam Carter and Jacob Carter (SG-1) (50)
                                16th - Crap - John Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                                17th - Room full of gold and jewels, and Dr. Daniel Jackson finds the one book. - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) - (50)
                                18th - I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle. - Samantha Carter (SG-1, Children of the Gods) (50)
                                19th - It's a blast door! - O'Neill to Reynolds (SG-1, Reckoning) (50)
                                20th - In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you - Teal'c (SG-1) (50)
                                21th - That's Lt. Col. errand boy to you - Sheppard (SGA) (50)
                                22nd - O'Neill: In the middle of my back swing?! (50)
                                23rd - O'Neill: We didn't spring a leak. Though I may have just... taken one. (50)
                                24th - Carter: Normally neutrinos pass right through ordinary matter, no matter how dense. I mean something like five million billion just passed through you. O'Neill: No matter how dense? (SG-1) (50)
                                25th - Carter: I should have done it. O'Neill: What? Stick your head in that thing? Are you nuts? Carter, you're one of this country's national resources, if not national treasures. It couldn't have gone down any other way - Lost City Part 1 (50)
                                26th - Yeehaa - General Hammond (SG-1, Into the Fire) (50)
                                27th - O'Neill: Something wrong? Carter: No. I've just never blown up a star before. O'Neill: Well they say the first one is always the hardest. (50)
                                28th - Hammond: I thought the devices were supposed to enhance them physically, not make them stupid! (50)
                                29th - Jackson: We were kind of hoping you could beam them out. Jacob: Beam them out? What am I, Scotty? (50)
                                30th - O'Neill: Carter? Carter: The technology implanted in our brains, sir. We're looking at some sort of visual communication interface. Controlled hallucination. O'Neill: So... I... What? Urgo: He gets confused. By the way, who is Mary Steenburgen? (50)
                                31st - Landry to Prior: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're going with us. You go right ahead and burst into flames if you like. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                                32nd - Sam (laughs) The Asgard had this big new ship, The O'Neill ---; Jack - (Standing up, and smiling) Oh, yeah?; Sam: But --- we had to blow it up; (Jack loses his smile). (SG1 - Small Victories) (50)
                                33rd - Jack: We're exactly one zat gun short of having a zat gun. (SG-1) (50)
                                34th - Marks: We just dropped out of hyperspace. Carter: That's funny. Just when I thought we couldn't get anymore screwed!" (SG1, AoT) (50)
                                35th - O'Neill: I ask you. What could possibly be in my eye that would explain this? (SG-1) (50)
                                36th - Hammond: Can we determine what threat they pose to the base? O'Neill: Apparently all desserts on base are in grave danger. (SG1) (50)
                                37th - Sam's Lab: Jack walks in to find Sam working alone at her bench. Jack: "Hey, how come you're not downstairs with the rest of the eggheads? Not that you' egghead..." Sam looks at him. Jack: "Well, you are...actually...but in a good way." Sam: I couldn't think down there...they all kept looking at me for the answer." Jack: "Well, you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt." - Sam gives him a more incredulous look. Jack: "Head...out of your head...when we need them." (SG1) (50)
                                38th - Teal'c to Hammond: On Chulak, when a great warrior retires from the field of battle it is customary to sing a song of lament. Fortunately we are not on Chulak. (SG1) (50)
                                39th - You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard. - Jack O'Neill (SG1) (50)
                                40th - McKAY to Beckett: You need to get out more. BECKETT: We're in another bloody universe. How much more out there can you get? (50)
                                41st - Mitchell: All right. Weapons to maximum. Marks: Sir? Mitchell: It's a joke, Marks. Make it go. (SG1) (50)
                                42nd - Vala : This won't work, you know… All I'm saying is why not take advantage of my vast experience instead of leaving it up to— (turning to men behind her) no offense, (turning back to Teal'c and Reynolds) amateurs. REYNOLDS (glaring at Vala): Excuse me. Amateurs coming through. (SG1) (50)
                                43rd - Oh, by the way Colonel, with interest you owe me $539.50. - General Hammond (SG-1, 1969) (50)
                                44th - O'Neill: It's my sidearm, I swear (50)
                                45th - Carter: Sir, I've been thinking. O'Neill: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter. (50)
                                46th - Carson Beckett: I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot! (SGA) (50)
                                47th - Mitchell: My gramma used to say "If you want honey, follow the bees". Marks: Sounds like a good way to get stung to me. (SG1, AoT) (50)
                                48th - O'Neill: “Hey, Reigar? You know that ’We come in peace‘ business?? Bite me.” (SG1, New Ground) (50)
                                49th - Oh, Please! Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. [to Teal'c] Come-come on, tell 'em how deep you are. [To O'Neill, excitedly] You'll be lucky if you understand this. - Daniel Jackson (50)
                                50th - O'Neill: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond. (50)
                                51st - Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music. O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll? (50)
                                52nd - We have the craziest job in the world. - Colonel Reynolds (SG1, Line in the Sand) (50)
                                53rd - O'Neill: Do you understand any of that? Carter: It's all Phoenician to me, Sir. (50)
                                54th - Anise: Your strength is five times that of a normal human. O'Neill: So, no increase then. (50)
                                55th - Give my regards to King Tut, ***hole - Jack O'Neill (Stargate 1994) (50)
                                56th - We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? - Cameron Mitchell (SG-1) (50)
                                57th - Jackson: This tastes like chicken. Carter: So what's wrong with it? Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese. (50)
                                58th - Jacob/Selmak: Apparently, I'm the oldest and wisest among us. Carter: Oh, geez. (50)
                                59th - Martouf: Not to sound overly dramatic, but the fate of the galaxy could be at stake. Jack: Sounds overly dramatic (50)
                                60th - Captain Carter: Amazing. This is what was missing from the dig at Giza. This is how they controlled it. It took us 15 years and 3 supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth. (50)
                                61st - Jackson: Uh... the sun's beeping. (50)
                                62nd - Carter: Wow! It's a miracle! O'Neill (confused): Crunches. (50)
                                63rd - Reynolds to General Hammond: " Oh, excellent waking up, sir! Good job on the crystals, too." (SG1) (50)
                                64th - Elizabeth Weir: "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" (50)
                                65th - Captain Carter: What a relief, I've never been so happy to see you guys! Col. O'Neill: Well, sure you have. Remember that time on P3X-595 you drank that stuff that made you take off-- Capt. Carter: [interrupting] We won't get into that right now! (50)
                                66th - Teal'c: I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O. (50)
                                67th - Carter: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me. O'Neill: Oh, I adore you already, Captain. - SG1 (50)
                                68th - O'Neill: How is a needle in my butt going to get water out of my ears? (50)
                                69th - O'Neill: I dreamed about mining...naked. (50)
                                70th - O'Neill: I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've debriefed myself for a nice hot shower. (50)
                                71st - Daniel: "Jack's account sounds like a number of UFO abduction case files I've read." Young O'Neill: "This you remember. My birthday you forget." Daniel: "Looks like you'll have a lot more..." (SG-1, "Fragile Balance") (50)
                                72nd - Colonel O'Neill: We came here in peace, we expect to go in one... piece. (50)
                                73rd - McKay: Now what was that we were supposed to all remember? It was something important ... uh, oh yes, that's right -- the Alamo! (50)
                                74th - Jackson: I'm confident. O'Neill: Me too. Teal'c: As am I. (SG-1) (50)
                                75th - Jacob Carter: Obviously, I'm gonna need Dr. Jackson, and there might be some complicated mathematical calculations to be done, Sam would be a big help, too. [Jack clears his throat] Of course, Colonel O'Neill is --- always fun to have around (50)
                                76th - O'Neill: Here's the plan-- Bra'tac: I will lead. You will follow. O'Neill: Right. (50)
                                77th - Colonel O'Neill: Does it say "Colonel" anywhere on my uniform? (50)
                                78th - General O'Neill: Carter, all I heard was 'matrix' and I found those films quite confusing. (50)
                                79th - O'Neill: [To Teal'c] You look tense. Dr. Jackson: No, I'd say anxious. Teal'c: I am neither tense nor anxious. Perhaps concerned. (50)
                                80th - I am your death, that is all you need to know - Steve (SGA) (50)
                                81st - Kinsey: You can just call her your one hope of ever stepping through the Stargate again. O'Neill: Bit of a mouthful. (50)
                                82nd - I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist. - Beckett (SGA) (50)
                                83rd - Carter: I can go, sir. O'Neill: I don't know Carter, you may not be dumb enough. (50)
                                84th - McKay: "Using power.. Using power.." (SGA) (50)
                                85th- - Gen Landry: I do know one thing. If we're going to hell, you're coming with us. You go right ahead and burst into flame if you like. (AoT) (50)
                                86th - McKay: [when Sheppard asked why would the wraith erase the communiqué] "Well, it says right here: “I, the Wraith, delete this important information to keep you from seeing it”!" - SGA (50)
                                87th -Carter: We kicked their asses, sir. O'Neill: They had asses? (50)
                                88th - Colonel O'Neill: Hey, come on! Teal'c: I have nowhere to go. O'Neill: For this you can stay at my place, let's go! (50)
                                89th - McKay (about TV shows): "Most of which are fictional representations of ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations." (SGA) (50)
                                90th - Carter: Major Samuels. Samuels: Actually, it's Lt. Col. Samuels now. O'Neill: You'll always be 'Sparky' to me. (50)
                                91st - Carson: Ten thousand years. You expect her to dance a bloody jig? (SGA) (50)
                                92nd - Mckay: Well, let's see, we have slow death, quick death, painful death, cold lonely death - (SGA) (50)
                                93rd - Sheppard: "Just think of it as a walk on the beach... a beach that’s about to explode." (SGA)(50)

                                - Hello - Fran (SGA) (32)
                                - Knowing what you can do in the heat of the moment, when there is no time to think - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (26)
                                - Mckay: Uh, it's a brisk walk away. Sheppard: And by 'brisk', you mean ... 'far'?. Mckay: (nods) And by 'walk', I mean 'run'.(SGA) (30)
                                - Colonel Sumner: "Go to hell." Wraith Queen : "Earth first." (SGA) (27)
                                - All I can do is try and change what happens from now on. I don't want you to exonerate me, I just want to be given the opportunity to prove that I can make a difference. - Jonas Quinn (SG-1) (13)
                                - Colonel O'Neill: I'm no scientist, but couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing? (14)
                                - Colonel O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me. Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends. Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo? (11)
                                - I don't know who built the pyramids. - Daniel Jackson (Stargate 1994) (3)
                                - Mckay: Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? (SGA) (1)

                                "BRITTA? WHAT KIND OF LAME NAME IS THAT?"

