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Brainstorm Thread

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    Brainstorm Thread

    Okay, I think this is sufficiently different from the "Fic Help" thread to warrant its own thread.

    Welcome to the Brainstorm Thread!

    Somewhere where a writer can come and place their idea that's stuck, and we brainstorm it out I would think we're all mature enough (HA!) to keep from pestering each other with ridiculous suggestions (i.e. If someone wants to write a Jack/Sam Fic, i won't be bugging them to add John in there, and vice versa)

    I'll get the ball rolling cuz this has me stumped like a Goa'uld who stood in front of an activating stargate.

    Occupational Hazard... The Sequel?

    I've got ideas for a potential sequel, but none of the ideas i have are clear enough to even start a storyboard. Here's what i've got.

    - Story would take place shortly after Occupational Hazard preferably before Continuum which is what Occupational Hazard is sort of a prequel to. It can even happen before Ark of Truth so the Ori can get involved.
    - While i do want to bring Jack back in, I don't see how i could without jumping a few sharks. At most he'd be a supporting rather than a lead.
    - Much more guerrilla war style story. Think of Vietnam and how the US had difficulty rooting out an entrenched enemy in the jungle.
    - Gen story so no pairings. UST is fine i guess, but no more than the show did.

    Here's where i'm stuck, what story do i want to tell? Do i want the SGC hunting down the last of RedScope's mercenaries? Do i want some of the Mercs assisting the SGC in some raid? Do i want an Earth based story where the SGC is hunting down the Earth based aspect of the mercenaries? Should i have the Ori get involved? ARGH.

    Mind you, i'm not naive enough to write something by force. if i get inspired and the muse strikes, up and at 'em! If not, then no dice.

    Originally posted by Apostle's Message Redux
    Shepard understood. Given the situation, he wasn't sure that exposing the planet to this kind of secret was smart. Miranda had regaled him with stories of how horrible 20th century Earth sounded in her history lessons and it made him leery. "I agree, god knows what would happen if Grunt got loose."

    Joker snorted and muttered loudly. "Run! It's The Incredible Hulk! Kill it with fire!"
    Read the story ---- Apostle's Message Redux, ME/SG Crossover