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Fanfic Recommendations

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    Originally posted by Jper View Post
    Sorry, non-native English speaker... Hmm, how should I explain this?
    First of all, I'm more into the SciFi general genre with mysteries and suspense and action and cliffhangers and spaceships and SG in general... Next to that I really love a good romance. It doesn't have to be classical romance. It can be tragic, like Romeo&Juliet, I hope that's an example everyone knows, I think so... but on the other hand that's a classical plot again, of course.
    As long as it's well written and thought-out and I don't know, has a 'sparky' "lot's of sparks between the lovers'? And nice romantic elements...
    Plus, you know I'm more into McKeller than Rodney-whump.
    I mean, the main plot is whump. The first genre is whump. And the whole story is in the *first* place about the whump.
    I get bored too easily if there's no whump, but I agree a plot is nice... sometimes!
    I like it more as an extra element. It's more central about Rodney getting into trouble and getting whumped... I like it more when Jennifer is heavily involved or the whole team and the plot is more about Ancient mysteries and such. Like PJM is more whump than let's say Timeless. had great side elements. And I already know Touch of Chaos will too!
    But over that, I of course prefer "Romancing Rodney" or "An night under the stars". Especially the latter!
    All of that smut... so much fun! I personally prefer Need the most as it's a character study for both Rodney and Jennifer. (no links to these as they're above PG)

    I use Puddle Jumper Mayhem to blow off steam after a bad day (I seem to have a lot of those )

    Touch of Chaos had no whump at all in it for a long time... but I couldn't resist! Timeless was the opposite, it had far more whump. I transferred the whump I had envisioned into Veil of Dreams
    However I must admit (Sorry I hope you appreciate my honest opinion.) That I thought Veil of Dreams wasn't that great in the beginning. The end was unbelievable. But I don't know about the beginning and the start-setting... At first I did not like the combination whump/smut in such a contrast. Also, I thought the setting/situation was weird, them immediately jumping each other. Anyway, it's not that I want to bash your or that is was awful, no absolutely not, it was probably not my cup of tea in the beginning. But Oh boy, the end... Plus, it was great writing and the chapter on itself were great. Just the combination, and a little bit the begin plot...

    Veil of Dreams, hmm, that one was quite controversial so don't worry about it! I just needed to get rid of it...
    McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)


      Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
      All of that smut... so much fun! I personally prefer Need the most as it's a character study for both Rodney and Jennifer. (no links to these as they're above PG)

      Veil of Dreams, hmm, that one was quite controversial so don't worry about it! I just needed to get rid of it...
      On the first note: I only mentioned your most recent fics I could remember, you've written so much, it was impossible not to forget one, so I didn't mention all of them, just looked for easy examples.

      Secondly, about VoD. Good! We understand each other!
      A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


        And on another note:

        Chapter Nine: Unexpected Surprises of The Rings of Love is now available on FanFiction.Net.

        Thanks to TheIceMenace for doing the beta!

        Jasper - Jper - JperW

        P.S. Reviews are always appreciated. You don't need to register to leave a review.
        Thanks to everyone who left me a review. Thanks to all who will review!
        I don't mind very short reviews. Nor do I mind an extensive review/analysis or comment... They are all very much appreciated!
        Thanks everyone for your patience and sticking with the story!
        EDIT/ Changed the numbering of the chapters of RoL to be consistent with FFN.
        Last edited by Jper; 02 March 2009, 07:00 AM.
        A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


          Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
          *waves* Hi Iawen!
          Hi, Varda!

          Originally posted by Jper View Post
          Sorry, non-native English speaker... Hmm, how should I explain this?

          First of all, I'm more into the SciFi general genre with mysteries and suspense and action and cliffhangers and spaceships and SG in general... Next to that I really love a good romance. It doesn't have to be classical romance. It can be tragic, like Romeo&Juliet, I hope that's an example everyone knows, I think so... but on the other hand that's a classical plot again, of course.
          As long as it's well written and thought-out and I don't know, has a 'sparky' "lot's of sparks between the lovers'? And nice romantic elements...
          Plus, you know I'm more into McKeller than Rodney-whump.
          I mean, the main plot is whump. The first genre is whump. And the whole story is in the *first* place about the whump. I like it more as an extra element. It's more central about Rodney getting into trouble and getting whumped... I like it more when Jennifer is heavily involved or the whole team and the plot is more about Ancient mysteries and such. Like PJM is more whump than let's say Timeless. Timeless had great side elements. And I already know Touch of Chaos will too!
          But over that, I of course prefer "Romancing Rodney" or "An night under the stars". Especially the latter!
          However I must admit (Sorry I hope you appreciate my honest opinion.) That I thought Veil of Dreams wasn't that great in the beginning. The end was unbelievable. But I don't know about the beginning and the start-setting... At first I did not like the combination whump/smut in such a contrast. Also, I thought the setting/situation was weird, them immediately jumping each other. Anyway, it's not that I want to bash you or your story/stories or that the story is was awful, no absolutely not, it was probably not my cup of tea in the beginning. But Oh boy, the end... Plus, it was great writing and the chapters on itself were great. Just the combination, and a little bit the begin plot... But that's just my personal preference... that's not everyone's opinion/preference... I hope you understand me correctly. Don't want to annoy or offend you

          LOL!! I enjoy your definition of a pure form of whump. I don't think you could have offended everyone, we all have our own tastes and (hopefully) respect each other for having our own tastes.

          Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
          I get bored too easily if there's no whump, but I agree a plot is nice... sometimes!

          I use Puddle Jumper Mayhem to blow off steam after a bad day (I seem to have a lot of those )

          Touch of Chaos had no whump at all in it for a long time... but I couldn't resist! Timeless was the opposite, it had far more whump. I transferred the whump I had envisioned into Veil of Dreams

          Veil of Dreams, hmm, that one was quite controversial so don't worry about it! I just needed to get rid of it...
          I get bored in fanfiction without whump, too, Varda. I'm getting pretty discouraged in my quest for Lorne whump (I'm pretty sure I've read almost everything out there for it, LOL!), but luckily you've got the McKay whump covered! I can't wait to get to the chapter of PJM you wrote with Lorne in it to, I felt it only fair to read in order, but I so appreciate the favor!! I haven't had a whole lot of time for fic reading in the past week but I hope to get back to PJM soon!! (Will probably sneak in a chapter or two tonight )
          Much thanks to Snowball for the banner! Many thanks to Cazzblade for the avatar!!
          I'm a 60%er!


            Originally posted by Iawen View Post
            LOL!! I enjoy your definition of a pure form of whump.
            It wasn't really a definition, I just got confused with meaning of the word 'pure'.

            Originally posted by Iawen View Post
            I don't think you could have offended everyone, we all have our own tastes and (hopefully) respect each other for having our own tastes.
            Do you mean 'everyone' or 'someone' or 'anyone'. If you mean everyone, I don't understand what you're saying here... Sorry
            A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


              Originally posted by Jper View Post
              It wasn't really a definition, I just got confused with meaning of the word 'pure'.

              Do you mean 'everyone' or 'someone' or 'anyone'. If you mean everyone, I don't understand what you're saying here... Sorry
              Oh, oops, I meant to say "anyone." LOL.
              Much thanks to Snowball for the banner! Many thanks to Cazzblade for the avatar!!
              I'm a 60%er!


                This is one of the most amazing fanfiction stories I've ever read. I would recommend everyone to check it out!
                I think it's so good, it could be easily a plot for a short SGA movie!
                I, of course, especially like, the latest new chapter.

                Originally posted by x Varda x View Post

                Thought I'd create a central thread for my new WIP. Feel free to post comments, criticisms, suggestions, discussions etc

                Touch of Chaos 1 The Doorway to Nowhere

                When a mysterious doorway is found on Atlantis, Dr Rodney McKay becomes trapped alone and out of his own reality. He soon discovers that every place where he ends up has one disturbing thing in common and he gets hurt.

                I'll post new chapter updates here as and when I upload them

                A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                  In the can't put it down category, Jadedfirefly's The Ninth Chevron is unbelievable.

                  My apologies if you're seeing this in more than one spot, I'm gonna rec it everywhere.

                  Fantastic plot, well-written (NO typo's!!), great grammar, excellent, truly excellent character portrayal's. And, best of all, subtle S/J ship (but not overwhelming for non shipper's).

                  Run, do not walk, to this fic.
                  Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                    Originally posted by Pol View Post
                    In the can't put it down category, Jadedfirefly's The Ninth Chevron is unbelievable.

                    My apologies if you're seeing this in more than one spot, I'm gonna rec it everywhere.

                    Fantastic plot, well-written (NO typo's!!), great grammar, excellent, truly excellent character portrayal's. And, best of all, subtle S/J ship (but not overwhelming for non shipper's).

                    Run, do not walk, to this fic.
                    I beta-d the majority of this fic. I strongly second this rec! It's a really great fic, awesome plot, slightly Carter-focused, though generally a team romp.

                    She started a new one not too long ago. Do Not Go Gentle It's still a WIP but it's just as good and she updates fairly regularly. Carter whump, some great team stuff, less subtle J/S ship but still not to the gawd my eyes! degree (I wouldn't beta it if it was). And what's shaping up to be another good plot.

                    Jadedfirefly is definitely one to keep your eyes on.


                      Just a quick note if anybody hasn't seen it yet, sbz has begun posting the Epilogue to "The Way" series:


                        Here I am again, to drop this of, for all of you who want to read an amazing and finished, SGA-fanfiction.
                        Originally posted by x Varda x View Post

                        P.S. Authors live on reviews, if you can, try to leave one.
                        A black hole swallowed this sig pic.



                          Does anyone know if Yum's Fate's Reflection is in any way shippy?

                          I'm sucked into the first (of 53) chapters and I'd really like to have some 'ship too.


                          Gonna crosspost this to the other fic thread, so forewarning.
                          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                   sue corkill if you want something a little...well, its smut. all sam and jack.
                            Alliance of the Heart is a Sam/Dan ship thing. not for non-shippers!


                              Hi All!

                              After a very long break for RL reasons I have come back to Stargate fandom!! Now I'm looking for several fics that I have lost track of.

                              First, SG1...

                              It's an older fic where the team is captured off-world and the aliens (possibly a renegade Asgard) somehow make Jack telepathic or empathic or something - I believe it's related to the ATA gene. The scene I really remember is towards the end. Jack has been severely whumped throughout the whole story and there is an earth girl who is telepathic also (again, ATA gene) who has been helping them out and she is going to use her powers in order to contact the Asgard who are somewhere nearby, however, she needs Jack's help to do it because it's very draining and demanding. Jack waits until she starts the connection and then takes over so most of the strain is on him and while he gets help for the team he does himself real damage and they aren't sure if they're going to get him back.

                              Second... also SG1

                              Jack is punished by mean aliens for something Daniel touches and breaks. They punish him because he's the leader. The team are kept in a cell made up of some kind of shield and only Jack can leave to go to the platform where he is punished. Lots of Daniel angst and guilt. The rest of the team try and convince Jack to let them take the punishment, but he insists that he does.

                              Thank you!!

                              P.S. I've tried the fic search thread and got nothing. I've also tried a few places on livejournal and can't find it there. So, I'm completey desperate. Help!!



                                *delurking for a minute*

                                I've been meaning to check this thread out. Glad I did! Lots of nice fan fic to look for...
                                Member of The Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers
                                Sigs by Csom, Luci and Pip2

