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Jack/Sam Fic Recs

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    Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
    They also never gave us a time frame for when this invisible thing was set, did they? I mean, Jack was still "Colonel O'Neill", so that means it must have been pre-season 8 at least. They wouldn't have been in an intimate relationship yet.

    So, if you think about it, he was actually crossing some serious boundaries there... I know it's meant to be funny and all, and when I see the scene I also laugh, but once you start analyzing it...
    However, Sam apparently expected it since she asked if he was there, and he had the decency to admit it. So I'm gonna file it away as male (or boyish) prank-attempt at catching a glimpse of his crush naked. (It's still immature, though, but I guess that fits Jack's character. )

    But there were a couple of episodes where I didn't like what they did with Jack's character. I mean, think about "100 Days". I watched it just yesterday - or rather skipped over most of it. But when I saw the end, and saw Jack promise that he'd come back and all... which he never did!
    I don't ship Laira and Jack, but you gotta admit, behavior like that usually says something about character. And Jack was always portrayed as absolutely loyal. Yes he messed up his marriage with Sara, but that was due to sadness and his inability to open up. (And Sara blaming him I guess.) So this whole Laira relationship strikes me as very OOC, since they only bring it up once afterwards, and he never goes back. Nor does he consider it. Even though he promised.
    Well, you could always fanwank it that he did it accidentally the first time, and thought it was funny, because she got so flustered. He kept doing it, trying to see how she would react. It doesn't seem he went any further than being in the locker room, and there was no one else in there. He wouldn't have done so, IMO, if there had been others in the locker room.

    Well, we just had a long discussion on Twitter about 100 Days (you know me as Shoe Queen there), but I always thought it was strange that they never revisited the storyline, especially since Jack promised to return. Again, it could be fanwanked that he did go, but we never saw it. We clearly didn't see every mission. I think he would have taken care of her and his child, if there had been a child. I can't see them NOT bringing it up on the show if he'd had another child, especially knowing how much he loves children, and after what happened with Charlie. The child certainly would have come to Earth at some point, so I'm guessing no pregnancy. Still I don't like what they did with Jack in 100 Day. It's 100 freaking days, keep it in your pants man!
    FF Name ~ Shoe Queen

    Read my 2014 Sam and Jack Multimedia Awards nominated fics!

    I Saw Three Ships
    What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
    Staying Behind
    Always Find You
    Paper Flowers
    The Things We Want
    Have Yourself a Shippy Little Christmas


      Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
      I don't like that Jack promises to return either, and I wish that they had stated that Laira hadn't been pregnant.

      As it is, RDA has stated that he knows that Jack would have returned to make sure that Laira wasn't pregnant with his child. By extension, he said that in his mind, Laira wasn't pregnant because Jack would have done the honorable thing and returned to her if she was. So that's as close to canon as we'll ever get.
      Exactly. This is what I think too. He would NEVER not take care of a child of his, and that child WOULD have at least been mentioned in the show, and probably brought to Earth at least a few times during the show. While that episode was really OOC for Jack, IMO, there's no way he wouldn't have made sure she wasn't pregnant, even if we didn't see it. The promise of coming back though could have meant while the SGC was helping them with the resettlement and supplies. He didn't say he'd continue to come back, just that he'd be back.
      FF Name ~ Shoe Queen

      Read my 2014 Sam and Jack Multimedia Awards nominated fics!

      I Saw Three Ships
      What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
      Staying Behind
      Always Find You
      Paper Flowers
      The Things We Want
      Have Yourself a Shippy Little Christmas


        Originally posted by iwrite4fun View Post
        This Sam/Jack shipper is about to be snowed in for several days and needs some reading material. I've read through the various lists posted here and wanted someone to rec some oldies but goodies that are perfect for reading on (several) long snowy days. Thanks for your help!
        Campfire Stories by PolRobin--that's a great series that is nice and long.
        There's also one about Jack knitting. I'm not sure what it's called, but it'll last you for a while.
        I also liked the barrista series. That was fun.

        (Someone could probably give you the names and authors of these. I'm not in the position to look for them at the moment.)

        (If you're really desperate, you could also click on the link below my sig. There are a few nice juicy ones there that should last out the storm. . .)
        My Stories: FFdotNet
        My Stories AO3
        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
          Campfire Stories by PolRobin--that's a great series that is nice and long.
          There's also one about Jack knitting. I'm not sure what it's called, but it'll last you for a while.
          I also liked the barrista series. That was fun.

          (Someone could probably give you the names and authors of these. I'm not in the position to look for them at the moment.)

          (If you're really desperate, you could also click on the link below my sig. There are a few nice juicy ones there that should last out the storm. . .)
          I think the knitting one is called "Stitches" or something similar. I may have it. Will see if I can find a linky.

          In fact, here it is: Stitches by Literatiwannabe or Christi.
          Last edited by hedwig; 02 February 2015, 02:21 PM.


            I just got done reading stitches, and enjoyed it as much as the first time. And I vigorously second Pol's Campfire series.


              Thirding the rec for Stitches. It is one of all-time faves of fic.
              No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
              It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                Thirding the rec for Stitches. It is one of all-time faves of fic.
                Is 'fourthing' a word?


                  Originally posted by canadianfolk View Post
                  Is 'fourthing' a word?
                  I'm fifthing the rec, but now we just sound like Replicators.
                  The Return of King Arthur
                  Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                  acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                    I just started reading Kellifer's work and have been really enjoying it so thought I'd rec one Simplicity Flashes of an SJ life together


                      Originally posted by akamaimom View Post
                      so, essentially, they've created "schroedinger's baby". Until you open the 'gate, you don't know if there's a baby there or not.
                      hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<
                      sig by Ikorni

                      "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                      "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                      SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                        Originally posted by canadianfolk View Post
                        Anyone know what happened to It's down.
                        Looks like the site owner has let the registration lapse.
                        No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                        It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                          Akamaimom's Things Owed is a nice shippy glimpse at things between Jack and Sam when one does a favor for the other.
                          No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                          It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                            this isn't a fic 'rec', but more of a plea for someone to write this... (unless there *is* a fic like this)

                            sam is quite a sharp-shooter. what if her target skills were called for in a specific mission on earth, and she was a sniper. what would that do to her psychologically?



                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              this isn't a fic 'rec', but more of a plea for someone to write this... (unless there *is* a fic like this)

                              sam is quite a sharp-shooter. what if her target skills were called for in a specific mission on earth, and she was a sniper. what would that do to her psychologically?
                              I've actually had a plot running around in my head for a while about this. It's part of a larger action/adventure team fic, but this would be an important part of the thing. If I could actually find the time to write it. . .
                              My Stories: FFdotNet
                              My Stories AO3
                              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                                majorsal, why am I not surprised you grabbed that pic for your signature? That's an interesting premise for a fic, BTW.
                                FF Name ~ Shoe Queen

                                Read my 2014 Sam and Jack Multimedia Awards nominated fics!

                                I Saw Three Ships
                                What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
                                Staying Behind
                                Always Find You
                                Paper Flowers
                                The Things We Want
                                Have Yourself a Shippy Little Christmas

