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HONOR--An Atlantis scientist meets the Wraiths. Up close.

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    Originally posted by Mariellelita View Post

    Traveler64, I have kidnapped Todd and Kenny (maybe Mikey too, I am not so sure about him), and until I see new chapters up here, they will remain with me and suffer a horrifying fate....

    lol! Are you having writer's block or something? I have, I can't think of how to get my next chapters going smoothly. Can't wait to see more!
    Your wish is my command. So, now release the boys. You've shampooed their long, silky hair enough. Hehehehehe.

    Yes, it was writer's block. Sigh...
    HONOR. A story.



      Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
      Your wish is my command. So, now release the boys. You've shampooed their long, silky hair enough. Hehehehehe.

      Yes, it was writer's block. Sigh...
      Aaah! I loved it! I can't wait to see how the others will react on Atlantis.

      *Tosses Todd, Kenny, and Mikey to T64* Take them back to your hive and keep them! I hid them from the others for you!

      You are such a good writer, I don't know how you do it!


        good lord!! im going to have to create a family tree to keep up with them!! boy are back. thanks T64 you jus made my day!!
        I cant wait to see where this goes. Can you just imagen the look on atlantis's crews face when the receve an the communication with her standing at the controls of a hive with the boys behind her?
        BTW- I was a good girl and didnt skip ahead to the boys, although i really wanted to!


          Originally posted by Mariellelita View Post
          Aaah! I loved it! I can't wait to see how the others will react on Atlantis.

          *Tosses Todd, Kenny, and Mikey to T64* Take them back to your hive and keep them! I hid them from the others for you!

          You are such a good writer, I don't know how you do it!
          Hey now, if your tossn wraith, you best toss one my way!!!


            Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
            MASTERLING! don't read ahead to get to the fantabulous boys!

            Or they'll feed on you.

            Then again, that's what you want...

            Never mind.

            “Both of them have been created with you?” I echoed, making sure I had heard right.

            He leaned forward. “She used the mating pool of my hive well and liked it so well, she stayed for the second.”

            “One heir and one to spare,” I babbled, trying to twist my mind around this new piece of information. “They both have the gene?”

            He grinned at me. “My mating pool is famous among the Queens.” He leaned even further towards me. I could feel him physically now, turning around me, touching me. I became very still. “You are curious, I know. You are curious about many things, and like all humans, you’re fixated on the mating part of things. I’ve seen female worshipers so crazed by it, so delirious that they would even go for a male Wraith, even though they feared us and we would just feed on them with nothing in return.” He paused. “Not since we broke the yoke of the Ancients have we given a human our gift.” His eyes gleamed. “I knew the Ancients well. Very well.” He was rambling; perhaps.

            I stiffened.

            “You do wonder, don’t you?” he purred. “You wonder about me and the Ancients. I was much liked by a certain Ancient female. Very much. They liked Wraith at first. It was a little… what do you call it? I fad. A perversity.” He watched me. I tried to block any reaction. “You wonder about the mating pool, I know.” He straightened up and said, his voice commanding. “As part of our alliance--” He gave me what was, much to my dismay and discomfort, a very male look. “I offer an exchange of scientific information and experimentation of my pools. To satisfy our curiosity.”

            “You have more than one,” I stammered just of a sudden, half raised from my seat, ready to bolt, although I was quite aware that it would be futile, were this Wraith truly bent on tossing me in his pool. For scientific curiosity.

            “Oh, yes, I do.”

            “I never thought of the Wraith as a race given to curiosity,” I stated, trying to straighten my voice.

            “Inquisitive, surely.”

            “I thought humans disgusted you!” I threw back while physically I backed up.

            He grinned and the look in his eyes became even more male, if such a thing was possible. “Yes…” he drawled and purred. My God, he purred! “But if your Wraith mated with you…”

            “We did not!”

            “Don’t be such an ignorant human! Even you should understand the concept of how that Queen was created.” He snorted. “So, if the head of one of the most powerful Wraith factions in the galaxy, a Ship Wraith with an armada of hives took you, then there must be something very special about you.” He scanned me with his gaze. “Ah, I am curious indeed. For all my long life, I’ve found mating with the Wraith Queens a bothersome chore. Not since that Ancient female have I thought of it as anything else than a duty I must endure.”

            “What wrong with the Wraith Queens?” I protested rather desperately. “They’re quite… quite… buxom and… and… lusty.” My voice squeaked a little.

            He let out a low snarl of displeasure. “They are demanding, noisy and… and… whine a lot and… and…”

            I’ve never known a Wraith lost for words; but then they were not very good at describing their so called emotions and characteristics in human terms; and that is what he was attempting. I helped: “You mean they are all about themselves.”

            He looked long at me: “No Wraith Queen would ever touch my hand to take away my pain.” His voice was strangely melodious.

            Suddenly he let out a growl and clutched the chair. He could hardly breathe. Then he quieted down. Then he laughed. A very amused laugh. “Just joking…” His voice was weak. “I have no energy and much life. My pools are dry and destroyed.” He snarled viciously. “For that alone, Elena Vries, I want that man you call Feng to die slowly. Make a Runner out of him, painfully—“

            “He would not survive five minutes as a runner,” I said with contempt; and thought—oh, good! Male Wraith are just as enamored of their ‘jewels’ as human males…

            “You’re in pain,” I said softly.

            He hissed at me and snarled. “I’m going to be dead if you keep asking me stupid questions and don’t start to act.”

            “Can you summon my two… uh… grandsons and some warriors… and some very impressive looking Wraiths?”

            “Hmmm…” he hummed. “I shall communicate with your Wraith. He’s nearby.”

            “He’s nearby? Why?” I asked suspiciously, with a sick feeling in my heart.

            He looked at me narrowly. “The wounds of his ship are serious.” He leaned back in his chair. “He asks what else you need?”

            Oh… “You’ve already communicated?”

            “Of course,” he answered with Wraith contempt and typical satisfaction for having surprised me, a slow and ignorant human.

            “He answered?” I whispered and a warm feeling entered my heart. He answered…

            “What else do you need?”

            I looked down on myself. “An impressive dress, some food and drink.”

            The Ship Wraith nodded.


            One could not tell time on a hive; especially this hive that was dying. Time seemed suspended; perhaps that is why I thought that merely minutes had passed before a Wraith transport alighted in the dart bay and the doors to the Queen’s chamber opened. My two Wraiths—Siegfried and Lothar; which was which I had no idea—marched… no, strided… no. Strutted… No. Swaggered in. Yes, swaggered. I absorbed their image and I felt proud—my genes sure created some good looking Wraiths!

            They were tall; even taller than I recalled. Perhaps they were still growing. Their hair was like silk, fantastically braided, falling in long sheets down the front and back. Their outfits were of silver black leather, the hem swirling.

            Ah, yes. I had done well. Very well.

            Behind them came a contingency of warriors and a couple of faced Wraith, looking just as impressive. The rear was brought up by two female worshipers, their head bent, carrying clothes and food.

            Siegfried—the one on the right, although I had no idea whether it was the one I originally named so—took a step ahead and stopped in front of me. He inclined his head in greeting and said, with a supremely cold voice: “We were instructed to come here.”

            No species does stone face as well as a Wraith. And this one did it better than any. His eyes were like two blue stones, icy and looking through me.

            I glanced at Lothar, the one on the left. His face was equally supremely uninterested. However, his eyes observed me like a very curious cat.

            “Thank you for coming,” I said. “I am gratified by your filial piety.” I wondered if my sarcasm registered. “I am looking forward to your undivided loyalty.”

            “For how long?” Siegfried asked, definite disdain in his voice.

            “For as long as you carry my DNA. One hesitation on your part, and I’ll… whump your elegant butts until you scream for mercy.”

            They both looked at me as if I were some kind of strange creature they had never seen before, or heard of among the species of the Pegasus or elsewhere. They looked as if they were having some kind of a very uncomfortable epiphany.

            “To the bridge,” I commanded, ignoring the little snarl rising from the two of them. But they followed me, nevertheless, stiff necked and stony faced.

            I stood at the bridge console, the two flanking me and said:

            “Dial Atlantis, my sons!”

            The Ship Wraith chuckled.
            And I theought my family relationships have been complicated. OK. Lets see if I got this right


            Amber Commander matched with Elena ( even if she don't think so)

            Amanda mated with the Ghost Wraith and produced Siegfried and Lothar(who are both mating Wraiths and one I think has the ship wraith gene)

            So Elena is mate/Queen to Amber Commander, Amanda was mate to Ghost Wraith, and Siegfried and Lothar are Elena grandsons and Ghost Wraith sons. So does that mean Amber Commander is their grandfather.

            Oh yeah Siegfried and Lothar don't have any mates (alright girls steady now, don't forget they are rather young so they may not have discovered girls yet).

            I'm glad they not had any offspring cos I'm having enough problems keeping track of their Grandfather/Grandmother, Father/Mother, brother ect.

            Oh one other I think was Goldie Queen, was Amanda sister so that makes her Siegfried and Lothar aunt???? .

            Thank you loved it, like the end “Dial Atlantis, my sons!” Hum Siegfried sure going to get his backside paddled by Elena if he's not careful. Lothar seems to be watching Elena carefully like a cat- I'm watching you but I'm not interested really....butI'm still watching.

            The Ghost Wraith he really don't know what Elena is capable of, she'll have to be careful as he may die of laughting . She must seem very alien to him, not like the humans he been used so far

            Last edited by MCH; 15 January 2009, 02:01 PM.
            Thanks to DS for my siggy


              This was soooo great it ended toooo soon. She certainly knows how to deal with her sons, and they definetly won't give her any cheek!

              Don't be too long in updating, this is a fantastic read!
              I came, I saw, I conquered!
              We are unique! Created unique!


                Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
                This was soooo great it ended toooo soon. She certainly knows how to deal with her sons, and they definetly won't give her any cheek!

                Don't be too long in updating, this is a fantastic read!

                You enjoy leaving us in suspense, don't you T64?


                  Oh my! Never considered what a wraith lost for words would look like....
                  Your "Ghostly wraith" (love the picture by the way) all mixed up with emotion.
                  Absulutly terrorifying. That will certinly get my blood flowing until your next episode. Update soon- we all envy your eye of describtion in regards to the wraith. You truely do the Wraith justice in your details not like sga.


                    Originally posted by Lonely Goldfish View Post
                    Oh my! Never considered what a wraith lost for words would look like....
                    Your "Ghostly wraith" (love the picture by the way) all mixed up with emotion.
                    Absulutly terrorifying. That will certinly get my blood flowing until your next episode. Update soon- we all envy your eye of describtion in regards to the wraith. You truely do the Wraith justice in your details not like sga.
                    Thank you much for reading and for your compliments. It is strange, i know, but when I write about a Wraith and the dialogue, I can feel him in my head. I am very happy that it's coming through like this.
                    HONOR. A story.



                      Thank you all for reading it!! And also many wraithie thanks for the reviews and words of encouragement. I know I said this before, but I have to repeat--I am having great fun! But above all, it seems that you are having fun reading this.

                      Also, have you noticed? We're up to 12,850+ viewings. Over 150 hits since this morning, when it was 12,705. Sorry... it's my scientific mind here; gathering data and statistics. But, it's interesting how the numbers move.
                      HONOR. A story.



                        Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                        Thank you all for reading it!! And also many wraithie thanks for the reviews and words of encouragement. I know I said this before, but I have to repeat--I am having great fun! But above all, it seems that you are having fun reading this.

                        Also, have you noticed? We're up to 12,850+ viewings. Over 150 hits since this morning, when it was 12,705. Sorry... it's my scientific mind here; gathering data and statistics. But, it's interesting how the numbers move.
                        If a story is well written as yours is word travels fast about 64 mph. You have given us story where the wraith characters are given a chance to develope. No killing of humans and wraith just for the sake of it. Although I shall be disappointed if something nasty don't happen to Feng like. .

                        Thanks to DS for my siggy


                          What a mind you have, T64!
                          Your Commander is supremely clever! He tried to breed Amanda's gene's forward (fresh, modern DNA from Elena) and backward (DNA from the Wraith origins, via the old Ship Wraith)at the same time, hoping to bring about a renewed "hybrid vigor" in his offspring.

                          And he did not neglect social connections: he "married" her off as a sort of "child bride," but into the most ancient of Wraith aristocracies.

                          And if your Wraith are actually a patriarchy governed by alliances of Ship Wraiths, then Amanda's initial lack of a feeding hand may not have made such a huge difference after all.

                          Pity that she was too young and confused to appreciate any of this.

                          Now all that is left of the Commander's hopes lies within Lothar and Siegfried.
                          I can't wait to see where Elena is taking this!
                          Last edited by keeperofthehive; 14 January 2009, 10:09 PM.


                            Hi T64,
                            Hope all well, I must get back to your last two Honors loved em.

                            But that picture of the Ancient Ship Wraith it really brought the him alive. Has his name in the colours. Do you think he is starting to realise that he can't not fight not if Elena is on board.

                            I was thinking about Elena marching to the radio with her two boys trailing behind her. All full of stiffness and bad ass wraithyness. I'm curious as to their name colours..... not a hint honest

                            Hope we see Santos and he has a good explanation of what happened with the bomb.

                            Oh boy are they going to get a lesson in human bad ass attitude. She reminds me of a time bomb about to go off. She'd have made a good Queen and she is difinatly more Wraith than she realises.

                            Query if Elena was to ask her Commander

                            why after she got the bomb off the ship he sent her to the Ancient Ship Wraith was it A) The alliance which Amanda cermented. B) The knowledge that the Ancient Ship Wraith has and he was hoping he could work out what the bio weapon was doing to the Wraith and C) He knew Elena could stand her ground and she'd galvanise the Ancient Ship Wraith into action. Or D) he sent her to saftey. Don't think she be too happy is shrwas being sent to the sidelines. Or is it all four
                            Thanks to DS for my siggy


                              Originally posted by MCH View Post
                              Hi T64,
                              Hope all well, I must get back to your last two Honors loved em.

                              But that picture of the Ancient Ship Wraith it really brought the him alive. Has his name in the colours. Do you think he is starting to realise that he can't not fight not if Elena is on board.

                              I was thinking about Elena marching to the radio with her two boys trailing behind her. All full of stiffness and bad ass wraithyness. I'm curious as to their name colours..... not a hint honest

                              Hope we see Santos and he has a good explanation of what happened with the bomb.

                              Oh boy are they going to get a lesson in human bad ass attitude. She reminds me of a time bomb about to go off. She'd have made a good Queen and she is difinatly more Wraith than she realises.

                              Query if Elena was to ask her Commander

                              why after she got the bomb off the ship he sent her to the Ancient Ship Wraith was it A) The alliance which Amanda cermented. B) The knowledge that the Ancient Ship Wraith has and he was hoping he could work out what the bio weapon was doing to the Wraith and C) He knew Elena could stand her ground and she'd galvanise the Ancient Ship Wraith into action. Or D) he sent her to saftey. Don't think she be too happy is shrwas being sent to the sidelines. Or is it all four
                              Ha! got you thinking!!!

                              Their colors--I've got some thoughts on that and it's good you mentioned. I reminds me of this and then another name that I must come up with and also the ceremony. There are so many things I have to tie together... and so many ideas fluttering in my poor brain.

                              As for you questions as to the Commander's motive--all very astute points. But, I am not talking. And the reason for that is... the Commander hasn't whipsered it to me yet.

                              I have been kind of under the weather--we're having Santa Ana winds here; that is dry, hot winds with great shifts in atmospheric pressure and I get miserable. Either waking up with huge headache, or feeling as if my brains are being sucked up through my nose. Lovely image, I know...

                              So, I'm feeling a bit like Greg and Wraith at the sight of humans...

                              P.S. Love your sig with Spike. Kissy kissy...
                              HONOR. A story.



                                Originally posted by keeperofthehive View Post
                                What a mind you have, T64!
                                Your Commander is supremely clever! He tried to breed Amanda's gene's forward (fresh, modern DNA from Elena) and backward (DNA from the Wraith origins, via the old Ship Wraith)at the same time, hoping to bring about a renewed "hybrid vigor" in his offspring.

                                And he did not neglect social connections: he "married" her off as a sort of "child bride," but into the most ancient of Wraith aristocracies.

                                And if your Wraith are actually a patriarchy governed by alliances of Ship Wraiths, then Amanda's initial lack of a feeding hand may not have made such a huge difference after all.

                                Pity that she was too young and confused to appreciate any of this.

                                Now all that is left of the Commander's hopes lies within Lothar and Siegfried.
                                I can't wait to see where Elena is taking this!
                                Yeah... Wraith are quite aware of DNA lines, just like the obsessions human aristocracy has with blood lines. A hive and space borne species (that is, they do not have home bases on planets or solid ground) the connection between hives and the diversification of the DNA but also using DNA to form alliances is very much part of their culture, to ensure the improvement and survival of the race. Although they are long live, they do evolve. I am glad that you caught all that. It was kind of background noise in my mind and didn't want to get explicit about it; unless this starts becoming a professor's lecture on Wraith.
                                HONOR. A story.


