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universe season 3, episode 1 Fight (my fan fiction)

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    universe season 3, episode 1 Fight (my fan fiction)

    The intro is a recap of key scene concerning one stasis pod not working, power issues, and if calculations are off even a fraction, then it turns into a thousand years, the crew going into stasis, and finally, a long lingering on Eli looking out of the observation deck, and then him smiling.

    Stargate Universe title screen goes up.

    The scene pans over all of the stasis pods, and finally to Young last, and all the pods turn off, waking everyone up.

    The crew is slowly gathering together, confused, and almost immediately wondering, “Where's Eli?” as of the crew in that specific chamber area, look at the pod, which has not been fixed, and the concern is VERY apparent on their faces, not only for their crew member/friend, but also with a concern for how long they have been a drift.

    Everyone from each stasis section meet back together, and they all begin walking. They decide to split up, some to the observation deck to see if there is anything to see, others to the bridge, and others to control interface room.

    Young says, “We need to split up, I will head to the bridge. Scott go to the Observation deck, see if there is ANYTHING out there to see.” He starts walking, (not very fast either). Young continues, “Volker and Brody, I need you two in control inter......”

    Just then, Destiny drops out of FTL, everyone freezes, including Scott, who hadn't gotten very far. Smiles are exchanged with everyone, while with a few characters like Wray, Chloe, and Rush, and even Greer have a slight twitch on their lower lips, that makes it seem like they are about to cry.

    With hope, Young barks off at everyone “Go!”

    They starts running to the places designated, and the rest of the crew decide for themselves where they want to be and what they want to see.

    Young, Greer, Rush, and Chloe all run to the bridge.

    Volker, Brody, Barnes who helps Park (who can't run because of still being blind), head to the control interface room.

    Scott, Wray, Johansen, and Varro, run to the observation deck. The rest of the crew also follows to the observation deck, curious to what they will see.

    Park says sturnly, “Please tell me that you're not really going to walk with us the whole way. I will meet you both there, go!”

    Scott and his group is shown getting to the observation deck, and a confused look comes across their faces. He reaches for his radio.

    Volker and Brody arrive in the control interface room and start pressing buttons trying to pull up where they are. At the same time they get into the control interface room, Scott's voice comes over the radio, “Sir, I'm not seeing anything. I mean, there are stars off in the distance, but, nothing close.”

    Brody grabs his radio, “Hold on.” A map of their location pulls up on that cool-blue holographic screen. They both look at the screen confused. Volker says to Brody in a voice just above a whisper, “What happened?”

    The scene switches to Young and Rush entering the bridge, with Eli sitting in the captain's chair looking over his shoulder, “Hey guys, I solved the problem.”

    Scene change to everyone in the Mess. As Eli explains.

    Eli: “First let me say, I am sorry I wasn't there to welcome all of you out. I had an idea, and I needed to save as much power as possible. So, I turned off the pods, then ran to the bridge.”

    Brody: “Why didn't you just run to the bridge first, and turn the pods off from there?”

    Eli stammers a little: “Brain fart?....Look, who cares. I figured out a way that we don't have to skip this galaxy.”

    Young: “We're listening.”

    Eli: “We attack a command ship, then take control of all of the we did last time. Only this time, we keep the drones. Have them attach to our haul, and carry them through FTL with us. And anytime we need more fuel....”

    Rush: “We use the drones to attack the other drones, to give us time to kill the command ship, and then refuel.”

    Eli: “And then with all of the other deactivated drones, we take them and reprogram them to us.”

    Wray: “Wait a second, wasn't it that one drone that we had that allowed the command ships to track us in the first place?”

    Rush: “We thought that. But it was the use of the stargates. They might very well be able to track us using the drones. But they aren't coming after us. They are lying in wait...blockading the stars we use. Let them track us.”

    Everyone is silent for a moment, looking back and forth at Rush and Eli.

    Scott: “Will that work?”

    Volker: “It worked last time, I don't see why it wouldn't this time.”

    Young: “Gold star drop-out, gold star”

    Eli smiles with a hint of a joke, “That's, MIT-drop.”

    Young chuckles, nodding his head, “Yes, It, Is!”

    Eli: “We could even head back to a previous fight, and pick up those drones first.”

    Brody: “Bad idea, chances are another command ship has already taken station there.”

    Rush: “Maybe. But we have never turned back before. All they know of us, is that we constantly move forward. Command ships are only ever on one side, sitting there, waiting for us. If we go back, we will be on the opposite side of the star, IF a command ship even took sentry there. Since we already passed that location, they would have no reason to send a ship back there.”

    Scott: “What if you're wrong?”

    Eli: “Then we will be in a battle with a command ship, which is what we're planning on doing anyways.”

    Barnes: “But won't they have double the drones?”

    Rush: “No no no, that was our idea. It is unlikely that the command ships even understand that idea yet.”

    Everyone with know-how begins working on the ship for repairs and optimization.

    Eli and Rush begin working on the program to re-purpose the drones, to make it more efficient and usable.

    Rush: “Colonel, have you, considered checking in with Stargate command yet?”

    Young: “I don't really see a need at this moment. They are expecting us to be asleep for atleast 3 years, chances are, no one is manning the stones currently. Besides, this right now will take all of our focus. We can try to make contact after this”

    Brody: “That's it, we're good to go.”

    They take the FTL jump to the last star that they were at that they destroyed a command ship. They drop out of FTL a good distance away, to allow the minimal time again. During this time, Wray approaches Young.

    Wray: “We should check in with Home World Command, tell them how plans have changed.”

    Young: “I was planning on doing such after we got through this.”

    Wray: “We have 3 hours on the clock...what else is there to do?”

    Young: A sigh expressed for *good point, you're right* “Go, but don't be long, this might get real ugly real quick. Plus, if NOTHING goes wrong, then we will be inside a star. If wormhole travel inside a star causes us to have 2000 years of descendants, I don't want to know what communication inside a star causes.”

    Wray heads first to the observation deck. We follow with her, getting a better understanding of the structure of the ship. She finds Morrison.

    Wray: “Morrison, can I use your assistance please?”

    We walk with Wray and Morrison to the stone communications room, getting a better feel for the ship's layout.

    The two turn everything on in the room, and Wray tries to connect. Nothing happens. The two look at each other.

    No time left on the clock, the Destiny heads in toward the star. Everyone remains highly nervous. The ship heads in. All of the sudden, they get an alarm for a contact, and they realize it is a command ship, but the command ship is further out from the star than they are. The command ship launches drones, and this is basically just a jump scare, as, Destiny is too close to the star already. The drones follow Destiny in, and burn up. The collectors finish, and they begin to exist the star.

    Rush: “Stay in the star!”

    Volker: “But the collectors are done.”


    Young: “This is going to drain power with the shields!”

    Rush: “So we'll redeploy before we exist.”

    The Destiny remains in the star, flying around to the opposite side of the star. They redeploy the collectors to recharge again before leaving the star. They are now on the original side as the first time.

    Young: “Scott, Eli, Brody, GO!”

    The three of them head to the shettle to get a drone, similar to last time

    The command ship rounds the star, and the Destiny is waiting. More drones get launched, but the command ship stops short of weapons' range.

    Young: “Volker, head for'em, NOW!”

    Wray: “Scott will be defenseless!”

    Rush: “They'll come after Destiny first, we're the main threat right now!”

    Space view, Destiny flying into battle, getting hit by multiple drone weapons' fire.

    Scott finds a target-drone.

    Chloe attempts to get Greer a clear shot, while Rush attempts to oscillate the shields back and forth between which they are receiving more damage from, between weapons' fire, and drone kamikaze runs. He switches from focusing to one frequency, to random frequencies.

    Scott, Eli and Brody get the drone in, and Eli begins work. While Eli is working, Scott idiotically puts stress on Eli, talking about the battle that he is seeing Destiny in, telling Eli to hurry. If not for everything that Eli has been through, he might have cracked, rather, he responses in a stern commanding tone, “Scott, SHUT UP!!!” Scott shakes his head in utter surprise. The strain can be seen in Eli's frantic actions trying to get this to work.

    Eli: “Brody, I need you.”

    Brody quickly moves over to Eli.

    Eli: “Over there. (something something something, lots of technical talk)”

    Scott looks on at the battle.....and with a softer tone this time, ”Eli?”

    Eli: “GOT IT!!!”

    Just as Eli and Brody wake up the other drones to obey their commands, Chloe is able to get Destiny angled just right for Greer, and destroy the command ship.

    Scott sees this and merely begins heading back, with all of the previous drones following, by Eli's command.

    Back on the ship, just after the explosion of the command ship:

    Young: “I hope the next time isn't like this.”

    As Scott comes back in, Rush comes over the com: “Once you get that drone aboard, get back out there, and get one of the other deactivated drones.”

    Scott: “You mean we gotta do this every time?”

    Rush from the com and Eli at the same time: “Yeah!”

    Eli continues: “Each command ship has a unique signature signal. Infact I was surprised that I figured out the other one as fast as I did.”

    As Scott heads out for another drone, Young says: “While you are getting the next drone, we are going to recharge. That battle took a lot out of us.”

    The Destiny comes back out from recharging, and the other drones are now in Eli's control. The shuttle docks, and Eli gives the command to the drones to attach to Destiny. As the last couple are attaching, another command ship arrives.

    Young: “Greer, now.”

    Greer puts Destiny in FTL

    The song Breathe by Alexi Murdoch plays over seeing the events ending this episode

    Everyone sighs in relief. Scott, Eli, and Brody take the second drone out of the shuttle. Everyone settles in, and recognizes that this will work. They all have solemn smiles, a feeling of relief, that, they can win this.