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CURSES!!!!!! I did it again! But to be fair, I'm not actually sure when they're supposed to be in by and there are no reminders. I lead a very busy life!!
CURSES!!!!!! I did it again! But to be fair, I'm not actually sure when they're supposed to be in by and there are no reminders. I lead a very busy life!!
The deadline is clearly stated in the new challenge post, it is the same time every week (unless I post a delay, and I always post if there is one). Plus you're in the same country as me so there's no time difference excuse. There aresn't going to be reminders as this already takes several hours, 3 days a week. I'm organising, writing, and beta'ing a virtual season, while working full time, I started a new job last week, not to mention football, dancing, losing weight, filling out job applications and graduate recruitment applications, making icons for 20in20 contests, other LJ icon contest, making LJ headers for communities. So no, thats not being fair.
What we do in life echoes in eternity - GladiatorvghUp the Blades!
Use only the caps provided, they can be found here. Submit up to 5 icons (PM them to me ), using any technique/brushes/textures etc that you wish to use.
The deadline is Midnight Sunday 8th of November (GMT)
This weeks special vote will be for Best Colour.
Create and enjoy!
Here you go Lili. This was the deadline for this past challenge. I'm almost positive she posts it on Tuesdays. So it give us 5 days to work on the art, which is normally Midnight Sunday, yours and hers time. Unless something comes up and she has to delay... like she stated. We just PM them to Cazz and she posts them for us. I hope that helps.
It's a shame you missed it. They were beautifully done.
The deadline is clearly stated in the new challenge post, it is the same time every week (unless I post a delay, and I always post if there is one). Plus you're in the same country as me so there's no time difference excuse. There aresn't going to be reminders as this already takes several hours, 3 days a week. I'm organising, writing, and beta'ing a virtual season, while working full time, I started a new job last week, not to mention football, dancing, losing weight, filling out job applications and graduate recruitment applications, making icons for 20in20 contests, other LJ icon contest, making LJ headers for communities. So no, thats not being fair.
Oh I wasn't accusing you! I was trying to apologise for me forgetting to pm them again! Sorry!
*ashamed smile*
Challenge 68: Time may change me, but I can't change time.
Season 4 saw two major changes to the casting line up of Stargate Atlantis. This challenge is to say goodbye to the characters being lost and hello to the characters joining the team. All opinions and views of the changes are welcome
Use only the caps provided, they can be found here. Submit up to 5 icons (PM them to me ), using any technique/brushes/textures etc that you wish to use.
The deadline is Midnight Sunday 15th of November (GMT)
This weeks special vote will be for Best Text.
Create and enjoy!
What we do in life echoes in eternity - GladiatorvghUp the Blades!