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Creation Vancouver Con 2010 (April 15-18)

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    Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
    I may take the 11-ish tour next time since the con doesn't start until 2pm-ish. And, I won't be bidding on 'backstage passes' or 'lunch/drinks with the actors' that may interfere with that set tour time slot.
    Since this is new to me (and I have to schedule around a teaching assignment) when are the set tours offered?


      Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
      Since this is new to me (and I have to schedule around a teaching assignment) when are the set tours offered?
      They're on Saturday only and starting at 6:15am(?) and going until about 1:30pm. There are 5 time slots.


        Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
        They're on Saturday only and starting at 6:15am(?) and going until about 1:30pm. There are 5 time slots.
        Thanks. Lucky I'm somewhat of a morning person (and I find coffee).


          Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
          Thanks. Lucky I'm somewhat of a morning person (and I find coffee).
          I didn't find the morning too hard (in fact watching the sun rise while on the bus was quite nice), but it was more that Saturday didn't actually end until 2.30am Sunday morning for us (due to a few issues that some may remember) so it was a teeny bit of a long day.

          However the 6.15am tour was apparently the smallest of the lot and if there was a karaoke party the night before would probably be even smaller - good if you prefer small groups.
          The Wraith the Wraith are a very bad race. A very bad race indeed
          Next convention: Creation LA SG/FS/Eureka WH13 Sanctuary TriCon


            Originally posted by Krisz View Post
            We'll miss you!

            The snow in Vancouver is still colder and heavier than what I've experienced in the UK! The boots I bought in the last major snowfall I experienced in the UK did nothing when I wore them for the first time in snow in Vancouver! My feet were freezing in them here, whilst they were really cozy in UK snowfall. So I can understand how people do get used to certain weather conditions that are normal to their areas! My son's friend staying with us from the UK is experiencing his first winter in Vancouver and is saying he is really suffering from the cold, now I don't really know what his problem is, I guess I've got used to it now! He's a lot happier now he's bought 'Canadian boots, hat, gloves and a jacket' lol.

            My son has become a true Canadian now as far as developing a love of hockey goes and has developed into a Vancouver Canucks fan! He went to see them on Friday playing against Colorado, he was over the moon with going to his first live game. All thanks to my daughter who got him two tickets out of the blue through the company she works for. She found out that her company is one of the Canuck's sponsors, so employees get a chance to buy discounted tickets at times.

            He took the friend from the UK, who has also become interested in hockey in the few months he's been with us! Both say they find hockey a lot more exciting to watch than the UK national sport of football (soccer)! I had this funny image in my head of two Brits shouting "come on mate?!" in loud British accents when decisions went against the Canucks!
            I will miss everyone there too!

            A Canucks fan???? So NOT the right team to cheer for.......... they are our biggest rivals!

            Vancouverites don't experience real Canadian winters! You need to come to the Prairies for that. I have gone skiing when it was -20C But then again, I grew up here!


              Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
              Now if they get into Curling..."The transformation will be complete" (cue Darth Vader heavy breathing).
              LOL! Where have you been hiding? The new 'faces' on the con thread are not getting the benefit of your wonderful tips about Canada and all things Canadian, such as the above for instance! I could never have adapted to my new life here without your wonderful words of wisdom and knowledge!

              Talking about times for the set tours, I've always gone for the 11.15am one. Gives me time to get up a bit later and plenty of time to get from Maple Ridge to Metrotown. If I was staying in the hotel I think I would go at 6.15am, since I know I'll be awake then with not having slept that well because of being in a hotel room. I never sleep well in those!


                If anyone has or knows who has seat H8 or H10... I'm going to the con with a friend who has seat H9, I'm up in B6 and would like to sit with them for the panels we'd attend. I'd probably want to take a few pictures at the start of the panels from my seat, but after that I'd be happy to swap seats for the rest of that panel. Wouldn't be swapping tickets for the autograph lines, but if the owner of either of those seats would want a better seat for the panels, let me know


                  Originally posted by Kathryn View Post
                  We did the 6-whatever am tour - it seemed like a good idea at the time......will have to see whether we do the same if there's a karaoke party Friday night.
                  143 days to go!!!
                  If Ryan Robbins is invited back, he'll be up for the Karaoke bar! So everyone write to Adam Malin at:[email protected] and ask for Ryan.

                  Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                  LOL! Where have you been hiding? The new 'faces' on the con thread are not getting the benefit of your wonderful tips about Canada and all things Canadian, such as the above for instance! I could never have adapted to my new life here without your wonderful words of wisdom and knowledge!
                  Oh, you mean information such as our fur lined cars with the heavy spikes in the tires so we can travel in our very cold weather?
                  Where have I been? Actually, I've been dealing with a Cliff Crisis. I don't know how that man survived before I came along. He spilled water on his pants on stage in Los Angeles, and it was down hill from there. Suffice it to say, I will never look at clothing the same way again.

                  By the way, as my sig says, we will be interviewing Kate Hewlett, David's little sister, tomorrow night (Tuesday Nov 24th at 6:00 PM Pacific) on Blog Talk Radio. Come and join in.
                  Visit me on


                    Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
                    I will miss everyone there too!

                    A Canucks fan???? So NOT the right team to cheer for.......... they are our biggest rivals!

                    Vancouverites don't experience real Canadian winters! You need to come to the Prairies for that. I have gone skiing when it was -20C But then again, I grew up here!
                    I grew up in Sauthwestern Ontario so know all about the snow. Though the winter we had this past year was pretty brutal (nothing but snow for two whole months). Not normal for Vancouver. So I think we have experienced a real Canadian winter.
                    MY CONVENTIONS:

                    CON*CEPT MONTREAL 2006
                    MARCON COLUMBUS 2007
                    POLARIS TORONTO 2007
                    CREATION STARGATE VANCOUVER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012
                    GATECON VANCOUVER 2008 & 2010
                    VCON VANCOUVER 2010
                    FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013


                      Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                      If Ryan Robbins is invited back, he'll be up for the Karaoke bar! So everyone write to Adam Malin at:[email protected] and ask for Ryan.

                      Oh, you mean information such as our fur lined cars with the heavy spikes in the tires so we can travel in our very cold weather?
                      Where have I been? Actually, I've been dealing with a Cliff Crisis. I don't know how that man survived before I came along. He spilled water on his pants on stage in Los Angeles, and it was down hill from there. Suffice it to say, I will never look at clothing the same way again.

                      By the way, as my sig says, we will be interviewing Kate Hewlett, David's little sister, tomorrow night (Tuesday Nov 24th at 6:00 PM Pacific) on Blog Talk Radio. Come and join in.
                      Will do to email Allan about Ryan tomorrow!!!
                      MY CONVENTIONS:

                      CON*CEPT MONTREAL 2006
                      MARCON COLUMBUS 2007
                      POLARIS TORONTO 2007
                      CREATION STARGATE VANCOUVER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012
                      GATECON VANCOUVER 2008 & 2010
                      VCON VANCOUVER 2010
                      FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013


                        Hey Everyone!!!

                        I am so excited that my first Creation Con is going to have so many cool guests. Really looking forward to seeing David Hewlett, Michael Shanks, Joe Flanigan and Brian J. Smith!!!!!!!!!! I have really been enjoying SGU. I hope they get more then one SGU guest.

                        I can't afford the big GOLD Ticket so I am waiting for the Preferred Weekend ticket to go on sale. I think they usually cost around $300 US. Does any one remember from previous years?

                        Well I must get to work. I have to pay for this some how.
                        Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                          Originally posted by Scarym1 View Post
                          Hey Everyone!!!

                          I am so excited that my first Creation Con is going to have so many cool guests. Really looking forward to seeing David Hewlett, Michael Shanks, Joe Flanigan and Brian J. Smith!!!!!!!!!! I have really been enjoying SGU. I hope they get more then one SGU guest.

                          I can't afford the big GOLD Ticket so I am waiting for the Preferred Weekend ticket to go on sale. I think they usually cost around $300 US. Does any one remember from previous years?

                          Well I must get to work. I have to pay for this some how.

                          Hey hon!...hopefully we'll finally meet!!....I'm planning on going too...and am also waiting around for the "cheap seats".....I'm hoping that they put the Silver Ticket seats on sale, which have nothing but your reserved seat at the back.....those were $199 last year.....not sure what the Preferred Tickets went for last year...those are the next down from Gold and have more stuff included in them than the Silver, so I can't help you with that one....

                          Either way it's going to be fun!...........another Senior DJ Hussy to meet!!...

                          Deeds xx
                          Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                          MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                            Preferred went for $499US last year. I had sold my Gold ticket to a friend and bought a Preferred ticket.


                              Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                              Hey hon!...hopefully we'll finally meet!!....I'm planning on going too...and am also waiting around for the "cheap seats".....I'm hoping that they put the Silver Ticket seats on sale, which have nothing but your reserved seat at the back.....those were $199 last year.....not sure what the Preferred Tickets went for last year...those are the next down from Gold and have more stuff included in them than the Silver, so I can't help you with that one....

                              Either way it's going to be fun!...........another Senior DJ Hussy to meet!!...

                              Deeds xx
                              It would be so cool to meet you too!!!!!

                              Right now I am undecided on what ticket package to buy. If mamasue9 is right and the preferred package is $499 then that is out of my price range. I will have to go for the General Weekend ticket with a couple of photos and autographs on the side. Airfare to Vancouver is just killing me.

                              I swear it wasn't this expensive five years ago when I last visited Vancouver. I just hope the exchange rate stays as good as it is.
                              Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                                Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                                Oh, you mean information such as our fur lined cars with the heavy spikes in the tires so we can travel in our very cold weather?
                                Where have I been? Actually, I've been dealing with a Cliff Crisis. I don't know how that man survived before I came along. He spilled water on his pants on stage in Los Angeles, and it was down hill from there. Suffice it to say, I will never look at clothing the same way again.

                                Exactly, but since you were dealing with a Cliff 'pants' crisis I can see why you've been otherwise engaged! There are some things that just have to be sorted out!

