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Stargate Sg-27 - WIP + recruitment requests

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    Stargate Sg-27 - WIP + recruitment requests

    hey guys

    I'm Formula, Lead Producer for the Stargate SG-27 Crysis modification. STARGATE SG-27 is a single player modification for Crysis that aims to drop players right into the heart of intergalactic conflict, with a tactical combat based gameplay. Players will be apart of SG-27, an elite special-ops combat unit which is dispatched to deal with hostile situations on various off world locations that require the unique tactical experience of an elite military special op teams. A variety of the finest weapons from Earth’s arsenal fitting different situations, as well as a variety of alien weaponry will be available to use.

    Today im here to show off some of the fanatastic work of our level designer and modeler , Scyrux. He has been working hard to create a futuristic ingame city which will be a playable part of the game.

    Here are some still images from the level:

    Note that many of the models are currently untextured, as this is a WIP.

    Also , we have made a promotional video of the level, showing of alot more detail.

    High Definition: Stargate SG-27 - Kata'Mirra City on Vimeo

    Standard: Stargate SG-27 Promo Video on Vimeo
    YouTube - Stargate SG-27 Trailer
    Stargate SG-27 Trailer | Veoh Video Network

    If you want to see more, such as weapons and other models, head on over to our website Welcome to the SG-27 webiste... .

    As this is a WIP thread,I will be updating this thread in the future with more WIP screens and possible videos. Please feel free to leave constructive criticism or other comments. All the buildings here are models not solids.

    Also note that we are recruiting modelers/texture artists/animators, so if any of you want to be apart of the team and help make this project greater, please head on over to our forums or contact me via pm here.