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naaa, don't worry, I drilled some wholes in it - and it's a huge one anyway. I just wonder what they are doing in there. I mean I hear them giggle and I only have women's clothes in there
Amazing isn't it? 50 pages in only three weeks I mean that's..........er......hang on a tick (grabs calculator).....that's 16.666666 recurring pages per week! I wonder how that happened? It's that Nad, she just can't stop talking about him
Oh I'm sure he is, if you like that sort of thing To each their own I say and the more people who like JF, RDA etc the more Martin there is left for me
Girls, seriously, please be carefull about stuffing men in your closets!
We don't want them to suffocate, right?
I have a huge walk-in closet! (it's the size of my first apartment I swear!)
Classes are making crazy these days, but I am managing to watch for the MAN whenever I watch an ep he has directed. (hubby STILL doesn't understand the obession!!!) and sometimes resort to frame by frame until I spot him!