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I was just listening reading to your posts Woohoos () and this particular pic mesmerised me
In one second I thought of jumping into Martin's arms
Ok...I'm poor little fangirl
((( not anymore secretly artworkers)))
(((dear Woohoos)))
On this momentous occasion, I would like to thank Joe, who allows me to stalk him shamelessly and doesn't send a restraining order. I'd also like to thank Joe, who makes me laugh with his snarky remarks to mean people. And thanks to the Woohoos who keep me ROFLMAO all day long; you are an inspiration. Also, thank you, Lady on the Park Bench, for inspiring Nad, who in turn inspired many, including me.
*Orchestra starts playing*
And Martin, for the shorts! And my hubby, I love you Honey! And Joe, for his cute accent!
*Gets ushered off the stage*
Awesome !
I can't believe you guys have shown your challenge stuff. Is it wrong to show one of mine even though I've only done two?? *bites nails*
Well, he comes up short on a few marks, but I think he's great, anyway!
You forgot 'incredible sense of humour'!! Yes, he does miss on a few points, he falls a few points short of Martin, but I can appreciate him for what he has got
I've been sitting here for a while, typing a response and I keep deleting it!! I think I'm gonna stay strong and leave them up to you guys to guess. If I'd done more than two maybe but...nope. Gonna be strong. Yeah...strong.
I've been sitting here for a while, typing a response and I keep deleting it!! I think I'm gonna stay strong and leave them up to you guys to guess. If I'd done more than two maybe but...nope. Gonna be strong. Yeah...strong.
(((((Sarai))))) That's fine I've done so many, I really didn't think I was giving anything away with this one And by this time tomorrow they'll all be posted anyway You'd think by now I'd have learned a little patience