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Yay for Char!
Thank you too all WooHoo's for congrats messages and for all the prayers, good vibes, good thoughts etc... Positive energy is a powerful tool!
Edit: Is it true that Sanctuary is moving to Monday in the US?
Yes, it's true
Oh, I can't bear it any longer - I HAVE to have my Martin avi back
Jann, I've seen about the Con on FB, cos I've several French friends
I've just watched s4 of SGA, I'm not very involved in the show. so far I'd like to go to the Con just for Ry Robbins...and you remember, I speak French
But my French is really bad(like REALLY bad ) but I love SGA *happy sigh*
Yay for Char!
Thank you too all WooHoo's for congrats messages and for all the prayers, good vibes, good thoughts etc... Positive energy is a powerful tool!
Edit: Is it true that Sanctuary is moving to Monday in the US?
It is moving yeah...curious to see how it will play out.
Jumble on having your avi back! I PSed yesterday and went all Shep
Both I think I'll be rewatching some episodes of SGA today! After catching up on my other shows that is
Why would it be impractical? I think it is closer to you than to me!
theoretically yes...practically no
There are no direct flights. I should change once or twice (in germany or switzerland)!
No better luck with train: minimun 8-10 h with a LOT of changes
Char - I very happy you got a job. I hope it turns out to be really great.
Well need to pack my things and get ready. Tomorrow I need to help finish making arrangements. My nephew keeps calling me for information. They asked me if I want to speak....no way. How do you pack 66 years of someones life into a few sentences.
I had to remind my nephew to make sure the house payments get paid. It is near the end of the month and my brother owns several homes....all of which need payments. I hope he has talked to his wife about what he was doing. He died so suddenly with very little time to get her up to date on all of his goings on. To me that is one of the most tragic things that can happen. If you have a significant other than why don't share info so the other knows what is happening. Don't leave them out if the cold once you are gone. Why do people do that????
Well, I'm just rattling on and for no apparent reason. So I will sign out until next weekend at the earliest. Have fun with your SG1/SGA/SGU party. Sorry I don't have any artwork to contribute. I've enjoyed the many years the show has gone on and wish SG1 could go on longer, but with all the great powers I possess....nothing has happened! Such is life!
Evening Woohoos, just back from the concert. It went really really well and we sounded absolutely gorgeous, if I do say so myself . The music was beautiful anyway, plus we were performing in a church with a really lovely acoustic, so the high notes just rang out gloriously. Really good fun! Plus my mum overheard someone in the audience point me out to their friend and say I was a really good soprano, so I'm feeling all bouncy now
Love the new sig, Jumble! Tomorrow I have big plans to PS all day and make lots of pretties, if the muse cooperates
Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.
Having a fantastic time seeing all my friends in LA, all of whom want to know when I'm moving here, lol. It's nice to be wanted.
1. I know it's going to be a tough week, so lots of love to you Laurie.
2. My flight to Vancouver in July would have cost more than both of my flights to Europe this past year from NYC. However, thanks to use of frequent flyer miles, I'm flying for about $45.
I hope everyone who celebrates has a lovely Easter!
theoretically yes...practically no
There are no direct flights. I should change once or twice (in germany or switzerland)!
No better luck with train: minimun 8-10 h with a LOT of changes
So unfair, I don't know how long it will take for me, but I would have to get to the airport, then do the whole check in etc. and it will probably be a 3 hour flight. We'll see...first I want to know the whole line-up