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Was still to cold or rainy before today. (We even had freezing rain two days ago!) Winters are long here. A few years ago, we had a snowstorm on April 20-something. So, you know, I'm just glad I can open my window today.
Too cold...I won't move to Canada that's for sure! *shivers*
I could also get rich and just spend part of my year in Canada(when it's warm) and the other part of the year in Australia or New Zealand. That sounds like a good plan
Boobling Nad?!?! That sounds...wrong. Love your artwork though
As for Dutchies being open; oh yeah so true...sometimes the Americans in here really look at me like "Did you just really say that?" because I'm so direct and err...open. (aka in general the Dutch traiths)
Boobling Nad?!?! That sounds...wrong. Love your artwork though
As for Dutchies being open; oh yeah so true...sometimes the Americans in here really look at me like "Did you just really say that?" because I'm so direct and err...open. (aka in general the Dutch traiths)
Boobling in the way to go! If I had talent that included knowing what I was doing, I woodn't need to booble.
And heh! I can imagine.
Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!