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I suppose I shall have to force myself to go through my dvds and find shots of JM. Alas! The things we stalkers do to feed our obsession!
Yes, it's a hard life I have such a long list of clips I need to make of Martin And there are only 24 hours in a day And I have to study the clips really closely to make sure I get the best ones
Hello Woohoos! How was the night? No results? sorry...
Congrats on your exam Nad- woohood!!!! Jann you are the best (and fastest) student I have ever known! I hate multiple choice questions...in fact open questions too but who like exams?
Yay Jumble! A gif from that moment Martin is soo strong! He woodn't have problems with lifting me Happy Anniversary and 69 post you were lurking for half month?wow I can't remember my first post...what a relief
Yes, it's a hard life I have such a long list of clips I need to make of Martin And there are only 24 hours in a day And I have to study the clips really closely to make sure I get the best ones
really?? Omg!!! You don't mean S/J ship thread, do you? awesome! I guess I started posting there too but it was too hard for me to catch up, and also was very hard to write something intelligent in english
Jann you are the best (and fastest) student I have ever known! I hate multiple choice questions...in fact open questions too but who like exams?
Best?!?! ...I don't have my result yet...so can't say if I answered the questions correctly...though my feeling is not to bad(and I worry about that, coz usually when I have that I've done it worse than I thought)
As for speed, I'm a really fast reader You should see my best friend... Fast and incedibly!! smart...I feel stupid compared to her
really?? Omg!!! You don't mean S/J ship thread, do you? awesome! I guess I started posting there too but it was too hard for me to catch up, and also was very hard to write something intelligent in english
Yes, the S/J ship thread, all 5000 plus pages
And there's nothing wrong with your English, we understand you perfectly It's easy, Martin = Major Thunk. What other language is there?