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*huggles Bree carefully* Don't want to get punched
Somebody do a 69, I have new banners!!!
I wood never punch you Jumble! Or any WooHoo for that matter.
I guess "punchy" isn't an expression used in the UK?
Over here (at least in my part of the US) when you say you are "feeling punchy" it is because you have reached a point of extreme tiredness or pain and the result is that you feel very silly.
Punchy=silly for no good reason and usually susceptible to fits of giggles that only you understand.
I wood never punch you Jumble! Or any WooHoo for that matter.
I guess "punchy" isn't an expression used in the UK?
Ah...... I guess it's a similar feeling to being 'punch-drunk', but that involves violence
Over here (at least in my part of the US) when you say you are "feeling punchy" it is because you have reached a point of extreme tiredness or pain and the result is that you feel very silly.
Punchy=silly for no good reason and usually susceptible to fits of giggles that only you understand.
Well as long as you understand, that's all that matters
I wood never punch you Jumble! Or any WooHoo for that matter.
I guess "punchy" isn't an expression used in the UK?
Over here (at least in my part of the US) when you say you are "feeling punchy" it is because you have reached a point of extreme tiredness or pain and the result is that you feel very silly.
Punchy=silly for no good reason and usually susceptible to fits of giggles that only you understand.
English is sooo confusing!
Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!