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Normally, when the ladies on my other forums all start getting snarky, I check the moon phases and, yeah, it's normally a full moon. I tell you, you haven't seen things kick off until you've seen a bunch of pseudo-menopausal stressed out women, jacked up on hormones and drugs getting their claws out. I yanked a thread completely recently, because they could not agree to keep the peace and obey a few basic guidelines like "be nice and respect each other's feelings". It's not ****ing hard is it.
Sorry I shouldn't get sweary or ranty about it but, really, it isn't hard. I mean if you can't say something nice, don't say it at all, right?
Anyhoo, I am trying to sit here and write a document to justify my job, *sigh* Bloody local authorities.
Well you know at least the Woohoos are Awesome.
*huggles Woohoos*
I feel your pain, but it did make me giggle
Yeah... women. *shakes head*
*hugs WooHoos as well*
Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!
Yeah, but I kind of figured that that was all clear already because so many of us left. It never occured to me that the reasons for the big Shipper migrations weren't known to others. I mean, we have had that discussion so many times before...
I stopped posting as well, but I never thought that the reasons behind that decision could still offend people.
...I guess that I've been so involved in this happy go lucky place that I have gotten out of loop.
Me too, and I think being here was what made me realise how much the S/J thread has gone downhill. In fact somebody said words to the effect that all the fun has left that thread and moved over here
I know there have been ups and downs before, but considering which of us have left recently I really think this one is serious. I for one won't go back
Well i will not be going there at all anymore...I will not even bother with any event of them either. Because that to me is a farce! I mean the...Happy together thing as a family, that they say in the events. It isn't true, is it
That's why I changed my sig and avatar...I know I made it but sorry, I can't use it at all!
Well I for once unsubscribed... and am not planning on going back.
I am not even gonna begin to start how I feel about it all. Because I can't. I just can say I got hurt badly. This week already didn't start great, RL atm isn't great. And then if things like that happen. Well lets say it's not improving my life.
My life online is supposed to be a place to be myself, relax...Have fun.
Well i will not be going there at all anymore...I will not even bother with any event of them either. Because that to me is a farce! I mean the...Happy together thing as a family, that they say in the events. It isn't true, is it
That's why I changed my sig and avatar...I know I made it but sorry, I can't use it at all!
Well I for once unsubscribed... and am not planning on going back.
I am not even gonna begin to start how I feel about it all. Because I can't. I just can say I got hurt badly. This week already didn't start great, RL atm isn't great. And then if things like that happen. Well lets say it's not improving my life.
My life online is supposed to be a place to be myself, relax...Have fun.
*squishy huggles Eve* I'm so sorry you've been hurt, it really wasn't fair
But you know you'll always be welcome here and on the Artwork thread, and nobody will be anything but nice to you And if criticism is offered, it will be done in a polite manner and only with a view to being helpful
Nobody needs that kind of hassle from what, as you say, is supposed to be a place to have fun and relax.
Bekki there's no way I'm getting nekkid, it's too darned cold *shivers*
Nobody should feel bad. You've done an awesome job what with the secret santas etc. It's time to let go of the things that frustrate you and turn your on line life into the happy place it should be.
I have to be honest, and I feel a bit bad for SG1-fanintn for saying this because she works so hard at organising it, but I'm thinking of sitting out Valenship this year. I know it sounds a bit like I am protesting... but I don't feel like I want to be part of it at the moment. I wonder how many others feel that way right now?
I doubt they'll miss me.
Anyway, cheer you all up:
And now I must finish work and drive 200 miles. Oh joy!