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I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'll agree that Martin could do the job
Edit: I guess you're stuck with that image now Nad
Of course!
(But it's a TV program/quiz show about Holland, including our most corny songs and traditions. It's called ''I love Holland'').
To make that Martin related:
I love Martin - Ik hou van Martin [Ick How vawn Martin]
Martin is an awesome director - Martin is een geweldige regisseur [Martin is uhn geweldiguh regiseur]
He's called Martin - Hij heet Martin [Hi hayt Martin]
He is hot - Hij heeft het heet [Hi hayft hat hayt]
And yes, I definately am stuck with that image
Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!
The HOTness is spreading behind this thread!!! I saw red aurora from the Briefing Room! Oh Martin! If you could only knew...
Awesome pics Achaja loves pics desperately needs more
Oh look! On that pic from Jasmina - Martin is right behind Amanda Thank you Jumble for the last pic - you know I love it Do you know, in polish Martin's name is 'Marcin' and it's pronunciated like this wine - Cin cin oh crap I don't know how to explain it so here is one from me:
I think Woohood double thunk is my favourite kind of double thunk - because you're not always expecting him to be with someone else like you are with the others on the show
Oooh - and that Continuum one! OMG! There's Daniel thunk *thunk* Amanda fangirl ....ah, who am I kidding *thunk* Amaertanda wootahooding *thunk* Martin *thunk* and Cam *almost thunk*....I can't quite thunk Cam...Ben Browder is just so much hotter in Farscape, I can't bring myself to thunk him in SG1...like RDA in MCGuyver. He's still RDA....but he's not Jack (and he has that hideous mullet...but that;s beside the point...I think)