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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    Good for you Have you got CS3 or CS4? I'm on CS3, but Jann and Jasmina have CS4. If you need any help, just holler
    I got CS3 too but mine is on a mac and there is some difference in the shortcuts... oh and I also have CS2 on Amb's computer


      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      We've lost another one! *grabs Oma and holds her tight*
      *hugs Josi back* I'm sticking with my Gimp

      I had a brief flirtation with almost thinking about getting CS4 - until my bro-in-law said his is for Mac

      Sarai - was it a problem with loading GAP in the first place (cos the original version is written in Linux and you need to use a Windows downloader for it), or with getting Gimp to recognise it?

      Edit: But since you've gone over to the dark side, I guess it doesn't matter

      Edit2: So is it just me josi and lj now?


        Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
        Sarai - was it a problem with loading GAP in the first place (cos the original version is written in Linux and you need to use a Windows downloader for it), or with getting Gimp to recognise it?
        No, with getting gimp to recognise it. Just no dice on that one, I'm wondering if it is because it's version 2.6?

        EDIT: Well I haven't really figured out what I'm doing with PS yet! I might find I don't like it and come running back to Gimp

        Tbh, it was only a matter of time since I need it for a couple of my projects


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          I got CS3 too but mine is on a mac and there is some difference in the shortcuts... oh and I also have CS2 on Amb's computer
          So between us all we'll get Sarai PSing in no time

          *waves to Josiane and Oma* Don't worry ladies, I still have great respect for Gimp and everything you all produce with it


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
            I got CS3 too but mine is on a mac and there is some difference in the shortcuts... oh and I also have CS2 on Amb's computer
            I'm sure you can help. My housemate has it on mac and she's already shown me quite a lot on it that can translate to my PC version


              Oma the original list of Gimp users was

              Josiane (2.4.5)
              Jumble (2.4)
              Oma (2.4)
              john and teyla for life
              SeNedra (2.4)
              Blacky Kitten (2.4)
              RepliCartertje (Mac version)
              TrueRomantic (2.4.6)

              I think only a few have gone over to PS


                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                No, with getting gimp to recognise it. Just no dice on that one, I'm wondering if it is because it's version 2.6?

                EDIT: Well I haven't really figured out what I'm doing with PS yet! I might find I don't like it and come running back to Gimp

                Tbh, it was only a matter of time since I need it for a couple of my projects
                It could well be....that really sucks. Although.....I don't think I've made a gif since I dl'd 2.6....maybe the D/V one....I'm not really sure Must try to find time to check it still works!


                  Welcome Back Josiane and Petite_Stars!!!

                  Sarai - welcome to the side of Photoshop i use CS4 and CS3 so let me know if you need something ...

                  Eve - thanks for the link


                    Here's my first challenge entry


                      *Huggles Gimp*

                      I just use the animation filter when I want to make a GIF. Seems to work OK.


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        Love it


                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          *Huggles Gimp*

                          I just use the animation filter when I want to make a GIF. Seems to work OK.
                          Got a little tut for that LJ? *offers up Joe on a platter*


                            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                            Got a little tut for that LJ? *offers up Joe on a platter*


                            Give me a min to do some screen caps.


                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post

                              Give me a min to do some screen caps.
                              *tips cap*

                              Much obliged ma'am

                              *mutters* crazy lady...


                                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                                *tips cap*

                                Much obliged ma'am

                                *mutters* crazy lady...
                                Hey! Call me crazy and you won't get the tut, little miss! *eyes Sarai* But since I've already made the sceen caps I'll do it for any other people on the thread who aren't calling me crazy *cough*spanner gurl*cough*

                                First, the animation filter is under filters. Optimize (for GIF). I'm not sure what exactly that does, but I do it anyway.


                                Once you've got your image optimized, you can do a playback to see how it looks...make sure none of your layers are off center or anything. This playback will be quicker than what you want in the end, probably, but there's a way to fix that later.

                                Next, you need to save. Don't forget to save with a .gif file extension. You'll get something like this:

                                Click "save as animation"

                                Then, you'll get this:

                                This is where you can mess with how long your frames stay up. My Joe GIF that I did last week had 250 milliseconds for every frame.

                                And you're done. Load it to PB and enjoy!

