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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    *runz in, sees Oma's new RDA sig/avi*



      Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
      Thanks Estrela, I shall give that a try.

      *passes a cookie* (scoff it quick before Jas chases after you!)

      Shows off new sig

      No, wait......get out the cushions first, this one comes with a thunk warning!!

      Now shows off new sig

      *runs off to edit my sig *
      Holy Hotness Batman!! *dies*

      Originally posted by Sarai View Post
      So I went off to make something for the challenge and ended up with this. *sigh* Oh well .

      Love this!! And the sig and icon that match too

      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      Awesome wp, Sarai, really stylish

      *drools and thunks some more at Oma's sig and avi*

      Thanks for the softglow tip, hlndncr!

      And some icons from me:

      Awesome job - Love them all!!

      Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
      Got reacquainted with Photoshop. Made some wallpapers, played a little with Cut Out effect... Getting mojo up and running is one of the most inspiring things.

      (I had another one, but PB refuses to upload it. Oh well.)
      Looks like that PB reduced the size of those two wallpapers. They're supposed to be 1366x768, but you still get the general idea. Just blurred one.

      And while I'm here, here's some stuff I put together for Awarness Campaign and background for Twitter account, made of some fav avvies.

      I'm pretty sure I don't need to repeat how much I love your arts, guys. I've greened those I could while lurking.
      Love the WPs

      Originally posted by ClassicCouples View Post
      After I finished my entries, I decided to make some SANCTUARY > Hero II icons/banners and mess around with some layer blending modes and came up with these:
      Lovely work! I love the blending!

      Originally posted by Estrela View Post
      Beautiful work

      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      Love all the work in here! So pweetttyyy!

      Ps. got a new sig myself too *points down*
      Love this!
      Thanks to Jann (starlover) for the gorgeous sig!


        Last call for challenge entries I'm gunna post them in half an hour/hour's time - unless you're just finishing yours in that case just holler (via PM!)
        If I've got yours I should have sent you a PM too, so again holler if you haven't got one!
        sigpicMy Fanfic


          Week 113 - sekrit challenge week

          WP using lyrics from "She's just a Woman"











          Week 114 - Dan's Birthday!
          from Sarai
          It's Dan Shea's birthday on 23 November, so this week's challenge is to get lots of Dan/Siler birthday art ready for the big celebration over on the Woohoo Thread You can either post your art here, or keep it sekrit till the Big Day.

          Size: Any
          Pics: Dan/Siler/Wrench/Malp/Infirmary....
          Text: Any

          PM your entries to Sarai
          Last edited by Aveo_amacus; 14 November 2010, 10:45 AM.
          sigpicMy Fanfic


            It's been a while since I've tried to guess
            2. LJ
            3. Josi
            5. Oma
            7. Padme
            8. Sarai
            9. Aveo


              Ack! I'd forgotten how hard this is!!!!!! Ok, here's my guesses.....

              1. Aveo?
              2. LJ
              3. hlndncr?
              4. Jas
              5. Josi
              6. It's driving me nuts cos I know I've seen something very similar to this recently, but I can't remember who made it
              7. Padme
              8. Sarai
              9. Aveo?
              10. Snow or CC? I don't think it's anyone who's been here ages cos I don't recognise the style

              The only ones I'm sure of are LJ, Jas, Padme and Sarai.......but I'm probably wrong there too

              Edit: *haz a small thunk*


                I think we should know who actually sent in entries for the challenge. That might make the guessing too easy for some of you, but it might give me a chance of getting one right occasionally.

                Totally Random Guesses (I hope I don't offend anyone):

                2. Aveo
                3. Oma
                4. Starlover Graceful Spirit
                5. Snow CC
                6. Josi Oma
                7. Padme
                8. Sarai
                9. LJ
                10. CC
                Last edited by hlndncr; 14 November 2010, 11:15 AM. Reason: Revised guesses (I probably still have them all wrong).


                  Well...lets do it guesses

                  1. hlndncr
                  2. LJ
                  3. Josi
                  4. Graceful Spirit
                  5. Oma
                  6. Classiccouples
                  7. Padme
                  8. Sarai
                  9. Aveo
                  10. Classic couples(same style)

                  Curious how many are correct (aka how good my stalking skills of this thread are)


                    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                    I think we should know who actually sent in entries for the challenge. That might make the guessing too easy for some of you, but it might give me a chance of getting one right occasionally.

                    Totally Random Guesses (I hope I don't offend anyone):

                    2. Aveo
                    3. Oma
                    4. Starlover
                    5. Snow
                    6. Josi
                    7. Padme
                    8. Sarai
                    9. LJ
                    10. CC
                    I was planning to post those that entered about now, give people a go at guessing without:


                    Graceful Spirit
                    sigpicMy Fanfic


                      Egle asked for a tut of my current sig - it was so incredibly simple I feel like a fraud writing a tut for it

                      1. Start with this incredibly thunkable pic (which has such great texture it does all the work for you ) Resize and sharpen. (This is the bigger pic on the right)

                      2. Duplicate the layer, desaturate, set to Overlay at 75%.

                      3. Add in the original pic again, resize, place at the far left. Desaturate and sharpen.

                      4. Duplicate the layer, set to Overlay at 75%.

                      5. Transparent Layer - Use the vertical line select and stroke at 3px where the 2 pics meet, then use the rectangle select and stroke to make the border. Colour 000000. Set the layer to normal at 70%.

                      6. In a new layer add this texture. Place it on the right, then duplicate, flip horizontally, and match it up to the other half. Merge the two layers, set to Overlay at 100%.

                      7. Make a stamp of all the layers, set to Hard Light at 50%.

                      8. Add in the text. Font: Denial

                      9. Add a solid fill layer, colour 636262. Set to Lighten at 50%.

                      That's it. Simples!

                      Edit: Writing the tut, I just realised that I used lower case instead of caps, that's why the text didn't look how I expected


                        Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                        Egle asked for a tut of my current sig - it was so incredibly simple I feel like a fraud writing a tut for it

                        1. Start with this incredibly thunkable pic (which has such great texture it does all the work for you ) Resize and sharpen. (This is the bigger pic on the right)

                        2. Duplicate the layer, desaturate, set to Overlay at 75%.

                        3. Add in the original pic again, resize, place at the far left. Desaturate and sharpen.

                        4. Duplicate the layer, set to Overlay at 75%.

                        5. Transparent Layer - Use the vertical line select and stroke at 3px where the 2 pics meet, then use the rectangle select and stroke to make the border. Colour 000000. Set the layer to normal at 70%.

                        6. In a new layer add this texture. Place it on the right, then duplicate, flip horizontally, and match it up to the other half. Merge the two layers, set to Overlay at 100%.

                        7. Make a stamp of all the layers, set to Hard Light at 50%.

                        8. Add in the text. Font: Denial

                        9. Add a solid fill layer, colour 636262. Set to Lighten at 50%.

                        That's it. Simples!
                        Thank you, Oma!


                          You're welcome

                          Of course, now I've gone and downloaded another 10 new fonts - I forced myself to stop there


                            My guesses. Probably completely off base as usual .

                            1. LJ
                            2. Aveo
                            3. Josiane
                            4. Oma
                            5. Graceful Spirit
                            6. CC
                            7. Padme
                            8. Sarai - yeah you all know that's me. I couldn't seem to find any other inspiration
                            9. hlndcr
                            10. CC

                            And also - Woohood! for this weeks new challenge!!


                              Ok......... I'm confused

                              According to my diary, SG Wikki, IMbd, and the WooHoo Birthday list, Dan's birthday is the 23rd December

                              Do you know something we don't Sarai?


                                I've just looked and I believe you are right.

                                I seriously could have sworn it was 23rd November .

                                EDIT: No, hang on, I'm sure it is because when I found out I thought it was nice to be in the same month .

                                *iz very confused*

