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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Challenge Reminder!!!

    Please PM your entries to me! I've only had from one person so far and I know more of you have made things...
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      Before I forget... how does one post a picture at blog comments' section? With <img> tags?


        Originally posted by starlover View Post
        *runs in*

        I'm in class once again...

        Spoilers SGU "intervention"(first episode S2)
        *huggles the angst* Me lovez this

        Originally posted by Estrela View Post
        BKitty Hooray for getting your internet back. So can we expect artwork soon too? Puhleeze?
        *grins* *nods* Hope so, PS is all installed as of this evening I'm hoping to make some Joe birthday art over the weekend

        Speaking of which, *happy dances at the birthday art so far* *huggles GimPS* *huggles Joe* leaves the smooches to LJ

        Yes. He plays Superman on Smallville. I've never seen the show and had to go look him up myself. What a lovely surprise when I discovered how easy he was on the eyes. Oh the hardships I had to endure staring at his pictures while I stalled at endeavored to make that sig.
        The things we put ourselves through to make arties....

        The sig was super simple. I converted pictures I found to black and white, placed them on the sig, then used a solid colored layer over the top set to COLOR. The background was made using radial blurred and motion blurred versions of the merged picture. (as 2 separate layers) I hope that makes sense. If not, let me know and I'll go have a second look at my PSD and explain in more detail when I get home.
        No, no, that makes perfect sense Thanks! I was drawing a complete blank when I looked at it, couldn't work it out at all *huggles*

        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
        My work here is done... Now you'll probably have it running through your head all day. For that, I do apologize.
        *scoffs at innocenct act*

        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        No you don't! Because that was your evil plan to get everyone making Joe birthday art
        what Jumble said!

        Sorry Egle, I have no idea! *looks round for Joe's stalkerbiggest fan*


          Egle, just post a direct link. Also, I will be posting a link to the challenge entry and/or sending an email w/ the prezzies attached. Just like last year.


            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            Egle, just post a direct link. Also, I will be posting a link to the challenge entry and/or sending an email w/ the prezzies attached. Just like last year.


              Snow I think the ribbon/rosette says "The birthday girl".

              And for those that asked, yes, I used the same coloring technique that I used on my Tom Welling sig a few days ago. I love this.

              Quickie tutorial: (spoilered for size)
              I added a solid colored layer over the black and white pictures and set the blending mode to Color. Then, and here's where the real fun begins, double click next to the layer's name in the layer palette to bring up the layer styles and play with these sliders

              You'll probably also have to alter the layer's opacity. For the Rush sig, I used two solid color layers - one for the dark color and one for the lighter color. Oh the possibilities! I wonder how well it would work with gradient maps or texture layers? Hmmmm. I'm giving you all homework! Give it a try and post your results please. I'd really like to see them.

              I love it when playing around and exploring results in a quick and easy way to make something so complicated looking.

              *takes off impromtu teacher's hat and goes back to her day job*

              ETA: BTW, I also cleaned up some blending issues on Joe's birthday art shown above.


                *sigh* The mojo just isn't working this week

                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  Did everyone see the MW interview on the front page of GW?? TPTB really do appreciate our birthday wishes!!




                    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                    Did everyone see the MW interview on the front page of GW?? TPTB really do appreciate our birthday wishes!!


                    Yesssssss!!!! Do you know how much I LOVE him?????

                    Seriously cannot believe he actually said that!!!


                    *falls over*


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      Yesssssss!!!! Do you know how much I LOVE him?????

                      Seriously cannot believe he actually said that!!!


                      *falls over*
                      *picks Jumble up so she can continue running around GW in a state of complete shock and joy*


                        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                        *picks Jumble up so she can continue running around GW in a state of complete shock and joy*
                        Thanks LJ

                        *continues running round GW in a state of complete shock and joy*

                        OMG! Isn't that man just just just just AWESOME?????


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Thanks LJ

                          *continues running round GW in a state of complete shock and joy*

                          OMG! Isn't that man just just just just AWESOME?????
                          He IS!!!! Of all the awesomely sweet things for him to say!!!


                            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                            He IS!!!! Of all the awesomely sweet things for him to say!!!
                            I know! I know! *huggles him to bits*

                            Can you see why I loves him soooo much??


                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              I know! I know! *huggles him to bits*

                              Can you see why I loves him soooo much??
                              Indeed, I can!! I always thought he was talented and funny, then after your SE experience, I knew he was kind and thoughtful (and huggable) and now I just know he's AWESOME!!! WOOT!!!


                                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                                Indeed, I can!! I always thought he was talented and funny, then after your SE experience, I knew he was kind and thoughtful (and huggable) and now I just know he's AWESOME!!! WOOT!!!
                                He is all of those things and I totally love him to bits!!!!

                                And I'm sitting here crying because he really is that AWESOME, and because he cares enough to actually say my name!!!!

