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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post
    I'm really not trying to OD the thread on pink...
    What is it with pink today??? I made a wp yesterday that has a pink background! I'll post it later cos it's on the other computer.

    Holy smokes! Oma, you just sold me on brushes. Well, on this set anyway. I've never downloaded any, because... well, long story. I might go brush crazy now, especially if they all look like this.
    LOL They did turn out a lot better than I thought they would

    Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
    Lasso tool ROCKS!!! Here is my WP...I used the MOP signal!

    Because I don't know how to do a thumbnail!
    Very pretty! I really like all the brushes

    PB doesn't do thumbnails, and it also doesn't do anything over a certain size 800x600 (I think). So I put all my wps on This site only does thumbnails, so it's no good for sigs or stuff that you want to post a certain size.

    Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post

    Look, look! I finally figured some different things out!

    I do have a question... how come some things only work... sometimes? This sig went through about five zillion iterations (okay, slight exaggeration... five) because I couldn't get the star layer to overlay. It would just disappear when I set it to overlay instead of normal. I tried anchoring the layer first, I tried... oh, everything I could think of at least, and nothing helped. Is this just one of those "gimp goes weird sometimes; shut it down and start over" moment y'all were talking about last week?
    *claps* congratulations! Beautiful sig

    I'm really glad you and Brooke didn't give up on Gimp This thread has been a god-send from Eve I've learned loads of new stuff too!

    ((((huggles Eve))))

    As for the anchoring thing...I had a problem with it the other day when I was using brushes. I thought the layer wasn't anchored because usually when you anchor something, the marching ant outline thingy disappears. But when I used the brush, then switched to the move tool, the brush marks were still outlined instead of the layer. Everything was anchored properly....but I couldn't select anything else. Then it occurred to me that the problem was with the selection I clicked on Select>None, the marching ant lines disappeared, and I was able to carry on as normal.

    I don't know if this was the same as your problem, CQ, but it's worth a shot before you have to close everything down.

    Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
    Found it!! Sorry about the wait, trawling through that many pics of Jack is kinda distracting

    It's amazing you returned to us at all!


      Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
      Okay...I have a question inside of Nancy's question. What is this anchoring the the first layer...will it not move after that? That would be awesome...oh and another question....What is this overlay of which you speak? I know...pathetic newbie....I just want to learn to do beautiful things like you guys!
      OK, Layers 101

      The great thing about gimp and other photo manip programs is that you can use different layers to build up your pic. Think cake (everybody loves cake ). Sponge, jam, cream, more sponge, icing all adds up to yummy stuff. Same with the pics. You start with the base layer and then add stuff on top.

      When you open a new file, gimp automatically puts a white background layer on.

      When you paste something in, it shows with the marching ants outline. At this point you can do a few different things.

      1. You can anchor the pic into a new layer. Just click on the New Layer button on the bottom left of the layers box (looks like a piece of paper). Then you can still move it around and edit it as much as you like, even after you add more layers.

      2. You can anchor the pic to the background layer. Either use the little anchor shaped button at the bottom of the layers box, or if you have the Move button selected, you can click when the anchor appears by the cursor.

      Once it's anchored to the background, any changes you make will change the whole layer, not just the pic itself. So be very sure you're happy before you anchor to the background.

      3. You can move the pic around, re-size it, edit it however you want, then anchor it to either the background or a new layer.

      If you have more than one layer in your pic, it will anchor to the layer that is highlighted.

      I always anchor to a new transparent layer first, then do the editing.

      If you use the Textbox (the capital A button) it automatically adds as a new layer.

      When I use brushes, I always add a new transparent layer, then put the brushes onto that layer.

      And finally......The little eye buttons next to the layers are great - they can make a layer invisible if you want to change something around underneath it. Just clickety click on it


        Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post
        Yay! Jumble is my hero of the day!

        I'll let someone else explain both those things to you Brooke, because I suck at explaining.
        Yes, it was a heroic journey, I had to wear my hazmat suit (including the special 'drool bib' that I invented) so that I wouldn't get infected by Jack's smile. I also had to wear my double-dense dark glasses so as not to notice the twinkle in his eyes, together with my special angst shield to make sure I didn't dissolve into tears at the sadness of his eyes in some pics. So, suitably protected, I beamed into the special Jack folder on my pc, searched for the right one, and quickly made my escape with my eyes tight closed, because I had to pass this pic on my way back


        and if I'd seen it, I would have been lost forever..............
        So think on, Shippers, next time you ask for a pic of Jack, this is what I have to go through to get it for you

        Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
        It's amazing you returned to us at all!
        Never a truer word spoken


          Mmm...RDA is just so hot...and pretty...and MAN all at the same time. Oh, RDA...


            *drooool, THUNK* Oh, that gorgeous, gorgeous man!

            My latest efforts:

            I do tend to build dark sigs. I enjoy the look of the lighter sigs, but when I'm actually in GIMP, I just...want it darker. Hm. And I love the texture I used...I like the grainy look it lends.

            I think I'm falling behind the rest of you, though! My work is not progressing nearly as quickly as the rest of the class's!


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              *drooool, THUNK* Oh, that gorgeous, gorgeous man!

              My latest efforts:


              I do tend to build dark sigs. I enjoy the look of the lighter sigs, but when I'm actually in GIMP, I just...want it darker. Hm. And I love the texture I used...I like the grainy look it lends.

              I think I'm falling behind the rest of you, though! My work is not progressing nearly as quickly as the rest of the class's!
              *sigh* Sometimes the darkness just makes him shine more *sigh*

              And I seem to be way behind too, I've only just figured out how to reduce the size of the MOP penguin brush so that it actually fits on the sig


                Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post

                Look, look! I finally figured some different things out!

                I do have a question... how come some things only work... sometimes? This sig went through about five zillion iterations (okay, slight exaggeration... five) because I couldn't get the star layer to overlay. It would just disappear when I set it to overlay instead of normal. I tried anchoring the layer first, I tried... oh, everything I could think of at least, and nothing helped. Is this just one of those "gimp goes weird sometimes; shut it down and start over" moment y'all were talking about last week?
                Hmm, sounds like a gimpspasm to me... I can never get it to let me use brushes after I've used text, I always have to save what I've got and reopen it again...

                Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
                Yes, it was a heroic journey, I had to wear my hazmat suit (including the special 'drool bib' that I invented) so that I wouldn't get infected by Jack's smile. I also had to wear my double-dense dark glasses so as not to notice the twinkle in his eyes, together with my special angst shield to make sure I didn't dissolve into tears at the sadness of his eyes in some pics. So, suitably protected, I beamed into the special Jack folder on my pc, searched for the right one, and quickly made my escape with my eyes tight closed, because I had to pass this pic on my way back

                and if I'd seen it, I would have been lost forever..............
                So think on, Shippers, next time you ask for a pic of Jack, this is what I have to go through to get it for you

                Never a truer word spoken
                OMG Jumble! My heart pretty much just stopped!

                Jackpics ought to come with a health warning

                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                *drooool, THUNK* Oh, that gorgeous, gorgeous man!

                My latest efforts:


                I do tend to build dark sigs. I enjoy the look of the lighter sigs, but when I'm actually in GIMP, I just...want it darker. Hm. And I love the texture I used...I like the grainy look it lends.

                I think I'm falling behind the rest of you, though! My work is not progressing nearly as quickly as the rest of the class's!
                Lovely I really like your sigs luvnjack, the grainy dark look is a good one
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  Hmm, sounds like a gimpspasm to me... I can never get it to let me use brushes after I've used text, I always have to save what I've got and reopen it again...

                  OMG Jumble! My heart pretty much just stopped!

                  Jackpics ought to come with a health warning
                  Aw c'mon! I put it in spoilers, and you should know me well enough by now to have a pretty good idea what that means

                  Gimpspasm! That describes it exactly


                    Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
                    Aw c'mon! I put it in spoilers, and you should know me well enough by now to have a pretty good idea what that means

                    Gimpspasm! That describes it exactly
                    Lol, yes, you did give fair warning I'm not complaining really, I love the Jackpics! Hope you don't mind that I'm snurching...
                    The anticipation is part of the joy - the build-up, and then *sigh*
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      Originally posted by josiane View Post
                      Lol, yes, you did give fair warning I'm not complaining really, I love the Jackpics! Hope you don't mind that I'm snurching...
                      The anticipation is part of the joy - the build-up, and then *sigh*
                      ROFL! A little aerobic exercise is good for you
                      Snurch away, that's how I got most of mine


                        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                        *drooool, THUNK* Oh, that gorgeous, gorgeous man!

                        My latest efforts:


                        I do tend to build dark sigs. I enjoy the look of the lighter sigs, but when I'm actually in GIMP, I just...want it darker. Hm. And I love the texture I used...I like the grainy look it lends.

                        I think I'm falling behind the rest of you, though! My work is not progressing nearly as quickly as the rest of the class's!
                        Oh, I wouldn't say that! I love this new sig!!!! My Jack stuff always tend to have a dark background too. Makes him look sexier I think

                        I have question for it just the texture you used that is darker on one side than the other, or have you found a way to put a transparency gradient on a layer??????

                        Originally posted by josiane View Post
                        Hmm, sounds like a gimpspasm to me... I can never get it to let me use brushes after I've used text, I always have to save what I've got and reopen it again...
                        It could be that the text layer is still highlighted and you can't brush onto it. Try opening a new layer for your brush. That's a complete guess btw cos I've not had that problem.....yet.


                          Just droping by to say that I loved the new art people made *although all that pink kinda freaked me out*...anyway



                            Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post

                            It could be that the text layer is still highlighted and you can't brush onto it. Try opening a new layer for your brush. That's a complete guess btw cos I've not had that problem.....yet.
                            Ah, could be. I'll try that next time it does that to me Of course, it could just be gimp
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              HELP! Does anyone know where I can find some Bell or Wedding Bell brushes for Gimp? I've searched Deviant Art, can't find any, and I really need them for a sig!


                                Hmmm, i've had a quick look on livejournal and searched using google, but got nothing. If you've got any jpg images I could convert them to brushes for you.

