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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
    I missed the Art Awards nomination deadline, didn't I? Drat!
    Totally forgot about that...I missed it too now

    *crawls under rock*

    EDIT: LJ I love your sig! Thunky I mean ...shippy


      I thought it was this Saturday for nominations...Am I wrong? If so, I missed the deadline too.

      I love the sig!!!

      Does anyone here happen to watch NCIS? If so, got any caps from the seasons after Ziva came? Twin, if no one else here's got any, do you happen to know anyone (maybe on gaia?) that would have some? I'm having trouble finding good caps of Tony and Ziva...

      EDIT: Have fun at lunch twin!! I've got to be to campus at 1 my time for a math test...
      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


        Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
        I thought it was this Saturday for nominations...Am I wrong? If so, I missed the deadline too.

        Oh, you're right, TR!

        Submissions: Thu 15 – Sat 24 January 2009

        Nominations: Sun 25 January – Sat 21 February 2009

        Voting: Sun 1 – Sat 29 March 2009

        Judging: Sun 30 March – Sat 12 April 2009

        Awards Ceremony: 19 April 2009 at 8pm
        Cool! That makes me happy.


          Beautiful sig LJ!

          Made this. Not too sure about it, but I like the background


          The big block of text is from the transcript of the bedroom scene in Unending.
          ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


            Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
            We never learned that in Freshman Comp. But then, maybe she was dumbing it down for the rest of the class. I was in a class that was about 80% jock, 15% non traditional student that hadn't had english/grammar in a good 20-30 years and were just taking the class for fun, and the 5% of us that actually knew what was going on and cared if we passed.I mean honestly, when you and the teacher are the only two in a room of 30+ that know what an ambiguous pronoun is (or even know what ambiguous means, lol), it's pretty bad. So it's quite possible she left some concepts out that most of the class wouldn't understand. And Comp II was pretty much the same...But I doubt I would have had much of a problem with them if I had learned it, lol.
            Maybe you should take maths!

            And anyway, American English is far different from English... English! The spelling is just the tip of the iceberg...
            ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


              Awesome LiliJ

              And muse presents...icons

              Also from muse a wp

              Clicky for larger version


                Great sigs everyone!!!

                I made two LJ headers today SG1 and Sanctuary (spoilers for the Sanctuary S1 finale!) Can someone check the text on that one?


                I used the same coloring as my sig on this one, cause I was lazy

                And ten Emilie Ullerup icons

                EDIT: Those are awesome Jann


                  Omg! I love the textures from that wp Please post them!
                  ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


                    Originally posted by LiliJ View Post
                    No. Just no. You should meet my English teacher, she'll set you straight!
                    Actually she kinda takes the same "language changes" view And she thinks it should be "s's"... *growl*

                    ANYWAY! Yes, language has changed from Roman times! But decimate still means one in ten!!!!!!! Just because people use it wrong doesn't mean the meaning's changed! If you look it up in a proper dictionary, you'll see the original meaning. The modern meaning of it is fallacious: wrong but generally accepted as right.
                    Okay this is getting OT so I'll be fast, but re: split infinitives - lots of people have lots of different opinions, and they're all qualified and all valid. Your English teacher's not wrong about "s's", for instance. Neither are you. Both are fine. There are plenty of people who cringe at sentences being ended with ellipses. The two professors who are sharing lecturing duties on one of my subjects this semester aren't wrong because they have different preferences over referencing styles, either. (My first degree was English literature, btw - with a healthy dollop of Communications - so I spent a lot of time studying semantics, and every lecturer has a different preference.)

                    Re: decimate: Yes, decimate still means "to kill one in ten" but its common usage in modern times is also valid. BTW, the OED (they don't get much more "proper" than that) even supports decimate with a meaning of "NINE in ten." (Just ask Stephen Jay Gould.)

                    If we still had Roman legionnaires running around inciting cohorts of soldiers to kill one in ten of their members, and grumbling about copyright infringement over any alternate modern interpretation of the word, I might feel differently, but we don't - the Romans are dead but the language isn't.

                    But anyway... chocolate biscuits. I really did have a plan, but then I got sidetracked and this happened, because I heart Vala. As proof positive that I cannot, for the life of me, plan ahead what a piece is going to look like, this was GOING to have a bunch of pics of Vala in different outfits and attitudes, with the caption, "Slip on an outfit and slip on an attitude," and be fluffy, but ... well. We can all see how far THAT went.

                    The link is to a slightly larger version - original is 1920/1200.

                    And I've just realised I need to move awaaaaay from Beyond Wonderland and find a new favourite font for "punchy/strong" bits...
                    Last edited by Solo; 19 February 2009, 08:45 AM.


                      Originally posted by LiliJ View Post
                      Maybe you should take maths!

                      And anyway, American English is far different from English... English! The spelling is just the tip of the iceberg...
                      More OT ness lol

                      Nope, no math for me. At least, not as a major. I'm going to be an elementary teacher. And I love English! It's always been one of my favorite classes. The only math I'm taking is what's required, which this semester and next semester means Structural Concepts. Which is basically learning how to teach math to kids, so I'm not actually learning anything new, just different approaches of explaining what I know. And I've got my first test in that in about *checks watch* 1.5 hours.

                      And believe me, I know they're different. Spelling, pronounciation, etc. Although, I find myself spelling things the non American way sometimes, which confuses some of my friends, lol. I just hope I spell right when I go to teach it, lol. My poor students will get confused when their parents tell them it's not how we spell things in America.
                      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                        Calling Font Experts!!

                        I'm going to get back to a video I started for the current Kawoosh challenge. Mine is going to be a focus on Teal'c/Free-Jaffa. Well, in the trailer that I'm redoing there are spots with just text on a black background. At first I thought I'd use the Stargate font but then I was thinking I'd try to find a font that has a Jaffa look to it. And now I'm stumped. Anybody have any suggestions for a Jaffa looking English font?


                          Originally posted by LiliJ View Post
                          Omg! I love the textures from that wp Please post them!
                          Okay, but most coloring was done with selective coloring and color balance.

                          Originally posted by Solo View Post
                          But anyway... chocolate biscuits. I really did have a plan, but then I got sidetracked and this happened, because I heart Vala. As proof positive that I cannot, for the life of me, plan ahead what a piece is going to look like, this was GOING to have a bunch of pics of Vala in different outfits and attitudes, with the caption, "Slip on an outfit and slip on an attitude," and be fluffy, but ... well. We can all see how far THAT went.

                          The link is to a slightly larger version - original is 1920/1200.


                          And I've just realised I need to move awaaaaay from Beyond Wonderland and find a new favourite font for "punchy/strong" bits...
                          Lovely WP

                          And I'm keeping out of that language discussion.


                            Originally posted by Solo View Post
                            Okay this is getting OT so I'll be fast, but re: split infinitives - lots of people have lots of different opinions, and they're all qualified and all valid. Re: decimate: Yes, decimate still means "to kill one in ten" but its common usage in modern times is also valid. Your English teacher's not wrong about s's, for instance. Neither are you. There are plenty of people who cringe at sentences being ended with ellipses. The two professors who are sharing lecturing duties on one of my subjects this semester aren't wrong because they have different preferences over referencing styles, either. BTW, the OED (they don't get much more "proper" than that) even supports decimate with a meaning of "NINE in ten." (Just ask Stephen Jay Gould.)

                            If we still had Roman legionnaires running around inciting cohorts of soldiers to kill one in ten of their members, and grumbling about copyright infringement over any alternate modern interpretation of the word, I might feel differently, but we don't - the Romans are dead but the language isn't.
                            Mmmm... But the OED's interpretation of English language is descriptive - I'm very prescriptive. (except when it comes to ellipses - as you can see! I really like them, possibly because I like their effect.) Anyway, it's just a peeve I have!
                            Decimate doesn't make sense as nine anyway, nine is something else as a root...

                            But anyway... chocolate biscuits.
                            Omg! I'm eating choccie biccies!!!! I eat them upside down - you get the choc on your tongue!

                            The link is to a slightly larger version - original is 1920/1200.


                            And I've just realised I need to move awaaaaay from Beyond Wonderland and find a new favourite font for "punchy/strong" bits...
                            Again, gorgeous textures! Great job!

                            Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                            More OT ness lol

                            Nope, no math for me. At least, not as a major. I'm going to be an elementary teacher. And I love English! It's always been one of my favorite classes. The only math I'm taking is what's required, which this semester and next semester means Structural Concepts. Which is basically learning how to teach math to kids, so I'm not actually learning anything new, just different approaches of explaining what I know. And I've got my first test in that in about *checks watch* 1.5 hours.

                            And believe me, I know they're different. Spelling, pronounciation, etc. Although, I find myself spelling things the non American way sometimes, which confuses some of my friends, lol. I just hope I spell right when I go to teach it, lol. My poor students will get confused when their parents tell them it's not how we spell things in America.
                            Talking of American English, did you guys change the spellings as a rebellion against British conservatism after the War of Independence (btw I totally apologise for George III's tyrannical government's terrible tax schemes )? Or, as my director thinks, is there no reason to it?

                            And *huggles for spelling English way*

                            EDIT: Thanks for the textures, LJ!
                            ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


                              Originally posted by LiliJ View Post
                              EDIT: Thanks for the textures, LJ!
                              *cough* You mean Jann right? Or do I look like someone else now?



                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                *cough* You mean Jann right? Or do I look like someone else now?

                                Omg I'm so sorry! *huggles* But yeah... you do have a Jack avi...
                                ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~

