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How About Some Tolerance Here?

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    How About Some Tolerance Here?

    I have been floating around gateworld for some time and while I find 98% of the people and interactions to be fun and fine, there is still that 2% who have characters they hate and ships they despise and find it gratifying (somehow... antipsychotic meds should come into this for some of these people! )to complain about what avatar or signature someone else uses. These people need to accept not everyone feels the same about every character and accept that there is a freedom of expression here. I, personally, get deeply offended when someone attacks a signature or avatar.... FCOL people this is FUN, not life or death! There are characters I don't like, and pairings I dislike, but I am reasonable enough to accept that not everyone feels the way I do! So I vote for more tolerance on the part of all posters!

    p.s. I hate Mckay, but don't care what someone else likes it's their choice!
    Last edited by Rac80; 11 April 2008, 08:57 AM.

    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
    I have been floating around gateworld for some time and while I find 98% of the people and interactions to be fun and fine, there is still that 2% who have characters they hate and ships they despise and find it gratifying (somehow... antipsuchotic meds should come into this for some of these people! )to complain about what avatar or signature someone else uses. These people need to accept not everyone feels the same about every character and accept that there is a freedom of expression here. I, personally, get deeply offeneded when someone attacks a signature or avatar.... FCOL people this is FUN, not life or death! There are charaters I don't like, and pairings I dislike, but I am reasonable enough to accept that not everyone feels the way I do! So I vote for more tolerance on the part of all posters!

    p.s. I hate Mckay, but don't care what someone else likes it's their choice!
    Good luck! Most fans will agree with you but the folks who get obsessed with characters, etc, well, they're obsessed so no amount of pleading will knock sense into their heads


      I support this. Unfortunately we probably can't change anything.


        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
        I support this. Unfortunately we probably can't change anything.
        But..but...but...I thought being insane was a requirement here. Darn! Messed up again!
        Visit me on


          The easiest thing to do is not get worked up over something you can't control and can't change.

          It's virtually impossible to reason with some people once they get their minds stuck on something and the best thing to do is give them their little corner's of the boards and let them duke it out over there

's best to lead by example anyway. Be tolerant of them, and maybe someday when pigs fly and hell freezes over, they'll learn to be tolerant of you.


            Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
            But..but...but...I thought being insane was a requirement here. Darn! Messed up again!
            Insanity is fine, we like insanity!!!! Just don't be a jerk about it! it is simply the jerks that irritate me!


              I've always liked seeing other members avatars. Love to see what other come up with...some are very artistic and others are just funny.

              I've never had anyone or come across anyone who hated my siggy. I one pic of a Delorean in a hangar and I actually had people asked what happened to it.

              I'm not sure if there is one...but a siggy thread where you post your sig and if old ones without changing your current siggy would be great.

              Kind of like a parade where you see all the float go by.

              This siggy that I have now is in honor of my father in law who served in WW2 as a Anti Aircraft Gunner. His job was to secure the air bases as the army made them as they progressed through the south pacific. He was wounded 3 times and declined the purple heart...the telegram would go to the family with the purple heart but not say how bad the wounds were. He didn't want to worry his family.

              He received 5 medals, a unit citation and a letter of recommendation for bravery under fire.
              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                I have been floating around gateworld for some time and while I find 98% of the people and interactions to be fun and fine, there is still that 2% who have characters they hate and ships they despise and find it gratifying (somehow... antipsychotic meds should come into this for some of these people! )to complain about what avatar or signature someone else uses. These people need to accept not everyone feels the same about every character and accept that there is a freedom of expression here. I, personally, get deeply offended when someone attacks a signature or avatar.... FCOL people this is FUN, not life or death! There are characters I don't like, and pairings I dislike, but I am reasonable enough to accept that not everyone feels the way I do! So I vote for more tolerance on the part of all posters!

                p.s. I hate Mckay, but don't care what someone else likes it's their choice!
                Some people unfortunately do not share your view that this is just meant to be fun. They treat the forum and the show as the focal point of their lives. Since you won't be able to change their views you will probably just have to keep reminding yourself that they are only names on the internet and that unlike coworkers that you would have to go out of your way to avoid, many of these people you will see quite briefly throughout the year so when you get sick of them you can just close the browser. After I posted that I purchased a gatecon ticket after rda was announced someone sent me an email that said I was insulting the other guests because I implied that the other guests were not worth seeing and that rudeness, which the emailer thought would be seen by the guests when they goto the forum, was an embarrassment to all of the other posters. What I did is what I suggest you do if you get emails that you find offensive or see posts that you find to be rude is to mark the emails as spam and scroll past the posts.


                  Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                  p.s. I hate Mckay, but don't care what someone else likes it's their choice!
                  So... you do hate but you don't voice it? Except then.

                  As for sigs if they break the rules I report them. I always will, always have and I do not play favourites. Even my "friends" get reported.

                  If someone has a sig I don't like I just ignore them (sometimes literally) until they get rid of it, I am a very visual person so some sigs do annoy me endlessly on GW.

                  As for having fun, well yeah but who decides what is fun? Funny or a laugh? We have folks from all over the world on GW, not everyone shares the same kind of humour. What one finds an amusing observation (in a post or a sig) another will red you for... takes all sorts to make the world turn.

                  Ignore is your friend. Just wish I had the option in RL.


                    Originally posted by Arctic Goddess
                    But..but...but...I thought being insane was a requirement here. Darn! Messed up again!

                    The interweb tends to bring out the crazy in everyone...especially those who think they're the normal ones...



                      Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                      There are characters I don't like, and pairings I dislike, but I am reasonable enough to accept that not everyone feels the way I do! So I vote for more tolerance on the part of all posters!

                      p.s. I hate Mckay, but don't care what someone else likes it's their choice!
                      I'm the same. I mean, I don't like the John/Teyla or John/Weir ships, but I'm not going to tell someone else that they're not allowed to like it. I don't have that authority. And while I may not like the ship, that doesn't stop me from enjoying a good, artistic sigbar, even if it is that ship.

                      So I agree, that 2% of people who are apparently easily offended need to get over it.

                      Which is why I don't understand the existence of the 'anti-' threads. Why spend so much time posting on threads where you b***h about things you dislike, when you could post on the 'Pro-' threads for things you like.


                        Originally posted by KalaSathinee View Post
                        Which is why I don't understand the existence of the 'anti-' threads. Why spend so much time posting on threads where you b***h about things you dislike, when you could post on the 'Pro-' threads for things you like.
                        Because for some people ranting on things makes the world go around. in my country, most of the conversation topics are about how bad things are, and not about how good are other things. some people like to talk about what they like, and some people like to talk about what they don't like.
                        Trailers and PR
                        Stargate: War Begins team


                        We will miss you Hammond of Texas!


                          Originally posted by KalaSathinee View Post
                          I'm the same. I mean, I don't like the John/Teyla or John/Weir ships, but I'm not going to tell someone else that they're not allowed to like it. I don't have that authority. And while I may not like the ship, that doesn't stop me from enjoying a good, artistic sigbar, even if it is that ship.

                          So I agree, that 2% of people who are apparently easily offended need to get over it.

                          Which is why I don't understand the existence of the 'anti-' threads. Why spend so much time posting on threads where you b***h about things you dislike, when you could post on the 'Pro-' threads for things you like.
                          You do realise that with this statement you denied the whole point of this thread?

                          Tolerance should work both ways. If someone has something to say, he/she should be free to do so without others saying "Why are you so negative?" or "You're blind, it's wasn't good, it was terrible."
                          Personaly I post both in "pro" and "anti" threads and I like the opportunity to express my opinion, even if it is to b***h on something. You (in general) don't have to like it, but you should respect it.


                            It's not that I don't personally agree with what you're saying, Rac... I think censorship is disappearing in this day and age (rightly so, IMO), and tolerance of other people's opinions, their likes/dislikes/preferences, and the right to freedom of speech is a big part of that.

                            But just the same, I must also defend a person's right to be intolerant if that is the way he or she really wants to be. It may not win this person a whole lot of friends from those who happen to have opposing opinions, but freedom of speech goes both ways. For there to be tolerance in opinions, you must accept that YOUR opinion is not the only RIGHT opinion, and people are allowed to disagree, even to the point where they may hate you for your opinion. It is a person's own prerogative to decide what is acceptable, right, and moral, and I do not believe it should be anyone else's responsibility to challenge or change another person's opinions on such matters.

                            People are allowed to find your avatar or sig offensive, and they are allowed to give you red jello squares for it if they want to. Tolerate it - it's freedom of speech, baby. That's just the stuff you gotta take with a grain of salt, kind of like accepting that someone flamed a fanfic you just wrote for no good reason, or accepting the fact that the KKK will always have the right to hold white power rallies in the united states, regardless of how despised they are by just about everybody. Somebody is always bound to tick someone off... just can't let it get under your skin, or else you become a hypocrite.

                            Of course, nobody is perfect... it's a fact of life, and obviously, separation of the pro- and anti- threads does seem to help those people who just can't seem to avoid getting ticked off by somebody with a different opinion, no matter how unnecessary it should ideally be.
                            Last edited by Jersey13; 21 April 2008, 09:57 AM.


                              My siblings and I used to fight all the time about TV shows, toys and pop singers back when we were kids, but now that we're all grown-up, we don't fight anymore and we help and support each other.

                              My point is, here we have teenagers and almost-senior folks like me ( I'm 47 ). It's just unavoidable that we'll have some problems from time to time. The problem is when the attack is not about show characters or sigs, but about serious stuff like racism, for instance, but so far the moderators have done a splendid job keeping this Forum in order when the nasty stuff shows up.

                              By the way, Rac80, I love your signature ! ( it's not my 'ship, but it is a lovely sig. )

