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GABIT attendees thread

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    I had a fabulous time!
    Thanks to everyone for making this newbie feel welcome

    When's the next one?


      Well home safe, very very tired and a little sad its all over. But WOW! What a weekend!

      Coherent thought is a bit beyond my sleep deprived brain right now but tonight I am very proud to be an Amanda Tapping fan and to be part of the amazing GABIT family! I say family because this weekend that is how it felt. There were no divides, no 'old' and 'new' fans just the GABIT family getting new members, it was wonderful and truly inspirational to be a part of.

      Amanda was the best, she never fails to impress me! Her heart is huge!

      To everyone I met you all rock! And I miss you already!

      To the G4 and all the GABIT staff and other cool import peeps, THANK YOU doesn't seem enough but it comes from the bottom of my heart! *hugs*

      Con report will hopefully be started soon, just a bit overwhelmed tonight.

      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        Yeah, wot they said.

        Apart from the 6 thing. That is lies.

        I keep making excited noises, quite disgusting really.

        OK, no more internets off to hang with girls. Bai!
        Don't worry about the six We all know what I have been saying is actually much worse.

        And well I could say somthing profound, but my brain is just completly fried! All I can say: It was an amazing weekend!! See y'all at AT5

        And to the G4, the Staff, the Stewards, everyone involved really: THANK YOU!!! Because of you this event is what it is...Amazing, awesome...Wonderlicious!!



          That's the sound of a twired Eileen. Tired + wired. Thanks Antoa for the new word!

          If anyone is wondering if the pants joke will ever die- not likely. EH-T, Antoa and I found a Panton Street in London tonight (Paaaants off!) and when Antoa was flicking through channels on our hotel room tv we found a show called "Pants off Dance off. Heh.

          Loved meeting y'all, will post more when my brain is functioning again. Maybe I will even get my internal censor switch back!

          Cel- I found the perfect panel of ancient Egyptian painting at the British Museum, will see if I can find a photo online...
          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Home at last. Boarding started at 4.30 pm , flight took off at Eight. Storms over Ireland . I am Sad to be home but happy to have met such Fun and Interesting people. Ahhhhhh I have so much to say but I think some time to Compose is needed.

            All Hugged Out. One more to my Mum and that's it.

            I think I understand the word Bounce now.

            Talk Soon.
            CRAZY IRISH GUY :

            Puddle Jumper Pilot- Sheppard - Asmir
            Scientist - McKay - Shirt n' Tie
            Scientist - Zalenka- Bar
            Cook and able body - Ronon - Master Bray Tack .
            Crazy Irish Guy Was Here .

            Are we Geeks or Nerds


              OK- this was the lobby of the Ren.


              Right? Awesome.

              Soz bro, trying to type on teeny netbook keyboard
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                We got the perfect photo of Eh-T and her "That's quite enough of that" badge...

                If I swear enough or start groping people, will my Aunty Eh-T come back? Sigh.

                One last thing before I sleep- Julia! I am so proud of you for your question to Amanda yesterday. It was a brilliant question and you asked it is such a clear strong voice. Well done!
                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                  Hard to find the words isn't it? What a magical weekend!

                  Kudos to G4 and their wonderfully whacky staff ... hard hats, singing nuns, Julie Andrews, Carter and Magnus stuck in an elevator ... and, of course, AMANDA TAPPING - making us laugh, cry, applaud and celebrate the energy she sets in motion!

                  I think this was the best AT Con ever - G4 outdid themselves! It was a labor of love, I'm sure.

                  So lovely to meet and greet both the old and new faces

                  Hic comitas regit! Indeed

                  Here's to AT5 and that promised guitar solo! Amanda may have to practice "Edelweiss" in order to join the Von Tapping Family singers who took the stage in AT4 and keep the tradition going ...


                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    We got the perfect photo of Eh-T and her "That's quite enough of that" badge...

                    If I swear enough or start groping people, will my Aunty Eh-T come back? Sigh.

                    One last thing before I sleep- Julia! I am so proud of you for your question to Amanda yesterday. It was a brilliant question and you asked it is such a clear strong voice. Well done!
                    Neep, I'm just back in the states and too tired to browse BUT did you tell everyone about your elevator encounter sans pants?!

                    I'm proud of Julia too


                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                      It's always hard to express in words the scope, the detail, the feelings and the gratitude. And with each passing year it gets increasingly difficult as the words seem proportionately inadequate.

                      I had, admittedly, been wary of the dynamic, given the number of "new" fans. But being there, seeing it in action, it was truly wonderful. Back to the "traditional" layout and being able to chill with friends in the lobby brought back that tight-knit community atmosphere that, at times, wasn't as strong during the refurbishment at AT3.

                      Amanda was on top form and it makes an obvious difference when she's not fighting the urge to grab the nearest (donation?) bucket. As usual, she had that wonderful balance between the funny anecdotes, the touching and emotional stories, the thought provoking answers and self-deprecation. She never fails to amaze me with her genuine interest in people, her astounding memory and ability to remember names, faces and stories.

                      And I think the amount of Sanctuary related questions this year really is a testament to the success of the show, the wide appeal and the far reach of the fandom.

                      Of course, I can't mention the event without a heartfelt thank you to all the staff. The level of planning and detail is always astounding, but this year more than ever, it seemed like you were outdoing yourselves. The bottomless mugs, the compact mirror for "Reflections", the special car parking rate, the pin badge for Ruthie, the wonderful tissues and hand gel packs, the pens... you really did think of everything and, even then, went a step further.

                      I'm struggling to process all the information and everything that happened... but for those that are asking questions, you may later like to ask about Helen's sexuality, about replicators and hard hats, about trouser dropping, about how they chose the charity in Nepal, about the production company's latest plans, about The Lonely Goatherd.... to name a few things.
                      Brilliant post, TJ! You've said it well for so many of us who had the good fortune to share in this very special weekend. Every AT event has been fun but this year's just somehow moved to a whole new level. G4 and staff can be proud of all their hard work and attention to detail! They keep raising the bar and we're the lucky recipients.


                        People say you don't get jetlagged when you fly 'west' but I have to quite disagree. I'm more strung out than I was when I arrived in England over two weeks ago. My brain says it's 10.30 pm here, but my body thinks it's 4.30am yet. *sigh*

                        Anyways, I know it's been said many times already thus far, but I had to come in and echo everyone's sentiments.

                        Thank you to the G4 for your tireless efforts organizing, coordinating and bringing us another brilliant event! Thank you for all the volunteers and everyone who had a hand in the pot for giving of your time, talents and passion to make it so wonderful as well. I think Amanda's comment on stage on Sunday summed it all up when she spoke of seeing all the Gabit folks running around throughout the weekend and wondering if they were being chased. You never cease to amaze me.

                        I must also thank everyone who helped to raise so much for 'Sanctuary for Kids' and 'Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.' The final figure was 25K GBP in total for both charities and is quite an astounding figure when you think there was only a couple hundred people in attendance. The auction was awesome and raised quite a bit, but every time a bucket was passed in the hall or lobby even, I always saw people digging in pockets and wallets for whatever 'spare' change they had. It was an amazing sight to see such generosity in action.

                        Ames and Neep you rock too with your amazing compassion and talents. You came with the intention of having fun. Share some jello with others and adorn our tongues with the unmistakable bluey trademark, walk around without strategic clothing on in front of strangers and friends...but you accomplished so much more. The money you raised is inspiring and brings to mind a favorite quote of mine by Margaret Mead saying, 'Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.'

                        Miss everyone already and I've said this more times than naught since I've left. I wish we could rewind the weekend to Thursday night once more and do it over, and over and over again. (((Gabiteers)))

                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        Cel- I found the perfect panel of ancient Egyptian painting at the British Museum, will see if I can find a photo online...
                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        OK- this was the lobby of the Ren.


                        Right? Awesome.

                        Soz bro, trying to type on teeny netbook keyboard
                        Neep your such a goof and I love ya more for it! *squishes* Have fun on that 5 week jaunt of yours and I'll be haunting you when you get back m'dear.
                        Last edited by Celandine; 16 November 2009, 07:37 PM.


                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

                          That's the sound of a twired Eileen. Tired + wired. Thanks Antoa for the new word!

                          If anyone is wondering if the pants joke will ever die- not likely. EH-T, Antoa and I found a Panton Street in London tonight (Paaaants off!) and when Antoa was flicking through channels on our hotel room tv we found a show called "Pants off Dance off. Heh.

                          Loved meeting y'all, will post more when my brain is functioning again. Maybe I will even get my internal censor switch back!

                          Cel- I found the perfect panel of ancient Egyptian painting at the British Museum, will see if I can find a photo online...
                          *to the Clapper tune*
                          Pants on... Pants off...Pants on pants off...The Neepster

                          Is this too obscure of a pop culture reference?
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            What a great weekend!! The G4 are the best!! Amanda is wonderful and the fans great

                            I went into the city yesterday morning and did a little sight seeing. I got into Stafford at 1530hrs and went for a walk with Mum and the dogs. Then I crashed out on my bed until dinner time. Then after dinner I crashed out again and slept all night!!

                            I wont be continuing with either the Sanctuary or meet the man countdowns. I'm not going to either so I i'm passing the baton on to anyone who would like to take over. I will take up the AT5 countdown.

                            LOL there was some tounge in cheek talk of a AT4+1 etc count up but I think that will give Becky, Mumsey, and julia to much of a shock .


                              *slides in on the banana peel that is post-AT4-blues/excitement/twiredness*

                              Just got home last night I’m so exhausted and so overwhelmed by the whole experience. I just wanted to give my deepest heartfelt sincerest THANK YOU to all of you who made this weekend such a wonderful and beautiful experience. Enough can’t be said about the kindness, warmth, and generosity that I got to experience first hand from you guys. You made me feel so welcome from the get go and I’ve had much fun hanging out with you guys. I wont mention any specific names because I’ll just forget someone, but you all know who you are. And I will hopefully see you all again at AT5 I love you guys!

                              Big boxes of blue jello, pantless Kiwis and bears with bum pens are memories I will treasure forever.

                              And yes, I hereby promise to make an effort to divert from my GW lurking habits and hang around here more often.

                              Also I’m happy to announce that hubby as promised to joined us for AT5! So that will bring up the male/female ratio up to, what, 3 men to 297 women?

                              And I’m not a con-virgin anymore, yay

                              At last of course a huge THANK YOU to the GABIT Staff and volunteers that made all of this possible.


                                Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                                *slides in on the banana peel that is post-AT4-blues/excitement/twiredness*

                                Just got home last night I’m so exhausted and so overwhelmed by the whole experience. I just wanted to give my deepest heartfelt sincerest THANK YOU to all of you who made this weekend such a wonderful and beautiful experience. Enough can’t be said about the kindness, warmth, and generosity that I got to experience first hand from you guys. You made me feel so welcome from the get go and I’ve had much fun hanging out with you guys. I wont mention any specific names because I’ll just forget someone, but you all know who you are. And I will hopefully see you all again at AT5 I love you guys!

                                Big boxes of blue jello, pantless Kiwis and bears with bum pens are memories I will treasure forever.

                                And yes, I hereby promise to make an effort to divert from my GW lurking habits and hang around here more often.

                                Also I’m happy to announce that hubby as promised to joined us for AT5! So that will bring up the male/female ratio up to, what, 3 men to 297 women?

                                And I’m not a con-virgin anymore, yay

                                At last of course a huge THANK YOU to the GABIT Staff and volunteers that made all of this possible.
                                Aha, you've delurked!! Wonderful and I love the "big boxes of blue jello, pantless Kiwis and bears with bum pens" references. I think of the fans involved and smile, smile, smile.

                                So great meeting you and sharing Amanda's Q&As together. You will now have to change your GW name as you are no longer "2Shy" ...

