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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by SeaBee
    It's Ok, I've got one.

    Amanda, do you think it's hot in here?


      125 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        124 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        This thread was 1 year old yesterday Not bad!!!


          Originally posted by Kliggins
          A bit of a drastic measure, don't you think? Will you volunteer to be first to try it out?

          Well I have no problems doing the firewalk for anyone who wants to ask a question, I just won't have any to ask myself

          Not sure the hotel would be happy about the singed carpet though


            Originally posted by flippy18
            Well I have no problems doing the firewalk for anyone who wants to ask a question, I just won't have any to ask myself

            Not sure the hotel would be happy about the singed carpet though
            LOL! Deal; you do the firewalk and somebody else asks the questions.


              Originally posted by SeaBee
              Hiya Flippy!

              I think a firewalk would be an excellent idea. It could be positioned in such a way that anybody who wants to ask a question have to walk through it to get to the mike! Should cut down the q+a sessions a little!
              LoL, you're probably correct;however, I think if you positioned the fire walk in front of Amanda and told the guests that anyone who sucessfully crossed over would be rewarded with a hug, you'd be setting world records for firewalking. Hey! Where's that Guiness guy?!? I think I'm on to something here!


                123 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  Originally posted by Kliggins
                  LOL! Deal; you do the firewalk and somebody else asks the questions.
                  I would find the firewalk simple compared to having to ask a question so that would be a good deal for me

                  Actually the people I do my firewalks with are the current world record holders. This is the glass walk they do that I'm hoping to be able to do at some point. They're going to be announcing two glass walk dates so hopefully I'll get on one of those. I've done the board break and the arrow break before. but not with Blaze The board break was fun, it's like being the Karate Kid The arrow break was awful, it took me 4 attempts and I had a bruise in the hollow of my neck for a week. Wouldn't recommend that one folks!

                  Whilst I'm here, are we requiring badges again this year or do we already know each other well enough/have badges already to not bother? And has anyone figured out what they're going to wear to the Cocktail party yet?? It's tormenting me, my whole wardrobe consists of jeans/t-shirts/shirts/jumpers/work trousers! My legs are finding the idea of wearing a skirt [or heaven forbid a dress] more scary than walking over hot coals!!


                    Originally posted by flippy18
                    I would find the firewalk simple compared to having to ask a question so that would be a good deal for me

                    Actually the people I do my firewalks with are the current world record holders. This is the glass walk they do that I'm hoping to be able to do at some point. They're going to be announcing two glass walk dates so hopefully I'll get on one of those. I've done the board break and the arrow break before. but not with Blaze The board break was fun, it's like being the Karate Kid The arrow break was awful, it took me 4 attempts and I had a bruise in the hollow of my neck for a week. Wouldn't recommend that one folks!

                    Whilst I'm here, are we requiring badges again this year or do we already know each other well enough/have badges already to not bother? And has anyone figured out what they're going to wear to the Cocktail party yet?? It's tormenting me, my whole wardrobe consists of jeans/t-shirts/shirts/jumpers/work trousers! My legs are finding the idea of wearing a skirt [or heaven forbid a dress] more scary than walking over hot coals!!
                    If you do the glass thing , I will back you.

                    Thank you for those words of wisdom; no arrow break for me.

                    Wear to the cocktail party? You're kidding, right, and what is a dress? Seriously, I believe I read a nice pants outfit is allowed, but you might confirm that with the G4.


                      Originally posted by Kliggins
                      If you do the glass thing , I will back you.

                      Thank you for those words of wisdom; no arrow break for me.

                      Wear to the cocktail party? You're kidding, right, and what is a dress? Seriously, I believe I read a nice pants outfit is allowed, but you might confirm that with the G4.
                      Well, considering I don't own a skirt or a dress and haven't worn such an item for over 20 years, it'll have to be trousers for me. Of course, I'm still thinking about wearing the bright pink spangly catsuit!


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        Well, considering I don't own a skirt or a dress and haven't worn such an item for over 20 years, it'll have to be trousers for me. Of course, I'm still thinking about wearing the bright pink spangly catsuit!
                        I have both a cocktail dress and a trouser suit. It really depends how late I end up having to work on that Friday. I think I could be cutting it fine on getting there for the cocktail party, in which case I will wear my suit to work and then come up straight after.
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                          Well, considering I don't own a skirt or a dress and haven't worn such an item for over 20 years, it'll have to be trousers for me. Of course, I'm still thinking about wearing the bright pink spangly catsuit!



                            122 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              Originally posted by Kliggins
                              Wear to the cocktail party? You're kidding, right, and what is a dress? Seriously, I believe I read a nice pants outfit is allowed, but you might confirm that with the G4.
                              I thought you were getting yourself dipped in liquid black latex for the cocktail party Kliggy, it'll go lovely with Bev's spangly pink

                              I might wear a skirt but don't hold your breath


                                Originally posted by Rune
                                I thought you were getting yourself dipped in liquid black latex for the cocktail party Kliggy, it'll go lovely with Bev's spangly pink

                                I might wear a skirt but don't hold your breath
                                Liquid black latex may look lovely with Bev's spangly pink, but not in this lifetime on me. I think you would be very attractive in liquid black latex and it would complement your hair so nicely.

                                C'mon, you know you want to show those legs off.

