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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1
    Aww...but tis a lovely place to be lost isn't it?
    It is indeedy, especially with ShimmerinStar's newest creation.

    Just popping in to say goodbye and take care. I'm off for my five days of chasing round a bunch of drunken students, trying to get them to actually speak French, make sure they have passports, money, clothes, get on their flights, find accommodation and generally have a good time.

    Funny how quite often, whilst making sure everyone else is enjoying themselves, you foget to have fun yourself.
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      290 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        Originally posted by ForeverSg1
        I receive lot of condolences most of the time.

        Typically a conversation goes like this...

        First name, please.


        I'm so sorry.

        Yeah, me too.

        I received several emails/telephones after the hurricane hit asking me if I were going to start using my middle name instead. I'm not sure it's worth the trouble though having to spell it out for everyone. Raylene isn't really a name you hear everyday. Guess I could always go by the nickname Ray.

        Don't fret it! In a year or so people will have moved on. Who knows, may be the next big baddie in a soap could be called Katrina!

        I love the name Raylene BTW. It sounds so lovely when said out loud.

        We debated long and hard about baby gipsy's name, as the one we'd had our heart's set on for ages had been co-opted by a TV show. But it isn't that big a show (those of you who know Baby G are going 'what'! at that, but you know what I mean - it isn't like deciding to call your kid Buffy for example) and it isn't that unusual a name, so by the time he's at school people will have forgotten about the association. So we decided to go ahead with it anyway.


          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
          So..... *grins* So I should assume it's like coin-operated? £1 per minute? I considered bringing the lappie, but figure it's probably going to be more trouble than it's worth & would worry about it getting stolen... I'd heard the hotel has the computer center and during my treadmill reading (a London guidebook) I've got a website addie that supposedly lists a number of cybercafes... so it may be easier (and probably cheaper) to hop on those for a wee bit to e-mail friends & loved ones to 'check in' with them. So I'm likely going to go PC-less on the trip.

          *twitch twitch twitch*

          Don't mind me... just PC pre-withdrawal symptoms....
          Kliggs & I were pestering people online in the computer suite last time around and to be honest it wasn't too excessive on the wallet, certainy not £ a minute at any rate and there were a good 6 or so machines in there too. At quiet times we were also the only ones in there (although possibly that was simply due to the fact that we were in there)

          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
          Well..... you started it by whistling a Sound of Music tune........

          Raindrops on noses and whiskers on Kliggins;
          The long wait ‘til G2 is like sittin’ on needles n’ pins;
          The pre-con entertainment while Bagpuss sings;
          These are a few of our favorite things.

          Breaking a record with a sticky curly wurly;
          Talking and laughing, staying up late to get up early;
          Our favorite star crossing the room like a gazelle with wings;
          These are a few of our favorite things.

          Gabiteers dancin’ ‘n laughin’ at the evenin’ bashes;
          Silvery shiny bits that stay on Rune’s eyelashes;
          The fellowship with fans that this con brings;
          These are a few of our favorite things.

          Then the con ends,
          Then the plane flies,
          Then we’re feelin’ sad,
          We simply remember our favorite things,
          And then we don't feel soooooo bad.

          Apologies to Rodgers & Hammerstein
          you are soooooo performing that at the disco y'know.

          The last verse is particularly poignant, I blubbed buckets last time around after just 1 day so goodness knows what I'll be like this year. *remembers her post-Gabit blues and shivers*


            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
            So..... *grins* So I should assume it's like coin-operated? £1 per minute? I considered bringing the lappie, but figure it's probably going to be more trouble than it's worth & would worry about it getting stolen... I'd heard the hotel has the computer center and during my treadmill reading (a London guidebook) I've got a website addie that supposedly lists a number of cybercafes... so it may be easier (and probably cheaper) to hop on those for a wee bit to e-mail friends & loved ones to 'check in' with them. So I'm likely going to go PC-less on the trip.

            *twitch twitch twitch*

            Don't mind me... just PC pre-withdrawal symptoms....
            Well..... you started it by whistling a Sound of Music tune........

            Raindrops on noses and whiskers on Kliggins;
            The long wait ‘til G2 is like sittin’ on needles n’ pins;
            The pre-con entertainment while Bagpuss sings;
            These are a few of our favorite things.

            Breaking a record with a sticky curly wurly;
            Talking and laughing, staying up late to get up early;
            Our favorite star crossing the room like a gazelle with wings;
            These are a few of our favorite things.

            Gabiteers dancin’ ‘n laughin’ at the evenin’ bashes;
            Silvery shiny bits that stay on Rune’s eyelashes;
            The fellowship with fans that this con brings;
            These are a few of our favorite things.

            Then the con ends,
            Then the plane flies,
            Then we’re feelin’ sad,
            We simply remember our favorite things,
            And then we don't feel soooooo bad.

            Apologies to Rodgers & Hammerstein
            Yes, you should apologize to them


              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
              *twitch twitch twitch*

              Don't mind me... just PC pre-withdrawal symptoms....
              Well..... you started it by whistling a Sound of Music tune........

              Raindrops on noses and whiskers on Kliggins;
              The long wait ‘til G2 is like sittin’ on needles n’ pins;
              The pre-con entertainment while Bagpuss sings;
              These are a few of our favorite things.

              Breaking a record with a sticky curly wurly;
              Talking and laughing, staying up late to get up early;
              Our favorite star crossing the room like a gazelle with wings;
              These are a few of our favorite things.

              Gabiteers dancin’ ‘n laughin’ at the evenin’ bashes;
              Silvery shiny bits that stay on Rune’s eyelashes;
              The fellowship with fans that this con brings;
              These are a few of our favorite things.

              Then the con ends,
              Then the plane flies,
              Then we’re feelin’ sad,
              We simply remember our favorite things,
              And then we don't feel soooooo bad.
              Apologies to Rodgers & Hammerstein
              Awww, how lovely SS!! Strangely I had just finished watching this movie with my daughter the other day so we've been humming this tune for several days now.

              As far as laptops are concerned, I will definitely be bringing mine along. Give me a few screwdrivers and my laptop and I should be able to keep my mind off the plane flight for at least a few hours and hopefully I won't drive my husband completely batty during the ten hour flight.


                Originally posted by Rune
                Kliggs & I were pestering people online in the computer suite last time around and to be honest it wasn't too excessive on the wallet, certainy not £ a minute at any rate and there were a good 6 or so machines in there too. At quiet times we were also the only ones in there (although possibly that was simply due to the fact that we were in there)
                If they were avoiding the computer room, I am sure it was because of you.


                  Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                  As far as laptops are concerned, I will definitely be bringing mine along. Give me a few screwdrivers and my laptop and I should be able to keep my mind off the plane flight for at least a few hours and hopefully I won't drive my husband completely batty during the ten hour flight.
                  You will be fine Kat; an old pro by this November. You did it last year, so this year will be a snap.


                    Originally posted by Kliggins
                    If they were avoiding the computer room, I am sure it was because of you.
                    Riiight, the fact that you had the chair reclined and your feet propped up on the desk and were popping Hubba Bubba like a pro had nothing to do with it then?


                      Originally posted by Rune
                      Riiight, the fact that you had the chair reclined and your feet propped up on the desk and were popping Hubba Bubba like a pro had nothing to do with it then?
                      Nothing at all; in fact, everyone was highly entertained by that.


                        Originally posted by Kliggins
                        Nothing at all; in fact, everyone was highly entertained by that.
                        Tell that to the people who've been trying to get your old gum off the underside of the desk ever since why don't you.

                        Honestly, I can't take you anywhere


                          Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                          Re : Procrastination. I'm as guilty as anyone else .I was even presented with a "Round Tuit" mug-mat years ago.I don't know where I hid it,and can't recall the exact wording,but it says something like " Everyone needs a "Round Tuit", as we all say we'll get things done when we get "around-to-it".
                          (If I find the thing ,I'll take it with me to AT2.)
                          Oooh! I have one of those. Mine is actually a tile pot-stand. It says " At long last, we have a sufficient quantity for each of you to have his own. Guard it well! These tuits have been hard to come by. Especially the round ones. This is an indispensable item. It will help you to become a much more efficient woker. For years we have heard people say 'Ill do this when I get round tuit'. Now that you have a round tuit of your own, many things that have needed to be accomplished will get done." - Yeah! Right! I keep a clock on it......

                          All of which means absolutely nothing, but I thought I would comment....
                          (Punch drunk from a weekend spent with the G4 and senior staff members. Bedlam would be a rest home compared to that lot!!)
                          For details of AT10 go to


                            Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG
                            Oooh! I have one of those. Mine is actually a tile pot-stand. It says " At long last, we have a sufficient quantity for each of you to have his own. Guard it well! These tuits have been hard to come by. Especially the round ones. This is an indispensable item. It will help you to become a much more efficient woker. For years we have heard people say 'Ill do this when I get round tuit'. Now that you have a round tuit of your own, many things that have needed to be accomplished will get done." - Yeah! Right! I keep a clock on it......

                            All of which means absolutely nothing, but I thought I would comment....
                            (Punch drunk from a weekend spent with the G4 and senior staff members. Bedlam would be a rest home compared to that lot!!)
                            I have one of those too!

                            Procrastinators unite!


                              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                              < big honkin' snip >

                              Well..... you started it by whistling a Sound of Music tune........

                              Raindrops on noses and whiskers on Kliggins;
                              The long wait ‘til G2 is like sittin’ on needles n’ pins;
                              The pre-con entertainment while Bagpuss sings;
                              These are a few of our favorite things.

                              Breaking a record with a sticky curly wurly;
                              Talking and laughing, staying up late to get up early;
                              Our favorite star crossing the room like a gazelle with wings;
                              These are a few of our favorite things.

                              Gabiteers dancin’ ‘n laughin’ at the evenin’ bashes;
                              Silvery shiny bits that stay on Rune’s eyelashes;
                              The fellowship with fans that this con brings;
                              These are a few of our favorite things.

                              Then the con ends,
                              Then the plane flies,
                              Then we’re feelin’ sad,
                              We simply remember our favorite things,
                              And then we don't feel soooooo bad.

                              Apologies to Rodgers & Hammerstein
                              LOL! I love it!


                                Originally posted by SEREN LWCH (MAL)
                                290 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                Woohoo! That days to go! November is almost here!

