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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
    Believe me when I say that the security was necessary!

    Oh, I believe you - it just seemed such a contrast


      You have to remember though, RDA was a much bigger star though, more mainstream too, his fan-base is huge, and a lot of people have been with him for a REALLY long time. Unfortunately, that means a whole host of whackos. I think he needs the security, I can totally see why he went for years without doing any cons at all.

      I think it's nice when guests choose to mingle and stuff. At the same time I flit between being terrified for them, and thinking that they brought it all on themselves when the 3rd looney from the right says or does something completely dodgy to them...

      And Eh-T, we should so have a coffee date so you can tell me interesting psychology things, it's my favourite!


        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        I didn't go to MTM, but I was still at the hotel during it and what really struck me was that the TSE peeps were often seen just wandering about chatting to fans - Martin and Damian had their lunch sitting by the fountain outside the Sheraton - whereas all we saw of RDA was the back of his head as he was escorted by what looked like a bunch of bodyguards from one part of the hotel to another. Just seemed odd after the layed-back attitude we were used to from the TSE peeps *shrugs*
        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
        Believe me when I say that the security was necessary!

        Absolutely. That is the sad reality. The more well-known you are the more the security is necessary. Sorry to say that I have heard many a horror story about what fans have done to guests.

        I have said this before, at AT3 I was rather naive, I was taken aback to see that AT had security. I thought that everyone would be like me. Interested to hear from the guest, pleased to meet them but completely polite and respectful of AT and her boundaries. Soon learned that many fans don't know the meaning of boundaries.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
          You have to remember though, RDA was a much bigger star though, more mainstream too, his fan-base is huge, and a lot of people have been with him for a REALLY long time. Unfortunately, that means a whole host of whackos. I think he needs the security, I can totally see why he went for years without doing any cons at all.

          I think it's nice when guests choose to mingle and stuff. At the same time I flit between being terrified for them, and thinking that they brought it all on themselves when the 3rd looney from the right says or does something completely dodgy to them...

          And Eh-T, we should so have a coffee date so you can tell me interesting psychology things, it's my favourite!
          It's a date. Be happy to start with an analysis of you.

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.



            My ego will like this ahahahaha


              All right, I have some questions, and I figure you all are the best people to answer them.

              1) How far in advance are the Gabit events announced? I can't go this year, but I'm hoping to plan and budget for going in 2013, and am trying to get a rough estimate of when I'll be able to know dates. I know that they have to arrange around AT's schedule, but I'm curious.

              2) What is the difference between TSE and AT# events? Are there more than one TSE?

              3) Are the Gabit events (AT# specifically) always in the same hotel?

              Thanks! Hopefully I'll be able to meet all you guys one of these go-arounds!


                Selene - I'll try to answer your q, but I'm sure if I get anything wrong, the GABITy people more in the know will correct!

                In the past we found out about the next GABIT event at the current one ... so probably won't hear confirmation about TSE2/AT7 (my mind boggles just writing that LOL) until the closing day of AT6

                TSE involved multiple actors/directors/producers - oh my gosh amazing peoples!!! AT events centre on Amandaness We've only had one TSE thus far ... (*hint*hint*) which took place in Vancouver. I didn't manage to make it to either AT1/2 (loooooong stories), but AT3-6 have been at the Renaissance Hotel at Heathrow (aka 'the Ren').
                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                ames on facebook
                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                  the at events seem to come about every 1+1/2 years, so plan on 2014 i would guess. although i would certainly not complain if (G-4 people-don't read this) they had AT7 in 2013. but i wouldn't count on it. ok G-4...all clear. whether there will be a TSE2 is wishful thinking on our part. but never give up hope.

                  EH-T i think i met you at the vancouver creation con in 2007. that was my 1st full con(did day pass at chicago prior to that as my first con experience. in fact that's where one of the vendors that i spent some time chatting with told me about the gabit event. i'm pretty sure the vanc. con is where i saw teryl.
                  it was a gatecon that amanda and teryl were together on stage.
                  212 days, 14 hours, 53 min. +53 sec. till cocktail party


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    Might have to take a number Chelle.
                    Maybe Mumsey should have a "take a number" machine.

                    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                    Rick's fans are very different to Amanda's (and the Sanctuary cast). They are very much centered on him and little else. That level of concentration can be a bit overwhelming and makes for a very different atmosphere. I've been a fan for years, and I found MTM (and Avalon) to be ... odd. The Gatecon he went to had other guests and so the RDA fans were a little more diluted.

                    Waxing philosophical.
                    We tried to be very gentle with him at Avalon.

                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    Absolutely. That is the sad reality. The more well-known you are the more the security is necessary. Sorry to say that I have heard many a horror story about what fans have done to guests.

                    I have said this before, at AT3 I was rather naive, I was taken aback to see that AT had security. I thought that everyone would be like me. Interested to hear from the guest, pleased to meet them but completely polite and respectful of AT and her boundaries. Soon learned that many fans don't know the meaning of boundaries.
                    You didn't know that was all for you?
                    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                    William Shakespeare

                    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                      For Selene0789:

                      Have to agree with most everything said here. Seems to be about 18 months between AT events which would put it in 2014.

                      Gabit puts on both AT and TSE. But AT is an Amanda event. TSE - The Sanctuary Experience - had cast and production crew from Sanctuary and there has only been one although everyone (accept maybe Gabit) would love another one!

                      Mocha - if you went to AT3 then I first met you there but I definately remember the Creation Con in Vancouver. Teryl was there but not Amanda. And no one puts on an event as good as GABIT!

                      And I never knew about AT event until AT3. Has always been at the Ren since then, can't say before.

                      But Mumsey - come on and answer the ladies questions. You know more about this then we do!


                        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                        ((((Chelle)))) You can collect when you get here!
                        I was planning to - it was just the weirdest thing though - one minute I'm moving house then the next you're standing there and we're shaking hands- no reason at dreams are just weird.
                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        Might have to take a number Chelle.
                        Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
                        1) I think Mumsey should start charging, missing a trick there...
                        Poor Mumsey...I can see her now standig at the front of a very long line waiting to be hugged by many...I don't mind taking a number - just so long as I get one of those special hugs from Mumsey.
                        I miss everyone from AT4.
                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        I have a BA with a psychology major. We used to do experiments studying the behaviour of others. I have to admit that I find myself falling back into that sometimes at cons. (Yes, you all need to be wary...I am studying you! )
                        Uh oh - thats kinda scary.
                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                        I didn't go to MTM, but I was still at the hotel during it and what really struck me was that the TSE peeps were often seen just wandering about chatting to fans - Martin and Damian had their lunch sitting by the fountain outside the Sheraton - whereas all we saw of RDA was the back of his head as he was escorted by what looked like a bunch of bodyguards from one part of the hotel to another. Just seemed odd after the layed-back attitude we were used to from the TSE peeps *shrugs*
                        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                        Believe me when I say that the security was necessary!
                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                        Oh, I believe you - it just seemed such a contrast
                        Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
                        You have to remember though, RDA was a much bigger star though, more mainstream too, his fan-base is huge, and a lot of people have been with him for a REALLY long time. Unfortunately, that means a whole host of whackos. I think he needs the security, I can totally see why he went for years without doing any cons at all.
                        I think it's nice when guests choose to mingle and stuff. At the same time I flit between being terrified for them, and thinking that they brought it all on themselves when the 3rd looney from the right says or does something completely dodgy to them...
                        I had heard that RDA had a bad experience some years ago with fans, so him doing the SG cons was/is a HUGE which I am grateful he took. I loved meeting him in Melbourne in 2010 but sadly there was one fan that got too pushy and ruined a perfectly nice conversation we were having about his motorbike & riding through the hills in California...then this girl came along and practically pounced on him. He was certainly take aback from it and then tried to diffuse the situation but by then he was keen to move away and closer to security. Apart from the fact our conversation was rudely interputed, I was more annoyed with this fans bad behaviour. I felt for the guy.
                        Sometimes I feel for actors who need security - sad coz they can't just walk to where they want, in fear of some overzealous fan wanting to push themselves upon the actor...personally, I don't get it. I love talking to the guests but I also respect they are a person just like anyone else who deserves more respect then what some of them get.
                        Oh dear fandom - you are but a fickle thing.

                        Cannot wait to set foot in the Ren this November...I hope time slows down while we are all there - I want to absorb & cherish every second.
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          We usually try and announce our intentions for the next event at the one we are at So look out for the next event announcement at AT6.We don't always have all the information at that time, so we might only give and event code or season or year!

                          All our AT events have been at the ren at heathrow. We like the hotel, it is easy for people to get to and they are used to our excentricities! There are not many hotels that have the right room sizes for us and that beautiful lobby where we can all hang out.

                          As for actual future plans, we do have some, but if I told you I'd have to kill you all and that would be messy.



                            But Becky - we would all die happy...yes???
                            Cannot wait - I know I won't be attending AT7 but depending on time & money, I may and will try so hard to get to's kinda been on my bucket list since I first heard of the Gabit pressure G4!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              But Becky - we would all die happy...yes???
                              Cannot wait - I know I won't be attending AT7 but depending on time & money, I may and will try so hard to get to's kinda been on my bucket list since I first heard of the Gabit pressure G4!
                              Yes but If I killed you all, Becca Would be duty bound to arrest me and then I wouldn't be able to do the events anymore.

                              No sadly you will have to remain blissfully in the dark.



                                Originally posted by becky_preen View Post

                                As for actual future plans, we do have some, but if I told you I'd have to kill you all and that would be messy.
                                And it would not be the Gabit way!

