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Stargate Art

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    Stargate Art

    Hi guys, this is my first post, and I wanted to contribute somewhat. Here is a tribute to SG-A. Feel free to add you pictures 2d or 3d here! I am also extremely bored so any suggestions for models are welcome!
    Image Below

    Last edited by Atlantean; 10 March 2005, 03:00 PM.

    Well, no comments at all so far. Anyway, I was thinking about modeling/animating a scene with a puddlejumper and a wraith fighter in it.Again, any suggestions?


      Well I do not have any "art" to post, but I wanted to comment on your picture. It is beautiful, can I snurch it please ?


        i think it's a cool pic and i agree with the person who suggested putting a puddle jumper in

        also, and this is meant as totally constructive, you might want to play with your shadows and lighting. for example, i'd expect to see a blue glow on the trees from the gate, and to see some sort of shadow from the dias and maybe some depth to the grass

        A co-worker of mine plays around with lightwave and he's found that part of making the objects look 'real' also includes the shadows and lighting, which can do wonders to fool the eyes
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Alrightly, I have a new version. I also have the same stargate in gold/green. If anybody wants a fullscreen pic for w/e, just pm me.

          1) Improved lighting/shadows
          2) When dialed, Stargate has ALL symbols lighted up
          3) Some stargates are grey
          4) I felt that the original event horizon was nice but not really acurrate

          Last edited by Atlantean; 11 March 2005, 05:06 PM.


            neither of the Event Horizon's look accurate. They're too sky blue in colour and there isn't much in the way of ripples in the puddle. The Stargate is a good model, but the texturing doesn't look too realistic. It looks too cartoony and less photo-realistic.


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              what indiana said. if the event horizon was a couple of shades darker and the ripples smaller it'd fit more in with the scale.

              i do think it's coming along great! you're doing much more than i can. we have lightwave at work but i've never gotten the hang of it
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Doesn't look too bad, but for the most part like the other's have said, try going with a darker puddle. Or maybe even a Glass effect, if the program you're running has that option.

                Me, I'm just tinkering with photomanipulation. Helps pass the time at work when it's too quiet. (see sig below)


                  Version 2 is definately better - i love the light on the trees.

                  McKay: In military parlance surprise... is an element on our side.


                    All right, version three. In a dream(honestly), I realized that the event horizon is more a progression from dark to light. So I fixed it. I cropped the image so its stargate is more in focus. Oh, and the reason the stargate looks "cartoony" is because to render in a photorealistic manner would require way better hardware than I have accesst to. I shall continue to refine though. BTW, I attended a skills Canada animation competition this weekend, and placed 5th! Its not so bad considering this is my first year doing this stuff. Unfortunatly, I didn't have enough time to model a stargate...

                    Last edited by Atlantean; 14 March 2005, 01:53 PM.


                      What are you using to render it? There appears to be some choppiness on the left side of the event horizon.


                        ALright, version 3 is fixed. I'm using maya 6.5.
                        Last edited by Atlantean; 14 March 2005, 01:45 PM.

