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Seriously they couldn't mount a better defense?

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    For one it obvious what the US did to get the chair base in the USA, the USA bribe the Chinese and other country by giving them a vessels probably with some kind of deal on the following ground, every other vessel produce go to a different nation, so this time Chinese got one, America get the General Hammond and well hopefully the British will get the one after that off the production line, America will get the next and the French will get the one after that.

    My disappointment was the lack of preparations in earth defence, I know they only had a few days but they seriously should of have more capabilties than they showed in the ep. Especially as their still plenty of people in the Galaxy that do not like us.
    Like the defensive shield supposedly installed in our facilities by the Asgard when they were around.
    Rail guns, missiles batteries.
    A couple of Gould ships we have captured over the years.

    As well as requesting all the SGA teams to travel back with sheppered as well they actually have experience with the Wraith.

    They also should have the Wraith launch all their fighters and have them start culling cities as soon as the first two successfully crash into Area 51.


      Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
      For one it obvious what the US did to get the chair base in the USA, the USA bribe the Chinese and other country by giving them a vessels probably with some kind of deal on the following ground, every other vessel produce go to a different nation, so this time Chinese got one, America get the General Hammond and well hopefully the British will get the one after that off the production line, America will get the next and the French will get the one after that.

      My disappointment was the lack of preparations in earth defence, I know they only had a few days but they seriously should of have more capabilties than they showed in the ep. Especially as their still plenty of people in the Galaxy that do not like us.
      Like the defensive shield supposedly installed in our facilities by the Asgard when they were around.
      Rail guns, missiles batteries.
      A couple of Gould ships we have captured over the years.

      As well as requesting all the SGA teams to travel back with sheppered as well they actually have experience with the Wraith.

      They also should have the Wraith launch all their fighters and have them start culling cities as soon as the first two successfully crash into Area 51.
      Yeah I guess you figured that the hive would have sent a squadron of darts to start the culling process. I guess they figured that the survival of the hive was the first priority. Then once they had squashed resistance, they would start feeding at the buffet.

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        Remember Area51 isnt top priority, whatever the total number of f-302s are, theyre probably stationed around the country/world to protect key assetts. Theyre not THAT fast that a couple squadrons can be redeployed from DC to Nevada in 20 minutes.

        An honestly, as key as the chair was DC is more important. Darts do the culling, f302s would need to stay there for that eventuality.


          Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
          I don't see why fighter pilots would have the required level of clearance, particularly considering that you can actually start flying your 'type' relatively early on in your career, directly after training. You obviously have to have a certain level of clearance, but it really wouldn't be the highest - most fighter pilots would be junior officers. And they're not going to have the same clearance as a General in charge of a major facility, or even a junior Intelligence Officer.
          Why not? Those pilots need to be available for emergency national defense situations when no aliens are involved. According to wikipedia: "The United States has three levels of classification: confidential, secret, and top secret." Now I don't know this, but "We have intercepted a report stating that Russia plans on attacking the US" seems like it would be top secret. Any pilots sent out in a preemptive mission would probably have the clearance level to know this. Just because they have a level of clearance probably doesn't mean they have some sort of right to know all information at that level.

          Now, if there was some other level made up for the show to deal with alien stuff, that's fine. I'm willing to go for that if it has been stated on the show.


            Originally posted by cobraR478 View Post
            Why not? Those pilots need to be available for emergency national defense situations when no aliens are involved. According to wikipedia: "The United States has three levels of classification: confidential, secret, and top secret." Now I don't know this, but "We have intercepted a report stating that Russia plans on attacking the US" seems like it would be top secret. Any pilots sent out in a preemptive mission would probably have the clearance level to know this. Just because they have a level of clearance probably doesn't mean they have some sort of right to know all information at that level.

            Now, if there was some other level made up for the show to deal with alien stuff, that's fine. I'm willing to go for that if it has been stated on the show.
            Well, my military clearance level knowledge IS based on the British system, but what I do know is that certain roles within the military, for example a Special Operations Force, or an Intelligence Officer are subject to an even more rigorous security check than say an Engineer might be. This we call 'developed vetting'. Not everyone gets this. Now, my ASSUMPTION is that there'd be a similar system in the US. Now I don't doubt that some pilots would have a DV equivilent, but I'd doubt all would.

            "Five Rounds Rapid"



              Originally posted by _Ancients_ View Post
              They should have just pimped out the international space station with all kind of kick ass weapons, along with the space shuttles too. Of course you pretty much have to hope the the hive stays in a geosynchronous orbit over North America.

              Hopefully you all can tell I am being WAY sarcastic here...

              It would be hilarious if a TV in the background has a news anchor mentioning astronomers claiming to see brilliant rays of light periodically being emitted from the Space Station destroying miscellaneous objects .
              "Most of our John Sheppard impressions sound more like a demented Jimmy Stewart than Joe Flanigan."
              ~David Hewlett


                Originally posted by cobraR478 View Post
                Why not? Those pilots need to be available for emergency national defense situations when no aliens are involved. According to wikipedia: "The United States has three levels of classification: confidential, secret, and top secret." Now I don't know this, but "We have intercepted a report stating that Russia plans on attacking the US" seems like it would be top secret. Any pilots sent out in a preemptive mission would probably have the clearance level to know this. Just because they have a level of clearance probably doesn't mean they have some sort of right to know all information at that level.

                Now, if there was some other level made up for the show to deal with alien stuff, that's fine. I'm willing to go for that if it has been stated on the show.
                By that logic, the entire military would need Top Secret clearance. The US doesn't do the background check and grant clearance on everyone who MIGHT come to know secret information. The situation you are describing does not constitute "need to know".

                Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
                Well, my military clearance level knowledge IS based on the British system, but what I do know is that certain roles within the military, for example a Special Operations Force, or an Intelligence Officer are subject to an even more rigorous security check than say an Engineer might be. This we call 'developed vetting'. Not everyone gets this. Now, my ASSUMPTION is that there'd be a similar system in the US. Now I don't doubt that some pilots would have a DV equivilent, but I'd doubt all would.
                The US system is similar. SOF personnel (including Spectre gunship pilots) are granted TOP Secret clearance because their missions are typically TOP Secret, and they need to have the intensive background checks on them, anyway. That doesn't mean they'll be told everything classified at the same level, though. It just makes it less difficult to get authorization to tell. Also, the system isn't so rigid that it won't accept an un-cleared person having classified knowledge when necessary. If the regular troops have to know something to do their job, and someone authroizes it, they'll be told, regardless of their clearance, granted it will probably be the minimum amount of information necessary.


                  Originally posted by terr View Post
                  By that logic, the entire military would need Top Secret clearance. The US doesn't do the background check and grant clearance on everyone who MIGHT come to know secret information. The situation you are describing does not constitute "need to know".

                  The US system is similar. SOF personnel (including Spectre gunship pilots) are granted TOP Secret clearance because their missions are typically TOP Secret, and they need to have the intensive background checks on them, anyway. That doesn't mean they'll be told everything classified at the same level, though. It just makes it less difficult to get authorization to tell. Also, the system isn't so rigid that it won't accept an un-cleared person having classified knowledge when necessary. If the regular troops have to know something to do their job, and someone authroizes it, they'll be told, regardless of their clearance, granted it will probably be the minimum amount of information necessary.
                  Yep, spot on with the UK aswell.

                  You can go above your clearance level if supervised and if is required for your duty.

                  "Five Rounds Rapid"



                    Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
                    I don't know. Considering it's a very old facility, and is essentially, an airbase, unless I'm mistaken... what would the reasons for it being underground?
                    Oh, I don't know, maybe the nuclear threat of the Cold War?


                      Originally posted by Azdgari View Post
                      Oh, I don't know, maybe the nuclear threat of the Cold War?
                      It existed before the Cold War though, and whilst I don't doubt it has bunkers, that doesn't guarantee it would be an underground complex.

                      "Five Rounds Rapid"



                        Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
                        It existed before the Cold War though, and whilst I don't doubt it has bunkers, that doesn't guarantee it would be an underground complex.
                        I have watched a couple of documentaries of old US military installations here in the US. A couple of them were built pre-cold war and they had an underground bunker system that they recently let the public in on. So it certainly a possibility that Area 51 has some sort of underground facility.

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                          Originally posted by _Ancients_ View Post
                          I have watched a couple of documentaries of old US military installations here in the US. A couple of them were built pre-cold war and they had an underground bunker system that they recently let the public in on. So it certainly a possibility that Area 51 has some sort of underground facility.
                          I'm not denying it's a possibility. Just that it's not guaranteed.

                          "Five Rounds Rapid"



                            Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
                            I'm not denying it's a possibility. Just that it's not guaranteed.
                            I am a knowledgeable military man myself, but my time/knowledge of land base installations are very limited.

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                              if the chair was underground the damage would make geting to it imposible in the amount of time they had


                                Originally posted by spiegelj View Post
                                if the chair was underground the damage would make geting to it imposible in the amount of time they had
                                We were thinking in terms of it being able to withstand a direct hit by the darts. Which may have been designed to withstand a nuclear detonation to begin with. Possibly anyways. Then the chair room underneath the main base would have been still intact.

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